Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1 month old blog post!

Kristian is 1 month old!!!

Birth Weight 6lbs 12 oz (19 3/4 long)

2 weeks old weight 7lbs 13 oz

1 month weight 8lbs 11 oz (21 inches long)

At his 2 month checkup he will get his vaccines. The doctor gave me this list.

Some things this mama did not know about having a newborn....

Cleaning his nose. A friend recommended these drops and it works great to clean his nose.

His long long nails, I finally cut and filed them, but mittens are necessary so little one does not get to his eyes ha!

Breast fed babies need Vitamin D drops. Once a day. My doctor gave me 2 bottles to start giving baby K.

Fussy/gassy periods of the day. As my doctor says... do whatever works! The sound of white noise works great, cuddles and rocking works and some days I gave Gripe water if I hear his being gassy with pain. It happened a couple times.

These are the two books I like so far.  What to expect first year my friend recommended and I recommend as well now.

I love this sweet boy sooo much! Happy 1 month baby K! I get a little emotional about it, It still feels like I just had him yesterday. Love him sooo much! Even when he cries for 3 hours straight haha!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm 4 weeks old today!

1 day old
 I'm 4 weeks old! Look how big I've grown!

I make more cooing sounds and love to look around. I have hours of alertness getting to know my family and home.
I nurse every 2-3 hours and that makes me happy :)
But I do have periods of the day when I just want to cry and cry (ha) I want mom's cuddles and I love the sound of rain, ocean or water pouring, so mom downloaded many of these sounds on her iphone and has a playlist just for me... (haha)

To thank my mom for all her hard work I bought her this cute new coach purse :)

Monday I go for my 1 month checkup! I think I weight 8 lbs 12 oz. lets see!

Yay 4 weeks!!!

Yesterday some friends and family came over 2 of my friends brought Kristian these cute gifts. Adorable.

It's been a pretty crazy week and I'm exhausted! Hope you are all having a good Saturday. I just spend most my day doing laundry... bahhhhhh!

Friday, November 25, 2011

My baby boy

I haven't been blogging about anything but my little boy, well he is taking all my attention these days. I'm so happy for the blogger App, it makes it easy for me to put in a quick post on my iPhone ;)

Breastfeeding is going well, baby and I finally have it figured out ;) so that makes us at 2 weeks of exclusive Breastfeeding. Yay! Although somedays I feel a little overwhelmed and exhausted and I'm still not comfortable with Breastfeeding in public yet. I'm working on that.

Wednesday I brought Kristian to get his hearing tested. They usually do it at the hospital when he is born, but my hospital missed that test.

It was so quick, less than a minute and he passed. Yay!

Saturday Kristian will be 4 weeks! Monday we will go to the doctor for his 1 month checkup. Tuesday he will be 1 month!!

I put away almost all his newborn clothes ;( and his swaddle blankets that use to fit his whole body only go mid waist now. My baby boy is growing so fast!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Babys first Christmas

Time is just flying by! I've been so busy with my little baby and Christmas is sneaking up so fast! I feel like i really dont have time for anything! Today I wanted to send out the announcement cards I made to family and friends. Let me tell you, it was challenging just going to the mail box. Baby K is going through a growth spurt and he is nursing so so often during certain periods of the day. I was concerned at first but twitter moms reassured me it was ok, and I spoke with my lactation nurse that confirmed it as well. So this made me feel much better.

I was able to go to the drug store this afternoon really quickly. I saw this cute christmas ornament! Hopefully we find time to put up a tree this year! I haven't had a chance to decorate at all yet. Because my little man just loves being in my arms.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Im 3 weeks old!

I can't believe that my little boy is already 3 weeks old!!!

We had to put away many of his newborn clothes already ;( he is growing big and strong. He moves his head a lot and is very strong in lifting it when he is on his tummy. He is starting to make cooing sounds too. Soo sweet! He stares right into my eye and it just melts my heart. I love him soooo much!

It's only been 3 weeks and breastfeeding is going well although there have been certain times of the day (6am to 1pm then about 6pm to 11pm) where the baby wants to he nursed every hour!!! He also refuses formula all together now. He prefers and only wants breastmilk.

I have a lot of amazing women around me in my life and amazing women on twitter that have really been supportive and telling me to keep at it and not to give up. I'm grateful for that. Thanks ladies! You all tell me it will get easier.... I'm holding you all to it! Haha.

I am proud of myself though, and when I think that I kept at it for 3 weeks I know I can keep going. If I don't drop from being super tired and exhausted that is haha.

I ordered a baby wrap this week too! The baby K'tan!

I bought it from and since they are located in my city it arrived in only a couple of days! I tried it out yesterday and it's comfy!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sterilizing bottles-what do you do?

Today baby K had his 2 week check up. He is up in weight and his doctor was happy! He is now 7lbs 13oz ;) my big boy! Our doctor really wants us to breastfeed only, which we are trying. We are doing well but we top up with formula a couple times a day. I'm pumping between Feedings when I can to use that as the top up as much as possible. Either way it's working for us so far and doctor was glad we found what works best for us ;)

Before I gave birth I was always concerned about sterilizing bottles. I heard many different things from different people. So last week I asked his doctor If I should boil the bottles and nipples etc. He said I could if I want.... But didn't elaborate. So today I asked again ;) he said soap and water is just fine and boiling is not necessary. Which sounds great to me! I've been making bottle soup for 2 weeks now haha! He also told me to watch the documentary "babies". My SIL told me about this movie a couple weeks ago. So I'm eager to watch it.

How do you wash bottles? For my pump I have the microwave steam bags which I love.

After his appointment we went to buy some clothes and went to best buy to pick up pictures.

Baby K was soo good and just slept the whole time yay!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Im 2 weeks old!

I'm 2 weeks old!

I'm a big boy! Growing everyday! I outgrew some of my newborn clothes and my newborn diapers are pretty snug!

My umbilical cord stump fell out when I was 9 days old ;)

I love taking a warm bath, it really relaxes me. I still hate it when I get my diaper changed though, and cry when it's done.

I love to sleep and give mommy 3-4 hours stretches of sleep. Which means I'm only up twice at night.

I'm also much more alert and love the sound of mommy and daddy's voices. Daddy sings me to sleep and I love that!

Here I am at 2 weeks! Nov 12, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lactation nurse, weight loss and more

Thursday ramblings ...

Tuesday we went to a lactation nurse for help with breast- feeding. She gave me great tips. She told me what to look for when baby is sucking. Example 1-3 sucks and a swallow is a good sign. 4 or more sucks means he is working a little too hard and time to switch to the other. She also told me to pump in between feedings so if baby needs a top up, I use breast-milk. I was doing really well and was soo happy. But last night baby K wasn't latching. It was like he kept sliding off. So I pumped and I also gave 3oz of formula. This morning is better so fingers crossed! Breast-feeding is sooo challenging!

K also had a bad tummy ache. He was crying a lot! :( must have been something I ate that hurt his tummy.

I massaged his belly and did leg exercises. Today he seems better.

Baby K is almost 2 weeks old! Time is going by sooo fast!!
Can you see that grey mark in the crease of his foot... It's called a Mongolian spot. Neat huh! Very common in East Asians and Native Americans. I'm Italian background and husband was born in Honduras.

Christmas is around the corner and I think I will start decorating! Baby K's stocking has been ordered! 

 zoe is not impressed by baby K, he cries and I hold him and she just stares and me all day long lol

Weight-loss - So far I dropped 15lbs whoohoo but I need 40 to go to get to my goal weight. I'm not diving into any weight-loss program just yet, all my focus is on my little newborn.  In a couple months I will. :)