Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2019

I’m back!

Whoa! My last blog post was in July! I’ve been struggling with whether to continue the blog or just let it be something of the past. Hmm!

The other night I came over and began reading all my past posts. Whaaa!! I documented soo much of my life over the past 10 years! But these days Instagram (@aka_mama_t) and FB do the same thing, in less words haha. Sooo I’ll just check in, now and again until I figure it all out.

Soooo much has changed this year!!! And boy did I miss a lot of good blog postings haha. 

Where to begin! I don’t even know!

Ok, so the biggest change in our lives has been me quitting the corporate scene to stay home with the kiddos. 

With life being so busy with 2 kiddos, 2 working parents, our house location at the time  and long commutes, it was soo draining! To the point the kids were being vocal about it too! So we made the decision to sell our home, (it didn’t happen over night! We had plan A B and C  because it took a year to sell) but it did sell and we made a move that would allow me to stay home with the kids too. The best decision for my family at this point in our lives. 👍🏻 

As I began scrolling the pics to post here, I went through thousands haha because umm my last post was July 2018! Maybe I shouldn’t take a break from blogging again! 🤭 

I have tons I want to share now that I got started! But I’ll have to come back to post! Yay! I think I may be back again for good! Stay tuned!!! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Thanksgiving long weekend!

The weather was perfect this weekend. We had a couple of fun events and ended our weekend with a yummy turkey made by moi!  

Little K was so excited for the weekend! 

The Mr picked him up early on Friday, and that was a perfect start to the long weekend! 

First thing Saturday we had little k's swimming lessons. 
He is loving this class. He is so cute, always asking to go first when trying new things. 

After swimming lessons we met up with family and friends at a pumpkin patch! 
This place was beautiful and so scenic! 


The kids had soo much fun! 
Playing on the hills, going in the boo barn and riding a pony!!


After a fun day out we ended the evening at a yummy restaurant. 
We are so proud of our kids. They love socializing and being out together with family and friends. They were having their own little conversation and asking each other what they will order. They had a blast! 

The family fun continued on Sunday. We had my grandmothers 85th birthday party! We love super Nonna soo much! 

The food was soo good at this restaurant! My grandparents were so happy to have everyone together celebrating. 

We got my grandma a Kate spade purse! 

Then came Monday! We were up early and everyone helped in the kitchen! 

 Our new family tradition! 

I'm so proud of my turkey haha! It was my first time, and it came out delicious! I made rice, sweet potatoes, stuffing, mashed potatoes,beans, corn cranberry sauce, gravy soo good! And Apple pie for dessert! 

We said our prayer before our lunch and we all said out loud what we were thankful for. Little k said he was thankful for his cousins, his family and friends, his toys, iPad, and water. Haha. We helped him extend his thanks to many other things and also praying for those in need.

 We are so thankful and blessed to have amazing friends and family. We had a great weekend full of love. Making great memories and new traditions. 

Happy Thanksgiving, from our family to yours. 



Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Messy days

Ha, when little k comes through the door he sees the house in chaos and yells out, "OMG soooooo messy" ha! How funny is that! 

We are explaining to him that we are moving and we are saying bye to our house. He sort of understands it and also knows and has confidence that wherever mommy and daddy are, is home. 

He is being such a good little helper. 

The husnand and I are sooo sore from packing and moving boxes and furniture. 

This is what my house looked like on the weekend.


Car full of boxes moving on the weekend.  Little k was loving the adventure. 

I'm looking forward to some organization in the upcoming weeks ;)

Thanksgiving is coming up and we have soo much to be thankful for. 

"Give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." [1.Th 5:18].