Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas, family, gifts and fun!

We had a wonderful Christmas with our families. My grandmother is still in the hospital recovering but is doing so well.

Today we are shopping, relaxing and putting together all the fun toys baby K received.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas too!!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas is almost here!

Christmas is almost here! I am off until Thursday and I'm soo happy to be spending this time with my family.

Kristian received some gifts from daycare Friday. A picture of him in a frame and some goodies from his friends.

It's only been 2 days into the holiday and our schedule is already out the window. Up late and sleeping in!

Lots of fun to come the next couple days!

And great news, my grandmother is doing much much better! Thank you for your prayers. She has some recovery but she is on her way and is almost back to her normal self!

Hope you all have a great Christmas!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A week of ups and downs!

Whoa! This week was all over the place ! Tuesday I started a new job (well new dept in a place I worked at before) everyone there was soo happy to see me and it really felt nice that after a year and a half they were glad I was back!

Although I haven't been feeling myself! I've been sick with a cold/cough for the week! And so has baby K. Baby K had a fever of 39.5 today so we stayed home (insert stress here too for calling in sick to a new job) we both are on antibiotics and hopefully back to ourselves soon!

Yesterday we also had a big scare with my grandmother! She's 81 and last month she had a bad fall and hit her head. Since then she kept falling and was becoming weaker and weaker and unable to walk. My mom and aunt took her to the hospital and they did an emergency brain procedure on her because she had a blood clot of 3cm from the falls! We were terrified!!!! I went last night to hospital with my sister and cousins and the doctor explained the procedure to us. We felt better knowing exactly what they were going to do. The procedure was short and she is awake and talking today. We still don't know much details but we know she is doing well right now.

I'm exhausted! Life right now feels like a big mess and I'm really hoping things turn around soon!!

We are praying my grandmother is out for Christmas. And praying we are all healthy and can enjoy the holidays all together!!

With all this craziness happening. I am not done my Christmas shopping!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hey Santa!

Yesterday we took little K to see Santa! We drove to a city just north of us to see him.

When he went on Santa's lap he was in shock haha! He didn't cry, but didn't smile either! He looked all around and wasn't to sure about it haha

Here's his first Santa pic.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Sleep training and Christmas shopping

This weekend my husband started sleep training without me. Friday night I went out with the girls for nice evening to catch up. My husband let baby K cry it out to sleep. He went in every 5 minutes to tell him to sleep and within 30 minutes he fell asleep. He screamed and threw his head back slamming it against the crib over and over (eek) but eventually stopped and fell asleep. We did it again yesterday and it took 17 minutes with less crying. Hoping tonight it's less! We are working on it!

I also spent the weekend doing some Christmas shopping. I got his daycare teachers all a gift and a little gift for each of his little friends in his class.

I'm not even close to being finished Christmas shopping. But we love last minute shopping so we won't be done until Christmas eve!!

Did you Christmas shop this weekend!?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Letter to Santa and Walking all over!

Little K is walking a lot! A couple weeks before his birthday he took 2 steps and and every week since it's been more and more. Now he is walking all over the house! Walking more than crawling. He is 13 months and growing and learning soo much!

Today at daycare he wrote a letter to Santa and added his little painting on the letter too. How cute!!!

This weekend will be December and Christmas is getting close!!! I have not started any gift shopping at all! And with all the up coming events, I'll have to find time! Chop chop!

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Santa Parade and Christmas Decor

This weekend was all about getting ready for Christmas!

We started the house decor but we are not finished just yet! We have to decorate the tree still! We bought a Fraser Fir Tree and it smells amazing!

I also ordered our Christmas cards and hopefully I can mail them out next week!

Yesterday night we stayed in decorating and playing Christmas music. We also baked apple pie. It was very festive here haha!
Today we went to the city's Santa Parade! It was sooo cold but we were all bundled up and had a great afternoon.

Now that baby K is a year older Christmas is even more fun. I'm excited to share my traditions with him every year

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Baby's First Christmas

 My sweet boy's first Christmas!

We had a wonderful weekend with our families. Christmas eve we spent with my side of the family. Our family is growing so instead of cooking for soo many of us we ordered food. We had two different types of pastas, veggies and seafood. It was delicious! Christmas day we spent with my husbands side and enjoyed a delicious Turkey lunch.

 Kristian received sooo many great gifts! lots of toys and lots of clothes! I just did 2 loads of laundry just for him! He also got 7 pairs of shoes too haha!
 This was our gift to baby Kristian this year. A casting of his little 6 week feet. I love it! We put it up in his room :)
We got this done with
My SIL gave me a gift certificate towards a baby massage class. I'm so excited to sign up in the new year!

