Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Breakfast suggestions?

My schedule feels like it's getting tighter and tighter and I really want to incorporate more workouts in my week! So I decided to bring my gazelle up to one of the spare bedrooms where I have my trampoline. This way I can sneak in workouts in the mornings.

My goal this week is to have at least 4 /20 min workouts and at least 2 45 min workouts. Oh It's on!

Breakfast has become an issue for me. I really love having smoothies but since it started getting colder I just can't do them brrr! I was having oatmeal for a while but now I feel bored with it.

So I bought these 100 cal bagels, they are cute haha! pretty good with a little bit of peanut and jelly!
But I'm looking for some variety... any suggestions for a quick healthy BF?????


  1. hey! just a quick thought...you should read Jillian Michael's book Master Your Metabolism! I love it so much and makes so much sense on how what you eat really affects you in the smallest ways! I just noticed you were having bagels, although thin, they were processed and packaged. You should really check out that book and read about how something so small like the word "enriched" might be messing with your metabolism! anyway, i just thought it was good knowledge and thought i'd pass it along :D hope it helps u lose those last few pounds! and for breakfast, i like to eat either fruit w/organic pb, oatmeal, or even eggs (protein!) with a piece of whole grain toast! YUM!

  2. I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I eat them for lunch, but they would be good for breakfast.

  3. I eat 6 oz low-fat yogurt topped with 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed with a side of fruit.

    If you like hard boiled eggs, those are great to make ahead of time and have with a slice of toast and fruit as well.

    Peanut butter-banana toast is my personal stand-by!

    I'd love to hear what ingredients you use in your smoothies- maybe you've already posted that somewhere??

  4. i like the whole bagel idea...
    i hate having to figure breakfast out-- i LOVE breakfast foods.. but yet never have the time to make what i REALLY want!!!

  5. Thanks for the feedback :) I've done hard boiled eggs before, they didn't sit well lol. I may go back to yogurt, that's what my doc always suggests. BF is always an issue for me lol
