Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fun day at daycare

I have more posts on daycare that I haven't posted yet! I will soon! 

Little man had a great day at daycare.,

He cried when I dropped him off which breaks my heart! My husband is suppose to do the drop offs. It's too hard on me seeing him cry and harder on him seeing me leave. 

But when we picked him up he was all smiles! He was in a good mood and had a great day! 

Our provider gives me a list of what he eats all day and his milestones for the day.

She said he did really well at circle time with colors and numbers and it took a little while to fall asleep because he was talking and talking himself to sleep haha! 

After we picked him up for daycare we went to have a Greek dinner. We all ate soo much! 

Early bedtime for us! Zzzzzzzz

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fun at the apple farm!

I haven't been gone for long but realized taking a blog break didn't make much of a difference in my life ha! I still blogged but didn't post! So I'll post my previous posts soon. Not all the posts. I'll post slowly. A lot has gone on the past couple weeks! 

Today we had a fun day at the apple farm! This is now our new tradition with little K. My husband and I would go before Kris was born and now the past 2 years we go as a family. I love this new tradition. 

Little K is a great apple picker!!!

We picked 2 bags of apples! 
And ate some along the way too! 

We ended up buying way to much pie too. 

Apple heaven over here ha! 

Did you know that there's a way to pick apples? Well there is. You should twist the apple off gently at the stem and they will stay in your hand. Eye to the sky and twist! ;) 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

For the love of airplanes!

Little K loves airplanes! Well just one of the many things he loves. 

Today we went to park near the airport to watch the planes land.

Oh boy! He was soo excited and happy to be there! Yelling out airplane bye bye. It was adorable!!!! 

It was my first time doing this. Definitely will be doing it more often. 

We had a fun evening! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Basement play area

We finally made the basement into a play area. 

I love it! 

It has all his toys and we get to spend our time as a family down there playing with little K. 

Today I bought new bean bag seats to be a little more comfy. 
They were on sale and at least 5 people stopped me as I was walking out to see what they were and wanted to buy them too! Ha! 

Now to find more time to workout too. Sigh. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Blog break...

 I'll be taking a blogging break.  You can still find me on twitter @dreamtnm 

I'll be back soon... 

Weekend trip with the family. Lots of pics!

This weekend we went away for a family wedding! A 5/6 hour drive away! 

Baby k loves road trips. He was so good both ways. Having snacks, sleeping, playing. My mom came with us on the way there and baby k had her serve him snacks ha! 

The wedding was so much fun. We had a great time spending 3 days with family. 

The night we got there we all went to a delicious Italian restaurant. Mmm!
 With live music 

The next morning we all went for breakfast then headed back to the hotel to get ready for the church! 

Baby k loved being with his cousins for 3 days. 

Seriously these 2 are too cute for words! 

The ceremony was beautiful! 

We had a shuttle bus from the hotel to the hall which was great! We didn't need to worry about driving and designated drivers! 

We had a great time at the wedding! 

And so did baby k! He was pooped by 10pm and slept the rest of the night! 

We danced and laughed the night away ha! We had such a fun time together. 

The next day we all had breakfast together and headed downtown for a nice walk. 

Who knows when a trip like this will happen again! We all had a blast! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My 22 month old loves

Avocado! We all know this ha! He calls them ADO and if we are out of them I'm in trouble! 

He has one for breakfast everyday! He also loves sweet pepper he eats a whole pepper on his own! I can't complain at all about him and eating other than,  I can barely keep up sometimes. 

When he sees me pull out food to cook he wants it now! So I need to hide certain things and only show him once it's cooked! The best line from him. "Mama cook" ha! 

I still can't believe how the time is just flying by and he'll be 2 in 2 months!!! 

His vocabulary is expanding learning at least 1 new word a day! Today it was 3! Chocolate (chacchac) , mess, and fly. He loves planes so today while we were at the toy store he spotted this helicopter fan at the checkout and wouldn't let it go. He keeps saying Aaapee flyyyy (airplane fly)

I don't want to forget a thing! I've been so blessed to have spent some extra time home with him. Seeing him and all his firsts. It's the most precious gift I've ever had. I get so much joy watching him learn and grow. This little boy just melts my heart! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend fun

This weekend we had my nieces birthday party at a playland. The kids were crazy ha! Running all over, the parents were exhausted haha! 

Afterwards we had a BBQ party at my brothers house. Baby k fell asleep on the way down at 830. I put him in the stroller, covered him up and he was parked in the backyard noise and all and slept the whole time we were there. I actually was able to have a conversation, eat and have some wine! 

Sunday the fun continued when we had a family lunch with my inlaws. We had a delicious meal. Baby k enjoyed all the food too, minus the wine. Ha!


Today was my sisters birthday! I stopped over this afternoon with a treat. Mmm! 

Hope you all had a great Monday!