Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday goals

Today was a tiring Monday! I woke up extremely tired and ended up drinking more coffee's than usual, actually more than I ever drink in one day!

But the work day is done with and it's time to look at my Monday goals :)

This week for lunch I'm switching to wraps :)

My weekly goals:

* 5 days a week of home cooking ;) (I;m doing really well with this goal)
* Limit carb intake
* Limit Sweets, use 3 bite rule
* Cut coffee as much as possible and replace with Green Tea
* 3 days a week basement work out (Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video)
* 3 days a week 10000 steps on the pedometer
* loofah body scrub to enhance circulation (my skin is becoming verrry soft :)

I'm happy that the new year has started off really well in relation to watching my calories and exercising. It's all becoming just a lifestyle change that is working well for me so far.

Tonight it's Oven baked wings, samosas and a big spinach salad!

Hope you all had a good Monday.... Is it Friday yet!?


  1. It sounds like 2010 is off to a great start! I love your weekly goals, keep rocking it :)

  2. Wow, you're totally inspiring me, I have to get motivated to get fit again.

    This is a great post, thanks!


  3. mmm looks so yummy and healthy I'm so going to eat this ahaha. Your blog is inspirational and sweet and I like your positive mentality and motivation!

  4. You are doing a great job! It gets a little rough sometimes, but you are a great motivator. I love checking in at your blog. Keep up the great work!
