Thursday, August 11, 2011

28 weeks pregnant update

H&M Maternity Tights, Regular Medium top (whoop!)and new flats from Winners.

This week!
How Far Along: 28 Weeks!
Size of baby: 2 and a quarter pounds!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: not weighing myself this week :)
Maternity Clothes: Mixture of mat and regular clothes
Symptoms: I'm really feeling my weight now, on my poor feet.
What I'm looking forward to? Buying the crib set!

Some new items:

More hats!

We stopped doing bday gifts for adults on my side, we decided to buy things only for the kids. So my sister bought me these cd's for baby K for my bday :) so cute. Can't wait to listen to them! (don't worry I won't blast them in the car haha!)

Lot's of bday's in the summer. My brother, Me, My mom, Niece, BIL, Sister! Tomorrow is mine and my moms bday and Tuesday is baby M's 1st bday! So I bought her this cute chair with a stool for her bedroom! What do you think!?

I'm totally eying this one for baby K's nursery!

Since I'm turning.... 30!!! tomorrow, I decided that I need to make sure my vision board gets re-done. At Winners they have these cool vision boards, so I'll be buying one for myself today.
Today is the last day of my 20's.... Tomorrow I'll blog all about my 20's haha :)

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Foods For The Third Trimester

Today's BF - multigrain toast with cream cheese, half milk half coffee and cookies

Sooo cookies are not on the list for 3rd Trimester foods haha! But they do make for yummy snacks or side dishes ha!

 I always check out my book to see what foods are best per trimester (I love this book by the way)
It lists lots of foods and why they are good for mom and baby.  There are many things in here that I don't like though, So I just pick out the ones I like :)

There are only 5 things on this list that I will add to my grocery list,
Black beans/Salmon/Eggs/Nuts/and Swiss Cheese.

It talks about taking fish oil pills and I read a lot of mom blogs (and twitter moms) that took supplements, but when I asked my doctor she said not to. So I will try and add more fish to my diet this last trimester..... Try....

Any foods or meal recommendations? Send them my way. First Trimester food aversions are back, and I don't think a diet of only bread, cookies, nutella and milk will be good enough for baby K  :)

**Turning 30 on Friday!!!!!!!

Monday, August 08, 2011

Being Pregnant and Very Aware! Part two!

Ok last month I did a post on how very aware I am since I became pregnant. Aware of germs and my surroundings etc.  So here is my part two....

Recently I started being aware of how everyone acts as well. I'm much more on edge too and I guess short tempered. I'm usually very passive and takes a lot to really make me upset or annoyed. But lately I get annoyed VERY easily. So I apologize in advance ahaha! I notice more on how rude some people are or how I don't agree with certain behaviors... (in noo way do I think I'm perfect, and I am sure I annoy many others too :) But these are just my recent feelings.  I feel like I'm on high alert.

I guess you can say it's like a protective shield I'm beginning to have, baby isn't here yet, yet I feel like I need to shield him from certain situations.  Being Mother Bear?... I think so. Boo!

I'm being more expressive with my feeling, while in the past I may keep it to myself to avoid confrontation.  Yet these days I just blurt out exactly what I think, and some things bother me wayyy more than they use to, even things that are silly and in the past would not bother me at all.

Mom's do you get what I'm saying? Or am I just acting like an emotional crazy person!

I did read in one of my books that Pregnancy is one of the three periods in a woman's life when there seems to be a lowering of the ability to cope with emotional experiences of life. (the other two are puberty and menopause) (The pregnancy journal, A. Christine Harris, PH.D.)

Good thing I discuss things with my husband, sister and friends and I ask "should that annoy me" and they will answer yes or no ahhaahh.

I'm unstable... sigh it's Monday...

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Fun Summer Weekend

Friday night we went down to the city to my favorite Thai restaurant. We had a delicious meal, our usual, chicken and shrimp pad thai and red coconut curry shrimp and pineapple. Yum!

Dress from Target last year (not maternity) still fits but needed to wear a shirt underneath for my oversized... you know :)  
After dinner we went to a park to walk around. It was very peaceful and nice, just walking and talking.  My favorite thing to do with the husband.

After walking through the zoo area of the park we noticed that the play in the park was still going on, so we went over and took a seat to watch.

 No pictures allowed during the play, but husband snapped one!
 It was a beautiful evening and mosquito's loved me that night haha!

We got home pretty late and had a busy Saturday so yesterday I was pretty tired but didn't stop me from enjoying my Saturday.

We had lunch on a patio and shopped a bit before heading to a family bbq.
Thai shrimp wrap with coleslaw, spicy and delicious!

