Showing posts with label little k. Show all posts
Showing posts with label little k. Show all posts

Friday, March 06, 2015

16 weeks!

How Far Along: 
16 weeks! 

Size of baby: An Onion!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10lbs boo!

Gender: 4 
weeks until we find out, well actually my sister will find out! Then we will have a gender reveal party with close family and friends! Can't wait! 

Movement: Flutters :) 

Sleep: love my sleep 

Cravings: Nothing really that lasts more than a day ha! 

Symptoms: ligament pain in my belly! The past couple days I've been really feeling the weight in my belly! 

Belly rubs from these cuties ha! 

Little K completed his first week of school!!!  He had some good days and sons bad days. He did so well today so he's getting the hang of things quickly! 

Love my boys more than anything in this world!!! 

This weekend we are getting more furniture and shopping for more house decor. The house is coming together! We have a busy weekend!!! 

Some new items 

Swivel stools! 

I'm still working on little k's room, I should be mostly done by Sunday! 

He is soo happy with his new room!

Have a good weekend friends! 

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

First couple of days

So it's the first couple of days, new home, new routine, new school for little k. 

We are still trying to get into the new routine. 

Little k did very well the first couple days at the new school. But this morning he was crying for his previous daycare ;( 
It will take some time. The new school said he's doing very well throughout the day eating, napping, playing, participating and going to the bathroom no problem! 

In our home we have a lot to do still. We have a garage full of boxes to be sorted through. This weekend we get the rest of our furniture, I can't wait to have ecerything organized and in place!

Some pictures below! 
New Powder room mirror 

Loving his new bathtub too! 

I am one tired preggo! I was in bed at 9pm last night ha! So it's going to be a very slow set up haha.

Much needed snack breaks between running around! 

I'll have to post my 16 week post at the end of the week. I saw my OB Monday and heard the heart beat! 162! 

Happy hump day friends! 

Monday, January 26, 2015

My big news!


Do you know now! 

Ha! Finally the secrets out! Boy was it hard to keep! 

I started to show right away! And started feeling pregnancy symptoms even before I missed my period. 

Like  increased sense of smell. Omg I was in tune with every scent/odor around me! 

I had a couple clues very early on. Like mood swings. Ha. I went from zero to 100 real quick. Tired tired tired! Way more exhausted now than I was with little k. 

Early cravings, I remember one day buying takeout and the man next to me bought a milkshake. I never buy or want milkshakes, but this time, my eyes were locked on it. Haha and I had a war in my head, get it, don't get it, just get it, don't get it! I walked out without it. Then couldn't stop thinking about it. I knew right then, I had to be pregnant! lol I sent the husband back out to get it, a chocolate and vanilla one haha! 

Since then my cravings are mostly for salty tangy foods. My emotions are off the wall. I'll cry if I step on a ant kinda emotions. Poor ant could have had a family. I'm mama bear to the extreme. Taking no BS from anyone or anything negative that comes our way. My family first that's my priority. My little boys happiness and well being drives all my decisions. 

Just this weekend I announced my pregnancy on Facebook. The amount of love we received was soo amazing. We love all our family and friends. Seeing them all genuinely happy for us is the best feeling. We are so blessed. 

Our little family is sooo excited! 
Little k is excited to be a big brother, he won't stop talking about it, and already asked to hold the baby. Ha! 

I'll start my weekly pregnancy update posts starting next week. Tracking belly growth and how I'm feeling! 

This picture was taken first week of January! Eep I'm bigger than that now! 

I'm already in maternity pants and skirts. We got 7 more months to go!  Due date expected Aug 22. :) 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Potty time!

Yes this is the most exciting thing happening right now. Potty training! Well little k has been on and off potty training since he was 2! When I thought he was really getting it  he decided to forget about it. So I left if alone until he was closer to 3. He would go sometimes but other times would full out refuse and say "no I don't want to" or "mommy will clean diaper" haha well finally at just a bit after 3 years old this little man is fully potty trained! All on his own! Well help from us giving him little gifts when he did start going on his own. We did that a couple times and that's it. No more diapers! He was ready when he was ready! 

He even wakes a couple times at night when he has to pee! I wasn't expecting that! 

I'm so proud! Little k has always been like that! We can't force him to do things he doesn't want to do! But when he's ready he's ready and he puts his all in it! 

He's now fully ready for school next month! 

Our kids totally surprise us don't they! 

We had a fun weekend out and about. 

First we tried to get a haircut but that didn't work out ha! But a walk in the mall with his little cousin made for a fun Saturday morning. 

Friday night was date night. Dinner and a movie. We decided to go to red lobster, omg we haven't been there in years! 

We then caught a late movie. American Sniper. It was such a good movie. The theatre was silent when it was over not a word as people exited the theatre. Watch it! 

Today the weather was better so we went for a little walk in the park before running some errands. 
Weekend is over, another tired Monday ahead! Haha! 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

3 years old!!

My little K! You are not my baby boy anymore but now my big boy! Some days I think WOW! you are a little man, so independent and driven. A little man with such character. You know what you want and you are not easily persuaded ha! Dad and I see so much of our personalities in you. So far all the good things :) which make you a balanced little boy.  

You amaze me every day and I can’t believe WE made you!

It feels like just yesterday I walked into the hospital wondering when you were going to be born, and was shocked when the doctor said it would be TODAY! Well yesterday since I was in labour for 12 hours! That was not easy. BUT It was all wiped out the second I saw you and ALL worth it for YOU!

You ask us everyday for a baby brother, (I'm writing this as proof) HA! it’s the cutest thing! I know you will be the best big brother! You are sweet and protective, oh and a little bossy too. You love to tell us what to do ha!


You are in size 3T clothing and size 9-9.5 shoe. 30lbs maybe! We need to weigh you soon, last we checked you were 28lbs. You are slim and tall. You are growing fast and you have growing pains in your knees to prove it. You are lazy with potty training, you KNOW all about it and ask to use it when you feel like it, and other times say to me, “mama will clean it” Ha! Guess that is easier! 

You know your colors, numbers and letters. You have about 20 dinosaur names memorized! You are obsessed with dinosaurs, robots, swords and pretty much any game that you and daddy play.

 You love Daddy soo much. You two are a tag team and you want to be with him every second! I love to just sit back and watch you two play. It always melts my heart! 

You know that mommy is here to make you feel better when you are down or feeling sick.  You know I'm your comfort and always here to hold you close and always cuddle you when you need it.. 


We love you soooo much and we are so proud of you! You are learning and growing so much and it’s the most amazing thing for us to part of!

Happy 3rd birthday my little dinosaur!!! 

I can't wait for you to open all your dinosaur gifts!