Sunday, April 06, 2014

Spring is here? Maybe so!

I'm excited for new spring/summer fashion. I've been slowly buying new pieces to my wardrobe. 

I got these about a month ago and looking forward to wearing them soon! 

Really love these gold tip MK's! 

I'm going for a fresh new work wardrobe and of course a fun weekend, running after a toddler wardrobe. 

Some things on my list. 

Dresses and more dresses! 

Fun Skirts! 



Heels and more heels! 

Weekend fun

This weekend my little niece had her birthday party! Little k loves being with his cousins! He had soo much fun at little E's party, playing, face painting and fun with the clown . Little E turned 1 she is just adorable! And adorably dressed too! 

Little k also started his first class in soccer this weekend! It was the cutest thing! He kicks that ball so well! And of course loves the fact that he can run and run and run! The coaches loved him. Especially when he took breaks to drink his water and eat goldfish, or ran around calling out all the colors he saw. Haha

Cutie pie! 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Mr big boy 2 year old

I haven't done one of those "what's little K up to these days" in a while! 

So what's little K up to these days! 

29 months old! 29lbs! Ha always the same as the month. 

Size 5 diapers. Slowly potty training! 
Size 2-3t in clothes 
Size 7.5 in toddler shoes 

Eats most foods. Still loves his fruits and veggies the most! 

Bye bye pacifier last month. He never asks for it either! 

He's always singing or humming away. It's the cutest thing! He sings the full twinkle twinkle little star, sings his abc's! And many other kiddie songs too. 

Little K always wakes up with a big smile!

  He loves his daycare and is always telling us about his day and about his friends. He's mr talkative, I love listening to him talk and I'm always soo surprised by the sentences he puts together! 

Some of his favorite sayings...
"Zoe get down"
"Zoe go downstairs"
"Good morning Zoe" 
"Come on mama/dada"
"All better"
"No I don't want it" 
"Oh what's that"
"I'm tired mama"
"Breakfast yaaaa"
"Mommy I weee you" ( I love you) 
"Mika bite my back" (ha this happened so long ago and he mentions it almost everyday. When his big cousin bit him) 

Oh the list goes on and on 

Little k still loves, airplane and car toys the most! 

His favorite thing to do is brush his teeth every morning and evening with his daddy. Once he's done he runs to come show me. "Mama I brushed my teeth." 

He knows pretty much all his colors, many shapes, some numbers and letters too. 

He pays close attention to what's going on around him and boy does he have a sharp memory too! Since he was able to do things on his own, little k would always practice and practice something new until he got it! He is still like that! Very determined and persistent! It's amazing watching him learn and grow. 

He is the light in our life. Such a big personality for a little boy. He keeps us busy and fills our hearts with so much joy. We love him soo much and I'm soo blessed to be this little boys mom! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Bye bye pacifier

Little k started using the pacifier a little later than most kids. I usually used it only for bedtime but when I went back to work full-time after he turned 2, he started asking for it more and more and not just for sleep. 

But for a couple months now little k kept on losing his pacifiers. It was getting harder and harder to find the ones he liked. Dr. Browns 18+. One month I ended up buying pink ones because they were the only pack left at Walmart! 

A couple weeks ago we were down to one pacifier. We had gone to watch the Lego movie one night and I decided to bring it. Well he dropped it at the theatre and we couldn't find it! We came home and searched the house, but that was the last one.  Little k asked for it at bedtime (chuchu he calls it) but we said it was in the garbage :/ he went to bed without it and was ok all night! Then the next couple days he asked for it once or twice and we said the same thing. 

Fast forward to week 3 and we are pacifier free! He did find one in his toy box one day and was so happy and popped it in his mouth right away. I asked for him to give it to me, he did. He cried a little but eventually forgot about it. We threw it out. So hopefully no others are hiding around. Once in a while he will come ask me for it but I say I don't have it and he's ok with that. 

Wish potty training was that easy :P

Love this little man to bits! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Family party

Yesterday my cousins had a 65th birthday party for their mom. Our family get togethers are always fun.
The food was delicious! 

