Thursday, January 14, 2010

Found that pic on google and that is how I pretty much look and feel.

Last week I cut my calories by ALOT and started counting my calories in my Iphone app. Last week I did really well and this week I have been on track. However since Monday I have been grumpy and tired and totally not myself. I pretty much look sick too, people at work are asking me if I'm ok (ahah, no I'm NOT, I'm hungry! GRR) I even got not 1 but 2! cold sores, gross I know I get them when I'm overly stressed and now I guess when I'm overly hungry too ahaha.

From writing on my blog in the past I know I need to find that balance, I've talked about it before but It seems I keep trying new things and they end up flopping.

So today I decided to keep doing everything I'm doing just increase my calories a little bit more so I don't feel so starved!.

Next week I will start again with taking my measurements as well, that way I can track my total progress :)


psst. I just had a cookie mmm mmm love my sweets!

Kimberly at Terra del sole gave me a bloggy award! I will post on that tonight.

And I'm still thinking of a giveaway that I want to do this weekend. I have some ideas ;)


  1. I know this feeling! But sometimes, you're right: It takes just 100-200 calories to make all the difference in your day! As long as they're "good" calories, you should be fine!

  2. I'm making a list of extra foods I can add, and like Brittany said, healthy calories. :) I will get this down! :)

  3. Love your picture, I felt the same way in the beginning, you will find a balance and be able to achieve all your goals :)

  4. I can only imagine...last year my Dr. put me on a diet because she thought something was wrong with my liver. I became very mean and easily agitated :/

    Hope you get to feeling better!
