Friday, October 30, 2009

A gift for me ;)

I got a little netbook! Husband and I went to get me a little gift for starting my new job on Monday. :) We found a great sale at Futureshop and now I can pop my netbook in my purse if I need to ahah! Very excited!

Since I have been off work for a year, my closest shows that "work" attire is needed, I don't think my comfy sweaters and tights or worn out jeans will cut it ahha! So this weekend I will be on the look out for some new key pieces of clothing needed.

It's the Eve of Halloween whoooooo! And we just carved our pumpkins (I am not that skilled ha!)and we are all ready for Halloween tomorrow night! I also baked the pumpkin seeds with a little salt for seasoning.



AHHHHHHHHHH Now this is a scary sight because this is what is in my possession haha! I already had 2 little oh henry's. Not good for my "limit sweets" goal. Heck it's Halloween so I will allow some cheating :) (Oh my excuses!)

Tonight I will carve the pumpkins and bake the pumpkin seeds, mm love doing that!

This weekend we also have a Halloween party!! Husband and I will be Zombies! Can't wait to see all the creative costumes this weekend!

Have a Happy Halloween Weekend Everyone!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My First AWARD! Honestly!

Firstly I want to thank alll my blogger friends for all your support and kind words, encouraging me and inspiring me ;)

I logged in this morning to find that a blogger friend "Kyooty!" Gave me the HONEST AWARD! Thank you so much! Totally made my day! Kyooty is a fellow Canadian, a mommy and my blogger friend! :)

Ok, so with the Honesty award I need to fill out 10 Honest things about me....

1. Honestly I am having a hard time coming up with these ha!

2. I absolutely love working from home, although I'm happy I'm going back to work $$. Home is where my heart is ahah!

3. I am always so grateful for everything in my life, and I thank God every night.

4. I really do love my furbaby Zoe so so much! Shes a cutey pie!

5. I purposely leave cups of water around the house so Zoe can drink from them, she loves water. Ha.. is that weird...

6. Surprisingly, I am not a shopaholic. I truly only buy what I really need or really want.

7. I have an addiction to self help books... tis true. I currently have 4 new ones I will be getting to soon.

8. I like to make fast meals... I want my food asap! hahhah.

9. All the wonderful mommy blogs I read are making me think more of starting a family soon ;)

10. I love blogging and absolutely love reading all your blogs. I'm learning so much from all of you. ;)

With that said I'm now passing the Honest Scrap Award to.... SUNNY she was one of the first blogger friends I followed last year. She's helped me keep on track with my goals and introduced me to the pedometer via blogosphere! :) heehee

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



I just had to post a party pic ahah!

So happy I do not need to go to anymore scary, stressful, nerve wracking Interviews! Ahhhh

Oh wait I wanted to mention that this was the job that called me a couple weeks ago saying I did not get the job! They called me this week saying they made a mistake :) and now I start Monday! whoohoo

Hump Day Update: Rainy Fall day!

Such a gloomy Wednesday morning here in Toronto. I think I'll need more than 1 coffee today. I went to bed last night with a headache I had ALL day so this morning I'm so tired! Ever since I was laid off a year ago I chose to never sleep in on the weekdays. Every single morning I woke up with the husband, got ready and got dressed at hit the computer ;) I am very glad I did this. Although I was still home, I had a routine and I think that will help me get in the swing of things next week. :)

Weigh in: No change this week.

Goals: I try not to buy sweets for the house because I know I would be the only one to gobble them up. However I noticed something yesterday. If I'm really craving sweets and really want it I eventually will grab a sweet when I go out to get a coffee, not often but I have done so in the past. Sooo I was thinking that I will buy some sweets from the grocery store to have at home. That way I can really keep track of the calories. A cookie from a box is much less calories than a cookie from Starbucks! What do you think about this? Am I fooling myself?

Yesterday I had a small light dinner, my tummy was off so I was ok with the small portion but I did snack a couple hours later. I made chicken and veggies, with a side of rice. :)

How is your week going?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Shhh Good news!

(Zoe looks at me like I'm crazy when she knows not to sit on the counter!)

