Friday, November 20, 2009

TGIF but feeling blue

Today's post is more on the mushy side, the mopey downer type post. Maybe my fellow readers can help me see things differently... Lately I have been having a feeling of overwhelming boredom. It's been creeping up slowly I'd say since the summer... I can't really understand it, I'm a busy gal... Now I work 9-5 come home and work on my online business and blogging which I love to do. Have many family and friends events I attend and I have fun (but i know my fun is sooo different than the fun I use to have... Is it age? getting older?) I don't know but the only word I can think of to describe my feelings is that I'm BORED! Ask me what I would rather be doing?... I don't know!? Even when I think of travelling, it's not that interesting to me and this is weird! Because I can put myself back in the 2007-2008 state of mind when husband and I traveled to Dominican, Cuba, San Diego, Bahamas within 1 year, even considered a move to San Diego! So I ask myself what has changed? I know many things have changed within the year, lost my job, moved, found my love for blogging;), found a new job, got another year older 2 more years to 30... I have many great people and things in my life and my days are always busy... So why do I feel soooo bored!? What am I missing?


  1. i love this post, very honest tania! i have to say that i feel the same way sometimes. i think it's just part of this next stage of our lives.... we're older, married, settled down. i just try to keep new goals in front of me. hmm, i bet if you have kids you won't be bored anymore though, hahaha!!!

  2. I was going to say the same thing, have a baby:)

  3. Whoa, I just read your other comments and wasn't even thinking baby. Maybe that's because at 28 I wasn't thinking about it and now I'm 32 and I'm still not thinking about it.

    Maybe your other followers are onto something though.


  4. Uh hum, bloggy friends... I do not mention Babies in this post (ahah) The baby issue is another post on it's own (every year that goes by I add years to when I want to start, but then think if I'm wrong in doing that etc etc) I know once I have a family boredom would not be a word I'm using... But I have years to then. I'll need to make some goals for myself like you suggest Sunny ;)
    I appreciate your comments ;) keep em coming! ;)

  5. hmmm tough one! Im bored tooo lol any im very very busy!!! ...maybe take up some cool hobbies! lol

  6. start sewing! I am never bored anymore. Though sometimes it gets old and I just want to quit. like this week. Are you sure it's "boredom" and not discontentedness (is that even a word?)? I sometimes feel that way when I am not content with my life- things i want to do but can't, relationships to build but won't, etc. wish I had some great advice, but you're not alone! thanks for your honesty!
