Monday, June 20, 2011

My 20 week ultrasound

Look at baby K! Today I went for my 20 week ultrasound. It was the same one as last week, but last week baby K wasn't cooperating, he was turned over and the technician couldn't get pics of his heart so she made me come back today.  It was so nice seeing him swim around and move his lips. So cute. 20 more weeks to go!

Last week I ordered some things from  I ordered from
I will get Kristian's name on the hat.
 And his initial on a cute onesie :)
I've been thinking a lot about the nursery and I have a lot of ideas for it so I can't wait to get started on that!

I haven't been in the mood for any meat lately, so tonight I made a veggie rice dish. Lots of broccoli and brussel sprouts and peas :) If you have any good veggie dishes send them my way :)

My sister just texted me saying she bought cake mix and icing so this weekend we're going to make cake pops! I'll let you know how they turn out! YUM!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

20 weeks preggo and wedding weekend :)

This week!
How Far Along: 20 weeks! Half way there!
Size of baby: A Banana!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 14lbs
Movement: At yesterdays wedding I felt the baby moving so much to the music!
Sleep: Why do I end up on my back? Ouch! I even had my first Braxton Hicks contraction when turning from one side to another last week. Ouch!
What I'm looking forward to: Decorating the nursery can't wait!
What I miss: Nothing! 

Yesterday we had a cousins wedding. It was interesting trying to find a dress. I bought 2 and tried them on with my sister and SIL and I decided to go with a dress I bought at H & M.
The wedding was beautiful and it's always fun getting together with the family. 

Here are some pics of our fun.
Bride and Groom

Sisters and nieces  :)

Husband showing my niece the trees

My family :)

Grandma having a blast at the reception
Family :)
Cake pops! i ate soo many! haha!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Finding out...

I was a little upset at last weeks "doctors" scheduled ultrasound. The technician was not friendly at all.  (I already knew it was a boy, because I paid for an ultrasound at UC baby) but I didn't say anything to the tech. All she said was "It's probably a boy, I see something between the legs" She showed me the small screen for a second and turned it away. She printed 2 fuzzy face pics and when I asked for better ones she said NO. Rude! I was sooo glad that I did not have that as my experience of finding out the sex of the baby. whew!

At 18 weeks husband and I were too excited and couldn't wait for the doctors ultrasound so we went to UC baby just around the corner from my home...ok we paid $200 for it (pretty expensive), but it was the BEST experience!

We seen the baby on a big screen moving around and sucking his thumb it was soo cute. Finding out it was a boy through that experience was amazing.  We also got 3 print outs and a whole CD of  pics of our little man. So I'm now telling friends to do the same to find out the sex of their babies instead of finding out through the cheesy lab machines. My opinion only of course :) But husband and I were happy we did it, and would do it again for later pregnancies :)


Thursday, June 16, 2011

My mom's procedure.

 This week was a little hectic. Mom had a heart procedure done on Tuesday.  My sister and I brought her down and stayed at the hospital all day.
 The procedure was to close a small hole in her heart. Everything went well and the doctor was confident she will be just fine. She had to stay over night and I picked her up yesterday.

My sister and I together is always fun. We make each other laugh so much. You would think we are teenagers at times ahah! When mom was getting rolled to her surgery room I said out loud "ROLL OUT" my sister and I just cracked up. It's probably our way of handling these types of situations. Sitting around in hospitals seems like such a norm to us since childhood (with many family members and Dad was always sick, heck and mom has had her fair share) so I'm sure that why we use our humor.

Spending the whole day there was exhausting. We spent some time outside too getting some sun. It was a beautiful day.

I was sooo tired yesterday, I went to bed early and today I'll relax a lot too!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

19 weeks pregnancy update!

19 weeks

This week!
How Far Along: 19 weeks 3 days today
Size of baby: Cantaloupe!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 14lbs gain
Maternity Clothes: maternity pants and bras, most tops I just wear a bigger size and I'm ok so far. I still wear some of my tights, but only the ones that go over the belly.  I can't wear anything under belly cause it hurts! Trying to find a dress that looks decent is a mission.  I have soo many occasions this summer, so this will be fun! haha!
Movement: Not much, just flutters here and there. I can't wait to feel kicks!
Today I went for a ultrasound and baby K was being shy and only showing his back.  The technician made me walk around and drink water and still he was facing down. I think he was napping.  So we had to reschedule the appointment for next week. This time I made it for the morning, hopefully that will make a difference. 
Sleep: Not doing so well, I'm ending up on my back which causes back pain after. However I'm compensating through naps.
Cravings: Last week I was obsessed with avocado and cucumber... I may be over it.
Best Moment so far: Finding out it's a BOY.
Some new items:
My sister bought baby K this cute outfit :)

When I went shopping on the weekend I picked up this little outfit. Every time I shop for me I try and pick up baby K a little something too!
Love baby clothes!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sushi and babysitting...

