Friday, April 12, 2019

Catch up

My blog has always been sort of an online album with descriptions of all our memories. I still haven’t decided if I’ll continue on this way or change it up. I do love being able to read back on different stages of our lives and how far we’ve come; hence, growing towards a dream... my 10 years ago self  had many of the things I have today on my vision board! 

Back to being “back” since I missed sooo many months of posting, I’ll quickly add 100 pics below haha!! With short descriptions. Jusssst so I can have them logged here! Haha 
Then the next blog post I want focused on our February family trip. You can see many of the pics on my Instagram too. 

Ok here we go!
August 2018! Baby M turned 3!!!!
 This little 3 year old is full of energy but loves a good cuddle. He’s super sweet and loves singing. Especially Drake songs. Gods plan his fave! 

My birthday is in August too! This year (2018) I had a little weekend getaway with my mom, who shares the same birthday as I, and my sister and aunt! We went to two sisters winery and had soo much fun. I can’t wait to do it again this year! 

This summer we got a boat! Soo many of our weekends and weeknights we were on the water! 

Ok this post might be longer than I thought haha. 

We can’t forget our yearly traditions of camping! 

Last year was even more fun with baby M being older and loving the great outdoors. 

Over the summer we decorated the new home and had many family get togethers. 

We had our thanksgiving day turkey tradition. The kids love making the turkey all together. It’s a whole family event! 

Oh wait, can’t forget that Mr K also started a new school! He was so brave! I was so worried about the switch, but as always he shocked me! He loves his new school. 

Ok where are we. Hmm. Our fam traditions. TFC soccer, great wolf lodge, Santa! Christmas and New Years! 

Kris turned 7!!! It’s been Minecraft everything, everyday! 

Our unfinished backyard has a hill which was the BEST this winter! Soo much fun! 

Great wolf lodge is always so much fun. 

Santa! Haha baby M was still terrified. We all had to sit on Santa. 

Happy New Year! Haha. We hosted NYE at our house and everyone had a blast. 

Winter has been long! And cold! 

As I quickly summed up the last 9 months 🤦🏻‍♀️ I wish I would have blogged each of those moments with more detail! For now I just wanted to get up to date. Although I missed a whole lot! But you try scrolling through thousands of pics haha. Not easy! 

So that leaves me to my next blog post before I get back to regularly posting.

Our 2019 family vacay! 😘😘if you read up until now you are awesome. I’ll be back soon! 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

I’m back!

Whoa! My last blog post was in July! I’ve been struggling with whether to continue the blog or just let it be something of the past. Hmm!

The other night I came over and began reading all my past posts. Whaaa!! I documented soo much of my life over the past 10 years! But these days Instagram (@aka_mama_t) and FB do the same thing, in less words haha. Sooo I’ll just check in, now and again until I figure it all out.

Soooo much has changed this year!!! And boy did I miss a lot of good blog postings haha. 

Where to begin! I don’t even know!

Ok, so the biggest change in our lives has been me quitting the corporate scene to stay home with the kiddos. 

With life being so busy with 2 kiddos, 2 working parents, our house location at the time  and long commutes, it was soo draining! To the point the kids were being vocal about it too! So we made the decision to sell our home, (it didn’t happen over night! We had plan A B and C  because it took a year to sell) but it did sell and we made a move that would allow me to stay home with the kids too. The best decision for my family at this point in our lives. 👍🏻 

As I began scrolling the pics to post here, I went through thousands haha because umm my last post was July 2018! Maybe I shouldn’t take a break from blogging again! 🤭 

I have tons I want to share now that I got started! But I’ll have to come back to post! Yay! I think I may be back again for good! Stay tuned!!!