Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Look at me shopping for deals!

It is true that having a baby is expensive, especially when there are such cute cool items on the market. Seems like they all are must haves sometimes.

But the past month I made sure to think twice when purchasing baby items. Not only was it getting expensive, our house was turning into a baby play ground ha! Now I ask questions like, do we really need it? Is it something I really want? How long will it be used for? And can I get it for a deal!?

Well this has been working great for me so far!

Some items I think I want, turn out to be things that would be a waste of money and other things, great buys because I thought it through enough.

Last week I wanted 2 Fischer price 3 in 1 baby chairs, one for us and one for the inlaws. I found a seller on kijiji in my area and she had twins and was selling both! They were in perfect condition and I bought them for $25 each! In the store $80 each.

When I joined stroller fitness I used my current stroller, my Peg Perego Skate that my sister and SIL bought me as our baby gift. I love this stroller but in the park it wasn't that great and it was getting pretty beat up too on the rocky paths . So I decided to look for used stroller that would be better for all terrain. I emailed sooo many sellers on kijiji and bargained. I ended up getting the Peg Perego gt3! For an amazing price! 70% off the original price. It was used for only a year and the stroller is in mint condition. It also allows me to snap in the infant carrier. Although baby K will be outgrowing that soon! But it's great to have!

So that's 2 weekends in a row of shopping for deals. Go me!

Making baby food is soo easy!

 Making Baby Food!

I love making my little one his food at this beginning stage of trying new foods. 
So far my little one has had Avocados, bananas and carrots. 

I use the Hamilton beach Pot to steam the foods that will need to be steamed, like the carrots and when I move on to apples, butternut squash, sweet potato and etc!

I also use the Hamilton beach hand held blender. I got this blender as a shower gift.  It's so easy to use and easy to clean!

I posted this picture last week when I made carrot puree. 
I used organic carrots, washed and peeled them and chopped them up and steamed them.  I added about 150ml water and blended it. I can use more or less water depending on how thick or thin I want the Puree. Then I used my little containers to store the left overs in the fridge to use the rest of the week. I love doing that! Kinda easier than making the avocado or banana where it needs to be made daily. 

So far my little one is loving lunch and dinner.  I first nurse him then give him his little meal about 20 minutes afterwards. When I started I waited an hour in between, but I made it closer now.  I feed him at 12pm and 6pm :)

Making baby food is really so easy. I'm glad I'm doing it too!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stroller Fitness Class at the park

 Yesterday a friend and I joined a stroller fitness class in a park. Boy was this a workout! This park is a little far from where I live but it was the only one with a afternoon class, ha! (mornings we need sleep)

We walked, jogged and did many different exercises like squats, lunges, arm exercises, a total body workout! Everyone can go at their own pace and all the moms are very friendly and there to get a workout and to have fun.

My body is soooo sore today! My knees and hips the most!

We will be doing this class once a week for 5 weeks!

The babies totally loved it! However near the end all the babies were fussing and needed to have their snack! The class was 1.5 hours of non stop walking/jogging/exercising.

The park was so nice too, walking around the water :)

My stroller did get a little beating walking on all the uneven terrain. So I'll be looking into a jogging stroller, but on a budget so I'll be looking for a deal!

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Baby love, baby poop ha!

I consider myself a pro now when it comes to cleaning blowouts! Yes blowouts.. Baby poop that leaks up and down and out of the diaper haha!

We had a couple weeks of this not happening.... Then this week.... Thursday, Saturday and Today it's happened. Ugh! Haha!

Love my little guy so much. Poop and all hahaha

Today I bought 2 baby rocker chairs from a lady selling on kijiji in my area. She has twins and was selling 2, in perfect condition so I bought them both. Kris loves this chair, and I was happy to save a total of 130 bucks!

Today has been cloudy but the temperature was perfect for a walk. We just came back from a nice walk around our neighborhood.

Hope you all are having a nice Sunday too!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Introducing solids, cereal and fruit! Veggies to come

Starting baby on solids has been really fun so far. It took a couple weeks for him to get the hang of eating off a spoon and swallowing. But it has been a success! We started rice cereal last month and Kristian has been eating rice cereal everyday now twice a day.

I'm reading a book called Sprout Right by Lianne Phillipson-Webb (this is not a review) and she talks about which foods to start first. She actually states that many moms skip cereal all together. My doctor recommended rice cereal so we followed what our doctor suggests as well. In her book she also talks about how breastmilk and formula are pretty sweet and that it's ok to start with fruits first. She has lots of recipes which is great for me to follow.

So I decided to start Kristian on Avocado's as his first fruit! I also wanted to pick something easy for me as well as I transition into becoming mommy chef :)

I blended 1/2 a avocado with 1 oz formula (I was going to use breastmilk but I was lazy to pump!)

Our second fruit of choice will be bananas, I'll introduce one new food every 3 days to make sure baby boy has no reactions. Next week I will start with some veggies, sweet potato and butternut squash!

My growing boy!

Monday, April 09, 2012

Adorable Easter Weekend pics!

Happy First Easter!


It was baby K's first Easter! We spent Sunday afternoon at my grandmothers house for Easter Lunch. My little niece loves her baby cousin, and says his name too! It's adorable!