 Yesterday I met a good friend for sushi, she is preggo too (read her blog here :)
We ate soo much! We discussed our aches and pains and how we can barely roll out of bed. haha!
Then we went for a short stroll in Toys R us to get nursery ideas, we both are having boys! It was short because we were soo tired from that big meal.

They didn't have cucumber avocado rolls and I must have looked sad about it, so the waiter gave us 2 handrolls of cucumber avocado on the house. MMM there was like a whole avocado in there. mm mm

My friend surprised me with these cute gifts too! Baby K is getting soo many gifts already!! :)

In the evening I went over to visit my mom and sister. My sister made me dinner and we also had some food from my grandmother. Ever had this before?
 It's called Menestra, and it's pretty much mushy bread and a bunch of beans and veggies. Looks weird but it's delish!!

We also had wings and broccoli, Yum broccoli!

My SIL dropped off my niece so we can babysit for a couple hours. Ok there was 3 of us, my mom, my sister and me.... And we made my mom change and feed her cause we were struggling ahhah. She is so squirmy and want to crawl everywhere.  She's strong too!! A glimpse of my future with baby K ahhaa. 
She does have the most adorable personality though and makes us laugh! She's 9 months and she can give kisses, blow kisses, she rocks her baby dolls, she says "HI" and "What" and sounds like she says "Thank You" but we can't tell ahha. The funniest this, is that she'll drop all toys for a cell phone, she took our iphones and puts 2 thumbs on it like shes typing. Crazy!

Love her!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Big appetite-Yummy meals

My appetite is getting bigger and bigger as each day passes!

Today at lunch I made pasta and ate 2 bowls!
 For dinner I made breaded turkey with a side of salad and left over pasta.

I've also been eating a lot of avocados, just love em!

This evening we had a storm and tornado warnings.  Hail, thunder and lightning. My husband was still on his way home and Zoe and I ran down to the basement just in case! . The storm was soo loud and scary. Good thing it didn't last long and it wasn't as severe as they predicted.

After the storm we went to buy cake ...Yum!!!! This cake was goood!
Hope you're having a good week. :)

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

18 weeks pregnant

This week!
How Far Along: 18 weeks 3 days today.
Size of baby: Mango!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 14 lbs gained. My butt is growing at a faster rate than my belly..hmm.
Gender: Boy! Baby K
Sleep: better than before but still not getting much zzzz's 

Symptoms: More emotional these days, I am sooo sensitive! Headaches are back and backaches.
Cravings: None really, although I've been eating ice cream almost every day! I tried a new smoothie adding Similac... Not good! I'll stick to regular milk in my smoothies.

Best Moment so far: Finding out it's our little boy. Amazing feeling. 

For me: I need some stress relief, so I really want to make sure I'm walking more often and must start doing my pregnancy yoga dvd. I also need to really watch my water intake. I can't believe how hard it is for me to get only a min of 4 water bottles a day.

Hope you all are having a good day.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

It's Blue Blue Blue!

 It's a boy!!! My husband and I are sooo excited! Although I had a feeling it was a boy since the beginning!
I couldn't wait any longer so I went for an Ultrasound yesterday and right away she said it was a BOY and displayed the evidence many times aahha! Our little boy was having fun, kicking his feet, waving his hands and sucking his thumb. It was sooo amazing!
After we got the news and called and texted our family and friends we went to eat at one of our favorite restaurants, Marcellos. MMM yum! I wish I had that now, I'm drooling looking at it ahhah!

We have had names picked out for a year already... Nicole if it was a girl and Kristian for a boy.

I already started to look at nursery designs and can't wait to prepare his room. My husband can't wait to play soccer with his little one and is already thinking of the jersey's to buy him ahahh!

I'm sooo happy and and can't wait to meet baby Kristian in November!