Showing posts with label doctor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctor. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1 month old blog post!

Kristian is 1 month old!!!

Birth Weight 6lbs 12 oz (19 3/4 long)

2 weeks old weight 7lbs 13 oz

1 month weight 8lbs 11 oz (21 inches long)

At his 2 month checkup he will get his vaccines. The doctor gave me this list.

Some things this mama did not know about having a newborn....

Cleaning his nose. A friend recommended these drops and it works great to clean his nose.

His long long nails, I finally cut and filed them, but mittens are necessary so little one does not get to his eyes ha!

Breast fed babies need Vitamin D drops. Once a day. My doctor gave me 2 bottles to start giving baby K.

Fussy/gassy periods of the day. As my doctor says... do whatever works! The sound of white noise works great, cuddles and rocking works and some days I gave Gripe water if I hear his being gassy with pain. It happened a couple times.

These are the two books I like so far.  What to expect first year my friend recommended and I recommend as well now.

I love this sweet boy sooo much! Happy 1 month baby K! I get a little emotional about it, It still feels like I just had him yesterday. Love him sooo much! Even when he cries for 3 hours straight haha!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sterilizing bottles-what do you do?

Today baby K had his 2 week check up. He is up in weight and his doctor was happy! He is now 7lbs 13oz ;) my big boy! Our doctor really wants us to breastfeed only, which we are trying. We are doing well but we top up with formula a couple times a day. I'm pumping between Feedings when I can to use that as the top up as much as possible. Either way it's working for us so far and doctor was glad we found what works best for us ;)

Before I gave birth I was always concerned about sterilizing bottles. I heard many different things from different people. So last week I asked his doctor If I should boil the bottles and nipples etc. He said I could if I want.... But didn't elaborate. So today I asked again ;) he said soap and water is just fine and boiling is not necessary. Which sounds great to me! I've been making bottle soup for 2 weeks now haha! He also told me to watch the documentary "babies". My SIL told me about this movie a couple weeks ago. So I'm eager to watch it.

How do you wash bottles? For my pump I have the microwave steam bags which I love.

After his appointment we went to buy some clothes and went to best buy to pick up pictures.

Baby K was soo good and just slept the whole time yay!

Monday, May 30, 2011

17 weeks!

(17 weeks 1 day pic)
This week!
How Far Along: 17 weeks 3 days!
Size of baby: Sweet Potato!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: haven't weighed myself this week ...(But funny story below)
Sleep: Better! whoohoo. Except for last night (see below)
Symptoms: Rosy cheeks. However I just have it in the morning and by the afternoon my skin is back to it's pale self. ahah!
Cravings: Appetite is back! and I haven't had too many food aversions. I'm loving cold things like ice caps and smoothies! The last couple months I couldn't finish a whole dish, and yesterday I ate my whole dinner yum!

Some new items:

My mom went to Montreal last weekend and she bought this for the baby. How cute... and yes I do love poutine mmmmm! (french fries topped with cheese and smothered in gravy... so not healthy but delicious!)

Last night I had a sleepless night... because many of my symptoms are going away now (I know second trimester things are better) But I guess it made me worry. I had bad dreams and woke up crying and sooo worried I didn't sleep at all! (Hormones? I guess so ha!)

So I took the day off to visit my doctor. My OB wasn't in so I went to my family doctor. For those of you that read my blog you know my doctor is 80 years old and very old school and very direct.

We heard the heart beat.. well she did, I couldn't really tell, but she said it was there and not to worry.

She then told me to swim everyday (hmm ok, like I don't have a job or a life lol) If I had my own pool then I would haha! She also said to watch my weight especially since my weight was high for me pre-preg. She said at my weight now I can starve and the baby will be fine.... UMMMM ok! SO I will faint all over. I'll take a grain of truth and be more aware of what I eat and go for more walks, but in this area I will follow what my OB says and so far my OB is not concerned at all. I've read enough pregnancy books and I also read the research done on fetus's that were deprived of food come out expecting no food will be available, and the truth is, there is food. These babies are then more likely to grow up obese because of this. Of course the same goes for moms that eat a lot of sugar. I don't go crazy following everything I read, because it will make me crazy. But geez, there's a balance lady!

Lucky I have a good sense of humor and not an obsessive person, so these things just roll right off me.

So that was my fun morning haha! I then spent an hour at Toys R Us looking at car seats and baby products. I also napped all afternoon. It was nice.

Hope you all had a good Monday.