We had a really good weekend and I'm soo happy that baby Kristian is now a part of our lives, I love him sooo much!

Last night my little boy was coughing. I was feeling pretty stressed out about it. I'm also monoritung him for a virus my little niece was just diagnosed with yesterday. I'm praying so hard that he doesnt catch it. My little niece is soo sick and in so much pain from the Coxsackie virus. Praying my sweet niece feels better soon!

Hope you all had a great Christmas

Friday, December 23, 2011

Babys first Christmas this weekend

It's my little ones first Christmas! We have lots of gifts under our tree for him. I feel so blessed that he's my son, i love him so much!

Yesterday we went out to finish our Christmas shopping. I laugh now at how flexible I need to be. We went to a couple stores and in between we stopped so I could nurse baby twice and change baby. It actually worked out perfectly because I was able to stay out longer and finish our Christmas shopping ;)

There was some amazing half price sales going on too. I got him some cute outfits from Mexx for half price.
For myself I bought lots of leg warmers,a pair boots (clearance! $20!) and some sweaters at Marshalls.

Today we are staying in baking and wrapping gifts!

Hope you are done your shopping too!

My sweet boy is ready for his first Christmas.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Giving...

For the past 3 years my sister and I take part in our church's adopt a family program for Christmas. It helps give families in need a basket of food and gifts for Christmas. This program hits home for us. There was a time when we were young that a program like this brought gifts to us. We were so grateful.

So we spent today shopping to fill the basket! Fruits, veggies, soups, cereals, chocolates and lots more!

This year we have a single mom with 3 kids. We are soo happy to be able to help this family. We filled the basket with lots of goodies. We put all the food at the bottom and placed the gifts and a gift card at the top.

This year is even more special because it's baby K's first year doing it with us.

I think he did a great job! :) Santa's little reindeer.
Love this little boy soo much!
P.S. How do you like my new blog makeover! Thanks

Monday, December 05, 2011

Decorations are slowly coming together

I've been decorating the house slowly each day. Having a newborn has us very busy these days.

Yesterday we finally went to get our tree. We got a Fraser Fir, 8 foot tree.
It smells amazing! This morning the smell of coffee and the tree together totally made my day!

We put the lights on it, now just need to find time to decorate!

Can't wait to add all the gifts for baby K under the tree ;)

Speaking of giving. My sister and I are going on our 3rd annual adopt a family for Christmas at our church. We have a family of 4 this year and we are excited to put together a basket full of gifts!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Baby, Christmas, Shopping and other random stuff

I could easily make more than one blog post with all the babbling I will do today, but since time is not my friend (ha) I decided to make one long babbling post. :)

Baby K is too adorable! Today we did some tummy time activities and I also rattled some toys and had a conversation with him.. His response was in cooing so I know he was agreeing with everything I said Ha!

We also had an afternoon play date at a friends house up the street. She ordered wings and fries and they were delish! We were chatting so much we forgot to take pictures!

 Little K does not like the swing or the bouncer at all! he lasts 5 minutes in it, he rather be held or in his napper in the playpen. We'll keep trying tho.

There are only a couple hours a day that he enjoys being in the wrap, which is good for me cause I get to make myself food for lunch! 

I'm down 21 lbs, 18 lbs left to get to my pre-preg weight, but 34lbs to get to my goal. I'll be focused more after the holidays.  Although right now it is tough to eat, being so busy. I started making wraps filled with lots of good stuff,  to make sure I'm getting lots of good nutrients for breastfeeding.
Chicken, lettuce mix, and avocado, yum!
During pregnancy my foot size whet up from 7.5 to a 9! So far it's pretty much the same, just not swollen haha.  I had these new boots from last year and they don't fit! :(

 So yesterday I did some online shopping. I bought 2 pairs of boots! They should get here tomorrow or monday.... they better fit!! There are soo many things I need for this winter! A winter jacket, sweaters... ugh!

I feel like I hardly have any time for anything these days, my days feel like 1 very long day. Everyday is pretty much exactly the same! Some days are better than others... Baby K sleeps 2-4 hour stretches after nursing, so at night I'm sleeping as soon as he is. :)

We are hoping to put the tree up this weekend. For now I put decorations around the house and put up the stockings... I put 3 up so it wouldn't look to bare.

I'm so excited for Christmas... But I do have a huge list for Christmas shopping! I need to get started!

Have you started your shopping!??