Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Moving day!

We are all moved out from our home! Our home will now be the home for the new owners. A family of 3 just like ours. I know they will love this home as we did! 

One thing I'll miss the most from this home is the view! 

Every season this view is beautiful! 

The move took us a week because we needed to put all our furniture in storage as our new home isn't finished yet! 

I was sooo impressed with little K. Amoungst the chaos of the moving weekend he was soooo good! Helping when he could or keeping himself entertained as we were busy moving things in and out. He was so patient with the constant traveling as we moved from point A to point B C D lol haha. 

As long as he had his toys he was one happy boy. Here's his newest dinosaur that wanted his pic taken. 
Haha! I love how straight little k was holding it to have his picture taken. Total cuteness! 

As each room was emptied, little k would walk through saying WHOA all gone, sofa all gone, shirts all gone, crib gone. Again, sooo impressed that he was really understanding that we were moving. 

Last night we went to pick up a few last things and took a final walkthrough. I was fine through the whole move until I walked around the empty home. Bhaaaa then I bursted into tears. We had so many great memories here with family and friends. Many great parties bringing our families closer together. Our new home will do the same! I'm excited for our future! 

Here are our goodbye pics. 

And the last thing to take from our home, and as little K says, "thank you Jesus" 

New beginnings for this little family... :)

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