Thursday, October 20, 2011

38 weeks pregnant

This week!
How Far Along: 38 weeks!
Size of baby: 6.8 pounds (as per iphone app)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gain 38lbs
Maternity Clothes: Maternity tights have been my favorite!
Cravings: chocolate anything thanks ;)
Symptoms: joint pain, pressure as baby's head gets in position, back pain, fatigue, emotional, over thinking things. Feeling a little bit nervous about being a mom. Nervous about the things in life I can't control....
What I'm looking forward to? meeting my little boy for the first time.

The OB keeps saying that the baby will be early... let's just wait and see. Many
friends and family members are betting on this weekend... watch this little
one take us by surprise and arrive late ha!

I do feel my body changing,  like its preparing... but no real contractions yet
but then again I don't know what that feels like... I'm assuming
I will know when it happens because it with equal "pain" right?


I choose to get the epidural for delivery...

Now I know to be prepared for anything and everything that
can possibly happen during delivery. I've heard enough stories ha!

Mama's any delivery advice for this first time mom?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The weeks and years just fly by

Today 9 years ago my dad passed away. I can't remember if I ever went into detail about his passing here on my blog. But it's one of those things, that some days I can talk openly about it and other days I just rather not get too deep into it because I don't want to feel so sad bringing up the past. My sister said it perfectly on her Facebook status today...
You know your an amazing father when after 9yrs your kids still look to you for advice, and even though you can't answer.. They know exactly what you would say. You were an amazing man, and you taught us a ton of life lessons that most don't ever learn. We are strong because of you. Missing you always.. R.I.P Daddy. 9yrs today.

So today as I do every year I went to the cemetery. It's always so calming there and it's the one place I can be so honest and true in expressing my feelings without any judgement. And my dad was just that person, he never judged people.

I can hardly believe that it's been 9 years already! (I bought that chair for us to sit on when we visit, 9 years ago!)

This week I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant. We decided to put a middle name for baby K that is similar to my dad's name, we went back and forth on it and every time I went to the cemetery this year I felt that it was the perfect thing to do.

Today I also had an OB appt. OB said my cervix was soft and baby's head is in position which are all great signs for my first baby. She thinks he will be early. So let's see!!

It's a beautiful fall day here. Hope you all are having a great day.

Ok, so I wrote the above this morning and saved it.  The rest of the afternoon went by and I started to feel pain in my pelvic area and a sick feeling like weak and a big headache.

So I came straight home to lay down.  Right now I can barely walk!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

37 weeks pregnant update!

This week!
How Far Along: 37 weeks!

Size of baby: FULL TERM!

Movement: Lots of movement and hiccups

Sleep: Up more often because of pressure on my bladder!

Cravings: CHOCOLATE!

Symptoms: Same as last week. Joints are sore.

Best Moment so far: Setting up the Nursery! Check it out!

What I'm looking forward to? Meeting my little boy's little face!

Yesterday I went on a tour of the Labour and Delivery Ward in the hospital.  There were about 15 couples on the tour. Lots of preggos!

They showed us where to check in when we get there and the actual delivery rooms. They are not too big and only allow at most 2 people. I will have only my husband in the delivery room so it's ok. They also have Jacuzzi's and birth balls if I want to use them.  I seen the delivery bed and the huge lights that will shine down when delivery is happening. EEK!!!

They also have a baby warmer station within the room.  If baby is healthy and doesn't need any urgent care then they keep the baby in the same room for tests and clean up :) Once delivery is over they will then transfer me to another area where family and friends can visit :) We have large families so I requested a Private room, but my hospital only has 3, and it's first come first serve. So we'll see I guess. 

It felt so real walking through the delivery area, and I thought, OMG I'm gonna HAVE A BABY!! haha. The new babies were crying too, and new dads out in the halls holding their little bundles with big smiles on their faces. So sweet. I felt so emotional.

Now that I'm 37 weeks the baby is considered full term. He can now come any time he likes! :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Baby Boy's Nursery!

Some outfits in your closet and lots of blankies

2 drawers full of onesies, 1 drawer of socks and hats and 1 drawer full of bibs and wash cloths!

All your shoes!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend, OB appt and Belly pics!

 We had AMAZING weather this weekend! All weekend it felt like summer! Saturday afternoon the Nursery furniture arrived! It was so exciting and exhausting putting it all together. It's almost done, so I will blog about it soon! Sunday we had a party for my grandmothers 80th birthday! It was a thanksgiving/bday party. My grandmother was so happy with all her gifts and loved having the whole family over to share her special birthday. We all love her sooo much!

Yesterday we went to the inlaws for Thanksgiving Dinner. The weather was soo nice, and for the first time we actually had Thanksgiving dinner outside on the patio! Awesome weather! The Turkey was delicious, and we all ate soo much!