Shhh, I have semi-good news!! I'm 98% sure that I got the job! AND I will start MONDAY! EEEE Paper work has not been signed yet so that's why it's not 100% yet. So keeping it on the down for a bit. However I spoke to them over the phone and Monday will be my start date. I'm excited and nervous and shocked and sooo many emotions. I really really do not want to think too far into to it. I know for sure that things will change and It will be different since I've been home calling my own shots for 1 year and 1 month ;). I am looking forward to the new schedule and to see how that works out. I will be blogging and working on my online company in the evenings instead of during the day. Organization will be key to my successful days ;)

So last night I was way to jittery to make dinner (Ha! I have any excuse) So husband took me for Sushi! Yum!

They gave us edamame on the house! :)

Best news for last! I'm up to 50 followers! How exciting is that!!!! Thank you for reading my blog! I love reading yours tooo!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Weigh in

MMM On Sunday, husband and I went for lunch at the in-laws for my brother in laws 21st birthday. For lunch we had Tacito's! Yum. They were so delicious, high in Cals...? Maybe, maybe not haha!. But delicious!

Today's weigh in remains the same. I'm watching my calorie intake today and heading out for a jog soon ;) Good start to the week!

I followed last weeks goals pretty well and I'm very proud of that. I'm still keeping the same goals up just to ensure I have another successful week! :)

My goals for the week are the following:
2. Healthy home cooking all week. :)
3. Limit sweets
4. Limit carbs at dinner
5. Drink plenty of water / Green Tea
6. 3 days a week Jogging
7. 2-3 days 10000 steps on pedometer :)

Job news: The interview I had tomorrow was cancelled, :( I was really excited for it but the company decided to wait untill the new year for hiring! HOWEVER! I got a call from a previous job interview I went to a couple weeks back and it's looking pretty good, but for now I will not put all my eggs in one basket as that did not turn out well for me in the past. Cross your fingers for mee! :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Costume on a Budget!

I was having a hard time deciding what to be for Halloween this year. I've been so busy with my job hunt that I really found it hard to come up with something. On Friday night I went out with my sister and through our conversation I came up with the idea of being a Zombie! Not only could I make the costume out of a old dress, it was a simple and cheap idea that would not take long to make. My costume was made in 1/2 an hour Saturday afternoon ;) I had a dress which I had for years and worn it plenty of times, so I decided to cut it up! I also cut up a pair of tights and made arm bands with old pantyhose heehee. Done! Now all I need to do is wear scary makeup and tease my hair and there I have, a Zombie!

To think of it, all my costumes were always low cost. I never spent more than $30.00 on a costume, IF even that!

Below are some of my previous costumes. I love last years costume, 70's!!!! ahah I laugh at this picture every time I see it haha!

Only had to purchase the wig for 12.99 and the rest came from my closet!

2007 I was a cat, Only bought accessories for $20.00 and wore a Black dress. :)

Above was one of my cheapest Halloween costumes ahaha! only bought the witch hat for $1.00 and the dollar store!!

This week I'm going shopping for candy to give out to the neighborhood kids for Halloween. It's our first Halloween here at the new house so I hope I buy enough candy!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Chris Botti in Toronto!

Last night I went to a Jazz concert, Chris Botti here in Toronto. It was amazing! Chris Botti is a trumpeter and composer. The concert was just indescribable. The instruments and the signing just pull you in. Drums, Piano, Trumpet, Violin, Guitars, I mean Wow! Chris Botti's performance and the way he speaks to the crowd is so welcoming and warm. He is so down to earth and absolutely loves what he does! I wished it was longer than it was and hope to go see Chris Botti again soon!

**Friday Weigh in: Today I did a weigh in and I lost 1 pound whoohooo! I know it's not that exciting, but for me, my weight has been steady for so long seeing any change (less of course) is exciting!

It's Friday TGIF! and I'm doing really well with my goals! Cooked at home everyday thing week so far!!! Weekends are tougher but I will be sure to choose healthier choices if I eat out. :)

Hope you all have an amazing weekend!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Coffee break and a cookie ;) Just one.

Just love those S cookies they remind me of when I was younger being at my grandparents house, took me back to being 5! ;)