Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Goals Goals Goals!

The past couple weekends have been about family get togethers and lots of food! So with all fun I totally have not been tracking what I'm eating.
Tonight I made a yummy chicken stirfry and I have left overs for lunch too :)

My workouts have been on and off. So I really need to get back on track!
Work has been stressful and I've been coming home exhausted. Which has me slacking in all my goals. I need to get out of this rut!

This weeks Goals:
*Oatmeal for Breakfasts (It's so cold, I like a warm BF!)
*Only 1 coffee a day (going well!)
*1500 Calories/day (need to get back on track!)
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app"
*Drink lots of water everyday!
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 workouts this week.
* Weigh myself weekly.
* 3 days a week working on my home goals (side biz/life/hobbies etc)

Do you have any back on track tips I could use!?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Weekend!

A non stop fun weekend. Friday night a group of us went out for my cousin's birthday. We had a blast. These girls are so much fun! I absolutely love these girls we always always have soo much fun together. We had a blast at Toronto's Drake Hotel. I didn't end up going to bed till 4am!
I slept in Saturday and had a lazy day before getting ready for a Halloween party at my cousin's place.

We had sooo much fun, alll the costumes are super cute! look at us all!
Annnd again we didn't go to bed till after 3am!

Today was Halloween and I was running in slow motion after all those parties! hah! We went out trick or treating with the kids. It was freezing here! But they had a great time!

Happy HALLOWEEN!!!! Hope you all had a great weekend!

(Watching Brothers and Sisters, intense tonight!)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Guest Rooms

Today is Show us your life Guest rooms!

This is our main Guest Room. It's so cozy! My sister and friends love staying over in this room. They say the bed is so comfy and they like that I leave positive books on their night stand ahah!
This room gets soo much sunlight too.

Our upstairs is carpeted and personally I love it. I love walking around up there barefoot, carpet feels so nice. But the husband has hardwood floors in mind so that's on our reno list of to - do's.

Here is our next guest room that will be transformed to baby #1's room when it's time.

We are actually giving that couch away to my husbands cousin that just moved here and they have no furniture so they are really happy that we are giving them the couch :)

We are also giving my mom the futon, she wants it for her guest room for her grandkids. So that room is being emptied out sooner than later!
see my trampoline :) I still use that once in a while aahah!
This is my memory stand. I have some pics and favorite movies and items that have personal meaning. :)

So I have plenty of room... So come on over! :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tired Thursday

I was in a training all day today and I'm pooped!

Husband and I are going out for dinner soon. I hope I don't fall asleep in my food Ahaha. It's possible, I'm that exhausted.

I have my Halloween costume ready but soo not excited about it, I got a army brat costume, what's that suppose to mean anyway? Brat? Lol I'm not sure about it...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 2 cooking at home!

I'm not going to lie... when I was driving home from work starved tonight I was reaaaaalllyyy tempted to go to a drive thru, but I quickly reminded myself of the 10lbs I want to drop and the slacking in the workouts... so I came home and made dinner! Spicy oven baked chicken with salad, Brussels sprouts and I had to add wedges, I was starved remember!

After eating wayy too many brussels sprouts I went down to the city and brought 3 pumpkins to my nieces. Look are cute they are in their costumes!

We have a Madonna costume here, so cute and little M wasn't co-operating, but she will be a butterfly, so so cute!

This Sunday we will be trick or treating with my nieces and my husbands little cousins. I haven't been out trick or treating since I was a kid! So this should be fun with 3 little girls running around!

How has your week started off in the diet and workout dept?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Back on track Monday...

Today turned out to be a beautiful fall day despite the morning fog.

I was soo tired this morning and was dreading work! I took my time getting ready, sipped my coffee ate my breakfast and I even went to lay down for 15mins before getting ready just wishing I could stay in bed!

I brought my salad for lunch and made sure to cook at home tonight.

I made Salmon with Jerk seasoning... it was a yummy dinner!
Even Zoe wished she had some ahahh! she watched us eat the whole time.

Good start to the week, minus the sleepiness.

Hope you all have a great week!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another Beautiful Fall Weekend

Zoe always runs out of the house as soon as the door opens. Today I let her roam around the front porch for a bit and took some pics of her lol why not!
Love my cat! (I always smother her)
So Halloween is 1 week away ad I still don't have a costume! What will I be! I usually like to be scary, heck that's what Halloween is about, but there are a lot of great costumes out there so I haven't decided if I will go for scary or not.

I only have 1 week to figure it out!

Are you dressing up for Halloween and what will you be!? I need ideas! :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ate too much! and shopped a lot!

Tonight my sister and I went to the mall. A much needed shopping night to de-stress! I bought a couple fall shirts, a vest, a floral belt and new yoga pants for my workouts! (the workouts I need to increase on) Work is totally draining me! My weeks have been soo busy and flying by! This week I left work later than usual and that means I did not cook all week! Not once! Yesterday we went to a Indian/Chinese Hakka Restaurant and ordered way too much food for 2 people hA!
I do not want to get on that scale! My rings are already feeling snug! I can't believe how stress really does a number on our bodies and lifestyle. Stress sucks!

The good thing is that I have been bringing my lunches and having fruits and veggies for snacks.

So this weekend I must must get myself back on track!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

8 years ago...

8 years ago today my dad passed away. It seems as though every year that passes I think about him more and more. The memories are more vivid as years go by. I remember the first year he passed away I was scared that I would forget his voice or time we spent together, but I'm glad to say my memories haven't let me down.

So on the weekend I called my brother and sister to set up a dinner at my moms house. My dad loved when the family was all together laughing, sharing stories and having a good time.

And we have so much joy in our family with our nieces.

Sister love.

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Me and baby M :)
Grandma and baby M