Look at this cute track suit I bought for baby K at Winners. Love it!  Husband said it was a must buy, don't need to twist my arm when it comes to shopping for baby hahhah!

At the family bbq my nieces loved being in the pool. Look at baby M, adorable! The best part is when her mom was saying "ready" to dunk her head in the water and her eyes and faced scrunched up getting ready to go under. sooo cute!!!

I can't believe she is turning 1 yo in 9 days!

Today is a very humid day, so we decided to stay in most the day.

Hope you are all having a nice relaxing Sunday :)
Zoe loves sleeping on my belly


Zoe's pillow haha!

Friday, August 05, 2011

27 week baby bump update


This week!
How Far Along: 27 weeks!
Size of baby: 2lbs! Size of a cauliflower!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 26lbs (eek 3lbs gain a week!)
Movement: I feel him everyday now. :) happy mama!
Cravings: sweets, sigh...

Yesterday I made this carrot cake and boy is it delicious! Yum! I guess we know where that extra weight has come from.

** 1 more week till my 30th bday! eeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

26 week pregnancy Glucose test

Ha! I don't look so thrilled huh. Yesterday was my glucose test. I had to fast for this test so imagine a hungry tired preggo having to spend her morning at a lab was not fun at all. I wasn't sure what to expect with this test so my husband came with me just in case!

The lab techs were to first take my blood before I drank the glucose (orange pop thing) But they didn't, they just gave me the pop to drink within 5 minutes, only after I drank it did they realize they should have taken my blood before as well. So now I will need to go back for that one. After I drank the orange pop, I had to sit there for 1 hour, then they took blood.  They are checking to see how my body processes sugar. Glad part of the test is over with. Wasn't too bad.

Last week I ordered some things on Etsy and look what came in the mail yesterday! Hopefully baby K will like wearing hats because he has so many already ha!
Yesterday evening Zoe was at the backyard door pacing around and meowing. I went to look and saw a family of raccoons in our backyard! yikes! They were going in and out of the garden, hope they don't live there... but they are kinda cute tho haha!

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Check it out I'm a guest blogger today :)

Hey everyone!

I know many of our blogger friends are off to San Diego for Blogher2011! Very exciting!

 I love San Diego! I wish I was there too!

Blogger friend Patty over at A Day In My NYC  asked me to be one of her Guest Bloggers today while she leaves to San Diego! Patty is a fun, honest blogger. She blogs her everyday life and always posts pictures of NYC too, I love that! Can't wait to hear about her experience!

Check out her blog!

And her Twitter

P.S I hit over 500 followers! So exciting! Thank you all who follow my blog! I'll be doing a Thank you giveaway this month, so look out for it!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

26 week OB appointment...

This morning I had an appointment with the OB. She took the measurement of my belly and felt around and said the baby is growing perfectly. Great to hear! We also heard his heartbeat, it was 144 bpm :) The secretary told me my Iron was a tad bit low, but still ok,  my OB wasn't concerned. My OB is very nice and helpful, but I always feel like I need more time with her, more time to ask a gazillion questions ha!

I asked if I should monitor movement, she just told me as long as I feel him a couple times a day I'm ok. If I don't feel anything for a whole day then I should be concerned.

I still took one of her charts she had in the office.  The sheet says, After 28 weeks, at least once a day you should feel at least 6 or more movements within 2 hours. So I'll still do this later on, doesn't hurt!

I also asked her about the lower pressure I feel and she said it's totally normal. The length of my cervix is 4cm which is good and not to worry. (I'm learning sooo much during this pregnancy, it's funny how there are soo many things I never thought about or even knew about our body)

Today is another HOT HUMID day. I went quickly to the farmers market this afternoon to stock up on fruits and veggies. I got some blueberries too. Can't wait to munch on these!

Monday, August 01, 2011

It was a HOT long weekend!

Boy was the weekend here in TO a hot one!

Yesterday we had a family BBQ. Although we were all melting, we all had a great time.  Great food and Great company.

My adorable nieces.

My grandparents, me and BIL

On Saturday my husband and I spent most our day downtown. He took this picture of me when we were at a Starbucks patio relaxing after dinner ....
Look closely at my chest... See my road map of veins haha! Yes that is part of pregnancy. Friday night my sister was freaked out saying all my veins on my arms were soo visible... But it's all ok and all part of pregnancy :)

This week I go for my sugar test and tomorrow I have an appointment with my OB, I have a list of questions for her.
Wish me luck!

**Thanks everyone for your answers to my mom question, they were all very helpful :)

Hope you all have a goodnight!