He got lots of goodies for Easter.

How cute is he with his little sheep!

Here I am in my new pair of Guess stretch jeans, they are so comfortable, I love them.  I don't usually wear jeans, I always find them uncomfortable and I can tell you that other than my maternity jeans these are the only jeans I own right now haha!


 Blue sweater from Bebe and a nursing tank underneath, Ha!

This weekend the weather was beautiful! Saturday we went to the park for a walk and down to Lakeshore. It was nice and relaxing.

And I can't ever pass by the ice-cream truck without getting an ice-cream!

We love sitting in front of the Lake looking towards downtown. I use to roller blade every week on lakeshore, this year I will go down for weekly walks with baby boy instead!

We put Kristian in his exersaucer this weekend, and he is loving it! Jumping around and playing with the toys. His legs are so strong!

He has been teething so he has been a little fussy lately :( I looked in his mouth and I think a bottom tooth is coming up, but I also noticed and felt a molar! I don't know if it actually is, but if it is OUCH!!!!

Tonight we went out for Sushi, I was a little worried that Kris would be fussy, but he was great! Love my little boy. 

We have a busy week ahead, looking for daycares (more on this later) booking his baptism, and starting Kris on fruits too ! Avocados and Bananas!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

My Baby Boy is 5 Months!

Really! Really! My little boy is 5 months old!

I love this little man sooo much!

 What has he been up to....

You are a happy baby! We always get asked what we are doing to make you smile so much. I'm not sure! I guess we are always talking, smiling and playing with you.

You love to grab things and put them right in your mouth haha you reach for our faces and give of slobbery kisses, really you are trying to eat us.

You babble a lot! ehhhhhhhh, oooooo, raaaaaaaaa, baaaaaa, daaaaaaaa and even numm numm numm

Your giggle is the cutest, we love to make you laugh!

 You love when people talk to you, you just listen and take it all in.  You are so alert and love being out and about. You are starting to mimic me too! So I know you are paying such close attention!

You even look for the Zoe (cat) when you hear her meow.

You had your first wedding this weekend and you were soo well behaved. You even wanted to stay awake most the time, you didn't want to miss a thing!

You love attention and know how to scream for it too :)

You are eating more rice cereal these days, I have you eating half a bowl a day! yum! In the next couple weeks we will start fruits and veggies! Yum!

You love bath time and love to splash around and make a mess!

Your legs are getting so strong and you love to be in the standing position.  You still hate tummy time, you always did.

You are such a sweet boy and we love you sooooooo much!

Happy 5 months!!!!!!

Monday, April 02, 2012

My Sister's Wedding!

This weekend was my beautiful sisters wedding!!!

The morning of the wedding:

 4:30am my alarm rang, good thing it did because I fell asleep at 3:30am so I didn't get any sleep! Baby K was sleeping so nicely I really didn't want to wake him. But we had to go! I had 3 bags packed for a whole day out with the baby. I then drove to my aunts house to pick 2 of my cousins (bridesmaids) up. We then went to Tim Hortons to get breakfast for all the girls. The order took forever! 9 coffees and bagels haha. 

We got to my moms house around 6am. The bride and grooms mom were already getting their hair and makeup done. 9 girls to get their hair and makeup done took a while! The bride was nervous! her hair was last, which should have been first! All the girls including myself touched up our makeup to how we usually like it. I added darker liner and used my own mascara, and we alllll added bronzer ahahaha. 
I helped my sister get dressed, she took my breath away! The photographers came and they took pictures of her and the bridal party. *We took pictures on a hill of grass, my joints are still weak from giving birth so with my heels and trying to balance, I sprained my ankle :(

The beautiful bride!
The church:
We got there right on time! The bride was ready!!!  We handed my BIL and SIL baby K to hold during the ceremony. The couples started to make their way down the aisle... then it was my turn. I couldn't walk, my ankle hurt too much! I panicked. My SIL yelled out "take off your shoes!" so I stepped aside and threw them off! haha! I walked barefoot down the aisle haha! I walked down with my niece the flower girl and the best man (he was the best, bestman, the grooms brother soo helpful and organized)

Then down came the beautiful bride!!!!! The ceremony was lovely! My sister got married!

We then headed to take pictures and then made our way to the hall. I stole these pictures from my brother, he took amazing pictures of the day. 



The hall was decorated soo nice! The cake, the centerpieces, beautiful!

We partied the night away! She also had a photo booth which was a big hit with the guests. 
And at the end of the night burgers and fries! mmm mmm!

My sister danced with my brother for the father daughter dance, it was so nice and also emotional for us. My family is getting bigger and bigger and I am so blessed and happy. 

My experience being in the wedding with a 5 month old was a little hectic for me. Baby K was soooo good, no complaints there. But feeding, changing, napping... it was a lot of work juggling baby and wedding tasks. My ankle and muscles in my leg still hurts a lot boo! But I survived! I had lots of help too so that was great.  Overall the day went perfect and my sister was happy about how smooth the whole day went.

I'm soooo happy for my sister and my new BIL. They are now enjoying their time in Jamaica!!!