This morning I had an OB appointment. Now I will be seeing her weekly. This week I'll be 37 weeks, eek!
Doctor felt my tummy and asked if I feel a lot of pressure since the baby's head is really low and in position... I said YES! All weekend I felt a pinching feeling along with pressure and could hardly stand. She said the baby is a average size, not too small but not big either, so next week we will to an ultrasound to get more of an accurate size of the baby. I'm thinking he will be 7lbs like I was.

OB thinks little one will come earlier than his due date Nov 4. So the count down is on! Friends and Family all have their guesses in! ahah!

She also stated that fetal movement is most important these coming weeks. If I do not feel at least 6 movements in a day, I'll need to go to the hospital ASAP! She also did the bacteria swap test (GBS) today. (Hope I'm clear!)

This week we will be taking a tour of the Maternity ward at our hospital :) Fun!

Friday, October 07, 2011

My hospital bag is packed and ready for baby!

4 weeks to go! I've had my hospital bags for a while now. Just always adding and removing things from it. 

So far I have 2 bags. 1 for me and 1 for baby.

Baby bag:
- 3 onesies
- 1 coming home outfit
- 3 blankets
- 3 hats and 3 socks
- a pacifier
- diapers
- wipes

- pj's
- robe
- socks
- pads
- nursing pads
- under garments
- creams
- personal hygiene products
- makeup ( ha! We'll see if I get a chance to use it lol)
- slippers
- coming home outfit
- hospital papers
- Camera

Think I'm missing anything?? Packed too much?

Last week my doctor gave me a number to our public health line for breastfeeding support. It's a free service, so I called.

The nurse was on the phone with me for an hour ;)

She gave me some websites to go on and recommended some books as well.

She gave me these tips:
Try and breastfeed within the first 24 hours. That way our body knows to produce.

I asked about the different ways of delivery, C section and Vaginal and she said as soon as mom is awake and baby is ok then breastfeeding is safe and ok.

She also said to get baby on me, skin to skin as soon as doctors are done checking him out. Allowing baby to look for the nipple as he cuddles on my skin. She repeated skin to skin is soo important.

She also suggested I lean back when breastfeeding. Not sit up. That way baby doesn't feel like he is falling but safe and secure against mommy.

Breastfeeding moms, I'd love to hear your advice?

Thursday, October 06, 2011

36 weeks pregnant today!

 This week!

How Far Along:
36 weeks... Just 4 weeks to go!

Size of baby: iphone app says baby should be about 6lbs and that
next week it's considered full term!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 36lbs

Movement: Hiccups and lots of movement

Symptoms: Same as the last couple weeks , Joint pain, hands,knees, pelvic area. Emotional, I cry very easily, I'm more sensitive too these days.

What I'm looking forward to? This weekend, the nursery will arrive, finally!
and looking forward to finally meeting this precious little baby we made.

Yesterday I was looking for Zoe and she always comes when I call. So when she doesn't
it's usually because she is somewhere that she shouldn't be, or she escaped outside.


She was where she shouldn't be. Can't blame her, all the baby things are soft and cozy. I covered them all up with garbage bags for now. I know she will get to them eventually.

I hope Zoe adapts well to the baby.  Right now she is always around me. She follows me everywhere, when I'm relaxing she always comes to sleep on my legs or beside me. Love my little cat, I hope she loves the baby too.

We also installed the Car seat!

It was easy to install so that was good. Our Suv has latches so it was just snapping them in and making them tight, funny thing is we also put the seat belt through too, but afterwards I read the manual again and having those latches alone is fine.

It's another busy weekend ahead. Grandmas 80th bday party, and Thanksgiving.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

My favorite tv shows!

I was never a huge sit in front of the tv kinda person, but in my third trimester I had many stay off my feet days.

For any of you home during the days, what are your favorite shows?

The show's I watch are:

The Chew

The Talk (sometimes)

And General Hospital, my favorite soap since I was a kid watching with my mom! Ha!

In between I always look for a good house hunters episode. Love almost anything on hgtv. ;)

Wednesday nights are my full tv days ha! Last week I thought my head was going to explode because I was in front of the tv wayyy too long. Not a fan of doing that.

But tonight Up all night, Modern Family and Happy Endings are my fav Wed night shows ;)

Do you have a tv night full of great shows?

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Blogger app test ;)

I'm just testing out the blogger app on my iPhone ;) do any of you use it?

Here are some of today's pics ;)

Monday, October 03, 2011

In my Ninth Month of Pregnancy!

I'm officially in my last month. The ninth month. 
I'm excited and so happy to meet my little baby that's been growing inside me. 
I get a overwhelming feeling that makes me hold my breath and makes my heart beat 
faster when I think of what he will look like and the thought of holding his soft 
little hands makes my heart melt.
Friends and family are betting on his due date. And all are in the end of October. 
We'll see!
This weekend we put together some items for him. :)   
Bouncer we can travel with

The Swing!

The Playpen!
My friend that had her baby last week wrote a really cute post with so many
amazing photos.  Check out her blog!