Friday, November 04, 2011

New mom favorites so far

It's only been a week and I already have some favorite items. My list so far.

1. Love zipper onesies or nightgowns especially for night time changing. Better than a million buttons
2. Mittens for my little one. This little guy has sharp nails. Ha!
3. Ready made formula. I am just getting the hang of breast feeding and it's going well now. But having the ready made formula helps as back up or top up. My lactation nurse advised that topping up with formula after baby breast feeds is ok as my supply still needs to come in. (personal choice)
4. Bouncy. Baby loves sleeping in it.
5. Bassinet for night time sleeping
6. Dr brown bottles

Right now our schedule is Eat, sleep, change diaper, cuddle and repeat ha!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

My Labour Story

My Labour story.... I'm not leaving anything out! I felt that I was mentally prepared for some scenarios but never thought of the scenario I got....

Ok so Friday I wrote this post about getting induced....

From that point on when my contractions started, and they started quickly and they were painful!!!! I was progressing along perfectly. They administered the epidural and I felt pretty good. No pain and I relaxed...
Then, I started to feel pelvic pressure. It got worse and worse!! It was sooo painful and I was confused to how I was feeling so much pain with an epidural. The nurse did not want to increase my epidural and called the anesthesiologist . He came and with sarcasm said, well you are feeling pain because you are having a baby. Then injected my IV with some other painkiller. Whatever it was numbed me from my neck down. My body was a cement, I couldn't move, couldn't breathe! And my blood pressure dropped which caused all the nurses to panic and they started giving me more fluids and ephedrine to bring my pressure back up. Then they said that they needed to get it out of my system before I push... I was 9cm dilated at the time and baby was in the canal, they were feeling his head!Poor little one was stuck in there for so long :(

I asked why they gave me that high dose... They said "you asked" .... Oh I was mad, soooooo mad!!!GRRR

Then... It wore off... The pain was back!! Finally time to push. The pushing itself wasn't as bad, but it was tough because I was sooo exhausted. And I wanted the pain to be over. I was induced I think around 8:30pm Friday and was ready to push 7:30am Saturday. At one point as I was pushing the doctor told me to stop because the baby's head was sideways... When I heard her say that I thought, NO WAY! I"M DONE! this baby is coming now! So I pushed so super hard! In less than 20 minutes I pushed and Baby K was born... It wasn't over... I won't go into too much detail, but I was bleeding a lot and they had to give me meds to stop the bleeding. Everything hurt! Nurses pressing my belly, ouch! Had some stitches Ouch! Even when they removed IV and tape all over my body OUCH!!! I told the nurses to stop touching me!

After all that I can say I was soo traumatized. I couldn't even speak I was in shock by the whole thing.

But it's true what they say... once I held my baby, it all was forgotten. (well not all haha) But I was sooo happy to hold him in my arms!

Recovery: My body was soooo sore, swollen and stitches were painful. It's day 5 now and I feel much much better and almost back to normal. whew!!!!!

All worth it for my precious little guy!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Born today!

Baby Kristian 6lbs 12oz born October 29, 2011 ;) at 7:53am

Friday, October 28, 2011

39 weeks and getting induced!

Baby will be here soon! Blogging from the hospital room ;)

Every morning after I have breakfast I wait for an hour to monitor kicks. I always get minimum 6 within the hour.
But today I didn't. Not even after 2 hours. So I decided to go to the labor and delivery at the hospital. They monitored his movement and all was perfect. They were sending me home but said to go for an ultrasound to be sure.

So about 6 hours later I went for an ultrasound. They said my fluid was low, and at 39 weeks I should get induced. So back to the labor and delivery I am!

Doctor checked me out and my cervix is soft and ready! Oxytocin is now being given to me!

No contractions yet!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

39 Weeks Pregnant - Membrane Sweep

 39 weeks!

 We are on week 39! My OB was telling me for a while now that my little one would be early. Which was really exciting for me.. however at 39 weeks, it's not really "early" anymore.

At yesterdays appointment my OB did a Membrane Sweep (where she does an internal exam and opens the cervix just a bit and does a sweeping motion).  This is to help speed things along. She said she will do it again next week if baby has not arrived yet.

She suggested some things that speed up labor... like Castor oil and eating a big salad, lots of greens. None of which I want to eat.

So the waiting continues. I'm just praying for a healthy labor and delivery and a healthy little boy. He will come when he is ready. :)

For now I'll be doing a lot of this...


 And this... ha!

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Nice Fall Weekend

Yesterday the weather was beautiful! We couldn't believe that it's almost the end of October and we spent the day outdoors.  