Little K ate soo much! Of course starting with the grilled peppers and tomatoes. Sausages, fried calamari, Then pasta and Parmesan by the spoon fulls! And some hen and lamb! Yum! 

As little k was eating he would turn around to call his great grandfather to let him see how he's eating so much. Ha! 

The kids were so cute and they just love eachothers company! 

I love this picture of the girls. Such a strong supportive group of women. Women with strong family values that always put their family first, respect others and are always there for you the second you call. We are a strong family, a family that offers support not advice or pressure and always always puts love and family first. Something I'm learning to really respect.  I'm soo grateful for my roots! As a parent now I respect my grandparents and parents for all that they have taught us. I hope to be such a good example for my son too. 

Our family has been through so much. We have shed many tears together, tears of great sadness of loss and tears of happiness in miracles. 

Yesterday I looked over at my aunt and felt so emotional seeing her up beat, healthy, smiling, enjoying her food, enjoying our family together. Last year we were in a very different place. Unsure of what will happen as she fought liver disease in the ICU. But. Miracles do happen and she received her liver transplant and this picture I will treasure. How amazing does she look! Another family trait I inherited... We don't give up easily. We fight. We fight till we have nothing left and hope for that miracle.

Some more pics of the party 

Ha! My poor brother, grew up with 2 sisters now 2 daughters. A pro and playing barbies. 

Cuddles with my little niece. She was so cute and even trying to reach for me from across  the room! Love her! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Daylight savings weekend

Who is tired!? Zzzzz we changed the clocks forward Sunday morning. Little K slept in this morning and I allowed him an extra 15mins before waking him up to get ready. I felt so bad! He looked so cozy this morning. 

This weekend was the usual, busy busy!

Friday night was date night at a Jazz club downtown. We had a great time. 
The music was amazing and a place we will definitely go back to.

We are beginning to declutter and stage the home to sell in the spring. Saturday morning we had a cleaning complany come in for 5 hours. While that was happening we went out to get new items for the bathroom and bedroom. It was a early morning for us, we were up at out at 8am! 

Saturday night we were over the inlaws for my sil's birthday celebration! They have a karaoke speaker/microphone and little K had a blast! He was so excited and went to grab us one by one to come dance and sing with him. 


Yesterday I went to get my hair colored and cut by my cousin. My hair feels so much lighter! She layered and thinned it out! 

It's Monday, the start of a new week. Let's start today with love and positive thinking. This morning I read this bible vs and reminded me to trust in God when we are dealing with things in life we are unsure or afraid about.... It's easy to get caught up in what society tells us of how to think and behave..... 

When confused... 

Prov 3:5: trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. 

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

First movie experience

Yesterday was little k's first movie experience! 

We went to watch the Lego movie.

I really didn't know how he would react during the movie. He's not a big tv kid so I really didn't know what to expect. 

He was a little bit of everything. 

At first he sat eating popcorn very excited and pointing and calling out at all the new things he was seeing. 

He talked the whole movie. Ha! He laughed soo much and had such a great time. About an hour in, he couldn't sit still any longer and decided to stand and watch the movie. 

The movie was funny and we were happy little k enjoyed his first movie. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Birthday fun

This past weekend was my husbands birthday. Friday night we had fun downtown. 

My mom was babysitting little k and my niece. They love playing with eachother. 
Haha cuties.

Saturday we had a party at our place. Lots of food and lots of wine ha! Eek!

It was my nieces birthday too so we had double the cake! 

The week started off a little slow because we are super tired from the weekend! Is it Friday yet! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentines/family day weekend

Today is family day! A day off we have to enjoy time with our loved ones. Friday was Valentines day so it was nice that we had a long weekend! 

Little k made us a cute little card and plant. My husband bought me a Tiffany necklace and we enjoyed a dinner in Friday night. 

We all slept in everyday this weekend. It was soo nice. 

We also went to pick some cabinets and tiles for the new house. We have some good ideas but haven't made our final desicion just yet. 

Hopefully we will decide by next week!