Friday, April 24, 2015

23 weeks preggo

How Far Along: 23 Weeks!!! 


Size of baby: Large Mango. This little guy moves soo much!!! Way more than little K did.  He is one busy little dude!


Cravings: NONE! BOO.  I was sick with a sinus infection for almost 3 weeks of no taste or smell, it's still not fully back. Then I've also had some major indigestion. So eating has not been a fun thing. Just yesterday my appetite was back and I finally had a full meal! Of take out chinese food HA! Sooo good!


New baby items: Now that we finally know 100% that it's a BOY!!!!! I'm in planning mode! I do have everything from little K which makes things easier but it also makes shopping more fun! Shopping for baby M has started!

Personalized pillow is on it's way. Blue and Brown I got, just like his big brother's pillow.  Personalized with his own name MICHAEL.  We are naming him, Michael Elliott, but still deciding on the spelling. Eliot, or Elliott :) I'm sooo in love with this name!!! We can't wait to meet this little boy!


What big brother thinks: Little K soon to be Big brother K, always asks about his brother. He says that Michael can sleep in the middle of our bed, hahah all 4 of us that is. So I 'm thinking we will need to upgrade to that King bed haa!  He's always kissing my belly saying he loves Michael and wants Michael to come and play hahahh. Super sweet.

Soon we will set up the Nursery. But first a family vacation is coming right up. Some relaxing beach time just the 3 of us before baby :) So much fun!


Have a great weekend friends!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Gender Reveal Party!!!!

Finally!!!! Feel like I've been talking about this forever!!!

Well 2 weeks felt like forever since the day I delivered the envelope with the gender written in it to my sister!!! I've been guessing ever since! 

Friday night I shopped for the party, sporting my guess. Team blue ha! 

Then the party! See many pics below! 

We had a few games for the guests. We also had a door prize for 1 winner. They had to bring a pack of diapers to get a raffle ticket! Loved that idea! And love that I'm now stocked up! Thanks everyone!! 

The ladies had a blast! Just a fun light afternoon with amazing women! 

Oh and the kids had a blast being together all day. 

Then it was time!!!!! My husband went out to lunch with the guys so we facetimed him when it was time to reveal the gender!!! 

My sister and sister inlaw planned a great event! And it was perfect!!!! They rolled out a big box for me to open. 

Ahhhh and my gut was right all along!!!! Team blue for the win!!!!! Whew haha I would have felt terrible if I was wrong. 

Ha! Little k's face. He was upset that everyone was yelling, not that he's getting a baby brother haha!

Talking with my husband, he was on team blue since day one ha! 

My heart melts!! Tiny little hats!! Ohh brings me right back to the birth of little k! 

We are soo happy and excited! I'm also happy that I have everything from little k. Ha! I have only a short list of items we need! 

When my husband came back with the rest of the guys, the party continued! Music, food, fun! A celebration! I can continue using my hashtag #boymom !!! 

2 boys. Whoa. I'm still so overwhelmed with excitement! Making a party to find out the gender with loving family and friends all around is by far the best way to celebrate finding out! So much fun! 

Soon we will be a family of 4!!!! ♥️

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Almost 22 weeks!

I feel like the days are flying by! 

There's a little human inside of me! Growing! Moving around in there, it's the best feeling ever. The miracle of life! 

Little k asks questions about the baby, and talks about the baby all the time.  We can't wait to find out if he's getting a baby brother or sister! 

(Kissing the baby) 

I've been sick with a cold for 2 weeks!!!! Today I finally feel better than the rest of those sick days. I'm still so stuffy and coughing but getting better ever so slowly!!

Yesterday I saw my OB and she reassured me that everything is looking great! She also gave me the ok to fly! So finally we will book our vacation before baby!!! Yay!!! 

Today was a beautiful spring day! We had to get out there and enjoy it! 

We went for a nice evening walk! 

So much fun!!! Of course these boys were exploring everything! 

Tonight while the little sleeps and the husband watches a movie, I'm organizing loot bags for the gender reveal party! 

We are soooo excited! Friends and family message me daily about the upcoming party. Getting together with loved ones to share great news is so much fun and everyone is looking forward to it!! 

More to come! 

Have a great week friends! 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Weekend decorating

We didn't make any plans for the weekend. We didn't know how little k was going to be after his ear tubes procedure. 

So we spent part of our weekend house decorating!

Saturday we went to Homesense for a rug. Ha! Never can I walk out of there with 1 thing!!

Ha! We ended up buying a couple of things to complete some areas of the home. 

We finally bought the rug for the sitting room. 

It's the perfect rug! It matches everything In the room perfectly! Just need art for the walls and drapes to complete the look. 

I bought some dining room table top decor. 

And we had these elephants we bought when we went to Cuba back in November. We bought 4! Mommy daddy and babies! Haha 

Eeeee we will be a family of 4 soon!!! Super excited! Love my growing family sooo much! 

Today we had visitors, little k's cousins came by with speedy recovery gifts haha 
He loved that!!! 

These kids have sooo much fun together.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!!


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Ear tubes procedure

Little man had his ear tubes put in yesterday! I was so nervous even though I knew it was a quick small procedure. 

We woke at 530am to head out to the hospital. We made it a very calm wake up and quiet drive. Little k was in a very good and curious mood. 

Looking at all the tall towers in the area and asking lots of questions. 

We explained over and over in calm voices why we were there. 

He changed into is gown no problem but asked a couple times if we were leaving haha! We reassured him that we will be together all day! 

The children's worker came in to explain to Kris and another little girl having her operation how the procedure will go on curious George 

Little k is a smart cookie and right away felt something was up! 

The hardest of the day was taking his blood pressure, he didn't like the arm pressure. 

As we waited we played games and read books 

Then it was time!!!! To get the anesthetic. 
The doctor came to explain what they will do and said that I wasn't allowed in the room because I'm pregnant. So Mr. Husband had that duty. I was already in tears so glad it was him and not me! Haha

Ha nice outfit daddy!!! 

He went in with daddy and he held him in the bed while the nurses gsve the gas mask. He was out in 30seconds

The procedure was 10minutes. It was fast!! The doctor came to explain he did so well and he had a lot of fluid in his ears and this will make a huge difference for him. 

Yay!! We were sooo happy to hear that this was the best decision we made for him. :) 

When he woke from the recovery they gave him Popsicles and he was so calm and happy. I was waiting in the room so I received a FaceTime call from my boys. 
So proud of my little boy!! He's so brave!!!!!! They both got wheeled up to the room, haha pretty cute. 

So much love for my little man!!

We received endless messages and phone calls from family and friends sending their love. 

The nurses just loved him and gave him a little good bye toy.

And we were ready to head home! 

We are sooo happy with how quick and smooth the whole thing went! 

My brave little boy!