Our family came to visit and it turned out to be a BBQ afternoon. Sooo glad the weather was awesome.

We are all anxiously waiting for baby K! We are stillll waiting hahah! I have my next appt on Wednesday, so we will see what the doctor says. 

Baby K received some extra gifts this weekend... We have a large immediate family so baby K has a total of 9 Aunts and Uncles so far! :) He is one lucky little boy.

Cute Onesie and flipflops!

My 1st Christmas Outfit!

And a cute Crochet Aviator hat!

The count down is still on! Maybe he will come by this coming weekend?.... Maybe.... :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

38 weeks pregnant

This week!
How Far Along: 38 weeks!
Size of baby: 6.8 pounds (as per iphone app)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gain 38lbs
Maternity Clothes: Maternity tights have been my favorite!
Cravings: chocolate anything thanks ;)
Symptoms: joint pain, pressure as baby's head gets in position, back pain, fatigue, emotional, over thinking things. Feeling a little bit nervous about being a mom. Nervous about the things in life I can't control....
What I'm looking forward to? meeting my little boy for the first time.

The OB keeps saying that the baby will be early... let's just wait and see. Many
friends and family members are betting on this weekend... watch this little
one take us by surprise and arrive late ha!

I do feel my body changing,  like its preparing... but no real contractions yet
but then again I don't know what that feels like... I'm assuming
I will know when it happens because it with equal "pain" right?


I choose to get the epidural for delivery...

Now I know to be prepared for anything and everything that
can possibly happen during delivery. I've heard enough stories ha!

Mama's any delivery advice for this first time mom?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The weeks and years just fly by

Today 9 years ago my dad passed away. I can't remember if I ever went into detail about his passing here on my blog. But it's one of those things, that some days I can talk openly about it and other days I just rather not get too deep into it because I don't want to feel so sad bringing up the past. My sister said it perfectly on her Facebook status today...
You know your an amazing father when after 9yrs your kids still look to you for advice, and even though you can't answer.. They know exactly what you would say. You were an amazing man, and you taught us a ton of life lessons that most don't ever learn. We are strong because of you. Missing you always.. R.I.P Daddy. 9yrs today.

So today as I do every year I went to the cemetery. It's always so calming there and it's the one place I can be so honest and true in expressing my feelings without any judgement. And my dad was just that person, he never judged people.

I can hardly believe that it's been 9 years already! (I bought that chair for us to sit on when we visit, 9 years ago!)

This week I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant. We decided to put a middle name for baby K that is similar to my dad's name, we went back and forth on it and every time I went to the cemetery this year I felt that it was the perfect thing to do.

Today I also had an OB appt. OB said my cervix was soft and baby's head is in position which are all great signs for my first baby. She thinks he will be early. So let's see!!

It's a beautiful fall day here. Hope you all are having a great day.

Ok, so I wrote the above this morning and saved it.  The rest of the afternoon went by and I started to feel pain in my pelvic area and a sick feeling like weak and a big headache.

So I came straight home to lay down.  Right now I can barely walk!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

37 weeks pregnant update!

This week!
How Far Along: 37 weeks!

Size of baby: FULL TERM!

Movement: Lots of movement and hiccups

Sleep: Up more often because of pressure on my bladder!

Cravings: CHOCOLATE!

Symptoms: Same as last week. Joints are sore.

Best Moment so far: Setting up the Nursery! Check it out!

What I'm looking forward to? Meeting my little boy's little face!

Yesterday I went on a tour of the Labour and Delivery Ward in the hospital.  There were about 15 couples on the tour. Lots of preggos!

They showed us where to check in when we get there and the actual delivery rooms. They are not too big and only allow at most 2 people. I will have only my husband in the delivery room so it's ok. They also have Jacuzzi's and birth balls if I want to use them.  I seen the delivery bed and the huge lights that will shine down when delivery is happening. EEK!!!

They also have a baby warmer station within the room.  If baby is healthy and doesn't need any urgent care then they keep the baby in the same room for tests and clean up :) Once delivery is over they will then transfer me to another area where family and friends can visit :) We have large families so I requested a Private room, but my hospital only has 3, and it's first come first serve. So we'll see I guess. 

It felt so real walking through the delivery area, and I thought, OMG I'm gonna HAVE A BABY!! haha. The new babies were crying too, and new dads out in the halls holding their little bundles with big smiles on their faces. So sweet. I felt so emotional.

Now that I'm 37 weeks the baby is considered full term. He can now come any time he likes! :)