Showing posts with label brothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brothers. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Neighborhood Tranquility

Last weekend we found out that just steps away from our home leads us to a beautiful trail! We love walking in trails and usually drive to different parks around the city. Now we have one right in our neighborhood! 

So many big trees, it's so peaceful. 

 The trail still needs some work, we can't wait for it to be completed. It's great now but once they are done beautifying it even more it will be that much better :) 

We found a froggy
Little k loves nature walks. He's learning so much about nature in school, that's all we hear. Ha! "Look mom it's nature" haha 

It's a pretty long trail, great exercise and little k loved riding his 4 wheeler. 

Back on our street little k and his friends love switching cars. 
Ha! Love this pic! Neighborhood watch! 

Our little helper, watering the grass.

There's a little nest in our tree too!

Our backyard isn't complete yet, but we did get a fence which is great! 

My ideas of designing of the backyard changed from last year, we are still working on what will be best for both is and the kids. We have a lot of drawings ha! 
For now it's all about the kids, backyard fun! 

Oh and little set for Michael 

The kids have a blast jumping around. 

We are excited for a lot of summer fun!!

Monday, May 02, 2016

Weightloss goals

I'm 7lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Sounds good, but I actually have a goal to drop much more than that! 25lbs is my real goal. 

With 2 kids and always on the go, I need easy lifestyle changes. Following a plan that I set and forget! 

Which I have been doing. Changes that the whole family benefits from as well. 

My pressure cooker has been a big help in this process too. Healthy hearty soups and chillis, chicken and rice dishes. Yum!

To help me get an extra workout in,I joined a stroller fit class that begins Thursday! I'm excited for that! I joined when I had little k back in 2012. So im happy  to do it again.

I just hope baby M likes the stroller, he's not the biggest fan of them. 

We have been practicing in the house. Ha! 

 Saturday we are going to the Baseball game! New runners and new backpack were needed for this event ha!

Also excited for upcoming soccer 

Love my little guys!

And look at how busy baby M has been! 

I say he'll be walking by 10 months! Let's see! 
Seriously a cutey pie!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baby boy is in a hurry

Mr.M is in a hurry to catch up to big brother. At 8 months old he has perfected the pincer grip and feeding himself finger foods. He loves to eat! 

He gets up and stands at every chance he gets, holding on to toys, sofa or coffee tables. 

We lowered the crib because he was ready to jump out! 

He is such a cutie!!!! 

We are beginning to sleep train. Well the very start of it. He's never taken a bottle but we have been trying to get him use to one, if he's anything like big brother then he will just go straight to Sippy cup. 

We introduced a lovey- a teddy bear blanket. He doesn't care for it haha but I'm letting him sleep with it for naps and bedtime, so he can get use to it when I decide  to fully train him. We have been co-sleeping since birth but the past few weeks he's been in his crib for some naps and the first stretch of his night time sleep. I'm not a fan, nor did I do CIO with big brother. So I haven't fully decided what method to use. I know many friends that successfully used CIO method. But first, introducing more crib time and lovey are my first steps. Weaning- hasn't even begun yet but I have 3 months until back to work! 

3 months! Sigh. I'm so happy tho that I will be home most the summer :)
I can't wait until school is out and we have a whole month of fun together with both kiddies! Little k really enjoyed me being home this year. I feel so blessed that I have this time with them too! 

Little k came home the other day wanting to plant! So we bought some pots and planed a few things. His school gave the kids a tree to plant for earth day. We aren't sure where to put it yet, so for now it's in a pot.

Little k had one of his best friends birthday sunday. He had so much fun! 
The next morning he was expressing how he felt upset that he wasn't 5 yet. All his jk friends seem to have birthdays early in the year so they are all turning 5! He was the youngest in his jk class when he began, being the only 3 year old for the first 2 months of school. We had a long talk and I think he's come to terms with it haha. 
My boys are eager to grow up!! 
Slow down!!! 

Friday, March 04, 2016


TGIF!! Even Little K knows what Friday means! He gets so excited and walks around the house saying its Friday!!!!!! It's frozen yogurt day at school so he really really likes Friday's ha! 

Little k loves his school. I love that they are always doing fun things throughout the winter like sledding! 

We had a little snow storm this week, just  when we thought Spring was around the corner. 

We have had such a busy week! I feel like the week flew by! 

Baby M has been fighting colds, ear infections and sore throat for 4 weeks! 

We've had some cranky days here.

At 6.5 months he is an active strong baby! Rolling around getting in crawling position even downward dog yoga position and practicing crawling forward but a master at backwards. 
He loves to eat and shows he's finished or that he doesn't want any more by spitting. I'm trying to teach him some signs like EAT and FINISHED.

These 2 melt my heart! 
They love eachother Soo much! 
Little K is growing up so fast! He's such a  loving big brother it's ️️adorable. 

We have a lot of errands to run today. So our day will begin early! 

Have a great weekend friends! 

Monday, January 25, 2016

4 year old check up

Friday my little guy had his 4 year old checkup. 

The doctor predicts a 5 10, 150lbs adult haha tall and slim he said.

Mr K is currently 33lbs, size 4T clothes and size 11 shoes. 

He told me that 4 year olds don't need much to get full and I don't need to be forcing him to eat more. He will eat when he's hungry and some days won't be hungry at all.

Overall he is a great eater. He eats a variety of foods... He's not a big carb eater but a plate of chicken and his favorite veggies and fruit he will eat all up! 

He was happy and excited to see his doctor. His conversation with the doctor was mostly about his baby brother. He couldn't wait to tell doctor all about him. ️Adorable. 

He didn't know that he would be getting 2 vaccines :( 

I held him close and he got both needles. He was upset that he didn't expect the little pinch. 
Then said he doesn't need to see the doctor ever again, oh boy. 

On our way out we went to the pharmacy and he picked a kitkat and smarties to make him feel better. 

At 4 years old you are into many things! 
Starwars and transformers are at the top of the list! You love the color changing hot wheels! You are still into dinosaurs and other superheroes. You love dressing up in your power ranger costume and Darth Vader costume. 

You are doing great at school and love going! 

You always eat your lunch which makes my job easy. 

You are learning and growing up fast! 

You always crack us up with the things you say. You have the best sense of humour and we are always playing tricks on eachother which is so fun.

You are the best big brother. You help me all the time and love entertaining little bro. 

We love you sooo much! 

The rest of the weekend was so much fun! 

We spent Saturday downtown and had burgers for lunch! 

The kids had their cuteness radar on high and were getting everyone's attention 
People were telling us how cute they were! Michael wouldn't stop looking at one young couple ha! 

Yesterday morning I left little k and daddy watching movies and Michael  and I went with my sister to the salon my cousin works at for a haircut!

Michael slept the whole time which was great. And we got new do's 

I just did a little trim but Soo needed to make my hair feel healthy again. 

Have a great monday friends!