Thursday, April 07, 2011

So happy the weekend is almost here!!!

I had such a relaxing few days off. Having cat naps in the afternoon is something that should be mandatory haha! I miss being home. I was back at work Wednesday and boy was I tired! I'm soo glad the weekend is almost here!

And it's getting warmer too!

I'm excited for Spring!! But it also means... Spring Cleaning inside and out. I decided to start this weekend! It's time to make room for the lighter clothing :) . I love to use the seasons to donate to Goodwill too, so hopefully I can gather up a lot.

We also need to clean up the outside too and get the backyard prepared for some new pieces.

I can't wait to see the flowers bloom! Yay Spring!

Have you started your Spring Cleaning???

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Tuesday Rambling

I've been off work for a couple days, nothing special just me time. It's been so nice and relaxing. I'm sitting watching TV and blogging while snacking on fruit... Oh boy I could get use to this.

I also decided to throw together veggies and chicken into the slowcooker for some delicious chicken soup. It's smelling soo good! I set it on low for 8 hours so it will be ready for dinner tonight :)
My SIL always send me pics of my goddaughter, she is just too sweet. Yesterday she wiggled off her mat and ended up under the chair. She was stuck and was getting so frustrated hahah! look at her face, poor thing.
I could just squish those cheeks!

This is a pic of me when I was a baby (haha!) I think baby M has my cheeks ;)
Hope you all are having a good week.

I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow.... sigh....

Friday, April 01, 2011

A Sunny Friday

At least there is no snow in today's pic. Now all we need is the trees and flowers to bloom and grass to grow and it would be perfect! But the sun is out and we can already feel the energy it brings!

I have a couple days off work and husband can work from home a couple times a week which is great. Today he is working from home so we went for lunch and coffee together...
ok so I didn't choose a healthy choice but some days a donut can't be so wrong, ha!

I've been working on my spring fashion list and boy is it getting long, I may have too many shoes on my list but there are just so many nice shoes out there.

First on my list are coach sneakers. Love these!
and these are on my list from coach too!...
Now I need to hit the malls!

My SIL just sent me this pic of my goddaughter... the cutest little face! Always smiling and laughing. Just made my day!

Hope you are all having a wonderful Friday!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sick couple of weeks!

The past couple weeks it's been about fighting the flu here.

So we are making sure to get as many vitamins in us as we can!

Husband was really sick yesterday and is feeling a little better today. Having the flu is no fun!

Cooking at home this week is going well. I bought a lot of quick and easy type foods so I can still make dinner on those extras busy evenings. So far so good!

Dinner Tonight:
Baked Spicy Chicken Legs
Veggies and Salad.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Sunday In

Today I used my Sunday to catch up with household stuff and side biz stuff.

Today started great with my husband making us delicious lattes! We were tempted to go out for BF but decided that Sunday should be our day in. Today we made sure to cook all meals at home. For lunch I made oven baked potatoes and chicken and samosas on the side. I made brownies for dessert! And Applesauce too. YUM!
Yesterday I went with my sister to book her bridal shower for next year. Time really feels like it's flying and her wedding will be here in no time!! I can't wait!

After that we went for BF and with full bellies we then hit the mall. I bought new tights and a new colorful tank. I'm excited for this years fashion. I'm loving the long summer dresses and floral designs and the sandals. I have my eye on so many items and can't wait to get back to the mall, just need this weather to change!
It feels like we'll never get warmer weather here :( ... Last week we had a snow storm! and it's so cold too burr!... grr!
Go away cold weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also got another new item this weekend.... A new hair straightener!! My MIL is a hair dresser and ordered me this.
It's amazing! I love it! It goes up to 450F! yikes!

Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday. I'll be going out grocery shopping soon and planning this weeks meals. I'll blog about that during the week :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quick and Easy meals for the week

Some weeks I do so well and other weeks go out the door... the take-out door ha!

Like I've mentioned before, husband and I have busy schedules work during the day, then our side biz and events/hobbies after work, things can get hectic! So it's so important that I plan my meals (even though sometimes I do and things still come up/or we find a new restaurant we want to try so badly haha!)

So this week I wrote out my schedule and from what I foresee I know that I can make dinner at home at least 4x this week. The other thing is, planning for those days we get home later than usual because of work... so quick easy meals I can prepare is important.

For one, I love to bake most things, that way I get home throw it together, pop it in the oven and it gives me time to do any house chores before dinner and leave me my evenings for my side biz or American Idol! aahah!

Like this chicken and potatoes I cooked all in one dish yesterday.

I also bought a few of these frozen dinners...

No preservatives which is great and it's a quick meal on those days that I'm in the door later than usual.
It was yummy!

Set yourself up for success (Tony Robbins) by planning ahead!.... Now I hope I can get a couple good weeks in!

Do you have your dinners planned this week???

Monday, March 21, 2011

We are Godparents!

My husband and I were chosen to be the Godparents of our little niece M!
Yesterday was her baptism. We had such a great time and just feel so honored to be this precious little girl's Godparents. We look forward to guiding her, her whole life.
Our family. Mom and us kids and grand-kids.
So many camera's flashing no one knew where to look!

After the church we went to a restaurant with 80 of our family members. It was so fun to see and talk to all our family. I love having these occasions to catch up with some family we haven't seen for a little while. It's so nice.

By the end of the day we all felt like this...
I have a little flu too so I was extremely exhausted. I'm home from work today, drinking lots of tea and soup and hope to feel better soon!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Espresso Machine!

This weekend is my niece's Baptism and my husband and I are going to be her Godparents! We are so excited, happy and blessed. My family came over last night and my Brother and SIL brought us a gift...
This Espresso Machine! We were not expecting anything at all and it was such a surprise to get this awesome gift. We love it!

We ordered Chinese Food and had a great night. My Sister the little baker made these yummy cupcakes Baby M is getting so big and she is so cute!
She wanted to hold the iphone so badly, she is so smart haha! She loves when you sing to her and she always makes eye contact to make sure you are looking at her haha!

Look at this face!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some Before And After Pics

Before Kitchen
Before Living room

Before Dining Room

After Kitchen!

After Dining Room

After Living Room!!
Finally! I love how different the house looks by just adding pot lights and crown molding. My husband had to re-paint all the walls because of the dust that messed up the walls. It was alot of work! They had to scrape the ceilings from the stucco it had and boy did that make the biggest mess ever! Our project took a while to complete but I'm glad we did it!
I feel like a maid! I've cleaned so much and still have to get into the glass cases to clean em all up and still need to put some decor back in the dining room.
I have more cleaning scheduled for my evening....
I should get cleaning...