Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mothers Day Mom's!

Just want to wish all you beautiful moms a happy mothers day!

This afternoon we are going to visit my grandmother and the moms.

Today is another beautiful day!

Yesterday we spent the whole day working around the house (although  I took a break to visit my grandparents and family in the afternoon :)

Husband worked on the backyard fence while we had electricians installing potlights on our home outdoors.

The potlights look great! We are now the brightest house on the block haha!

I also bought some flowers for my urns :) Ahhh Love the sunny days!
Hope you all have a beautiful mothers day!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Vacation Resorts con't

From yesterday's post Show Us Your Life - Favorite Vacations Many of you asked where I stayed when I went on vacation and how I liked the resorts. The ones you all were interested in were Punta Cana and Jamaica :)

The first time I went to Punta Cana was on my honeymoon.  We stayed there for 2 weeks. We stayed at Majestic Colonial. It was BEAUTIFUL!!!! The resort, the rooms, the food, the pool, the beach, the entertainment, the service, the excursions ALL AMAZING! If you are planning a trip next, choose Majestic!
Because we were there for 2 weeks we did a lot of excursions. Not sure if I remember them all haha!
The Catamaran trip was amazing. We went to Santo Domingo too which was fun.  We also went on a ATV tour (4 wheeler thingy) which was fun too.

In 2009 we went to Punta Cana again and stayed at the Gran Bahia, another amazing resort.  However in Punta Cana I loved Majestic better, but both were still really good. On this trip we did the Funny Monster Safari which  I totally recommend! The scenery is amazing and the beach they take you to is breath taking!

You can read about the Gran Bahia trip below, part 1 and 2.  Sorry I didn't have my blog in 2007 when I went on my Honeymoon, I think I started this blog in 2008!
- Gran Bahia Principe
Part 1 
Part 2

In Jamaica we stayed at a Gran Bahia resort as well, in Runaway Bay.We loved our Jamaica trip.   The excursions were so fun, the resort was beautiful, food was amazing, staff is so friendly. We can't wait to go to Jamaica again. We went on the Dunns River Tour and The Bob Marley tour.
You can read more about our Jamaica trip below:
Jamaica - Gran Bahia
Part 1 read here 
Part 2 read here

Hope this helps you plan your next trip! I know I want to now! Ha!

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Show Us Your Life - Favorite Vacation Spots

Today on Kelly's Korner Blog It's Show Us Your Life - Vacation spots!

Funny that it's about vacations today. I was at work all day thinking of going away! Husband and I are thinking of going on a vacation in June.  Now this will make me want it moreeee!!

We LOVEEE Beaches!! Who doesn't! Since we have been together we have been to... Cuba 3 times (twice Holguin once Varadero) We have been to Punta Cana (Dominican Rep) Twice, Nassau Bahamas, Coronado Beach San Diego, Myrtle Beach South Carolina, Runaway Bay Jamaica! (I think I got all the beaches we've been to... I think)

From the beaches we've been to I remember Bahamas water being the clearest!

Punta Cana beaches being the largest and with beautiful palm trees, and great food!

We also loved being in Jamaica, great food, great weather,  I loved the landscape too.

 One great memory I have of Cuba is renting scooters and riding through the country. We loved doing that.

My husband also proposed to me on our Cuba trip in 2005 at the top of a very scenic country side, just the two of us and baby goats that ran up the hill. :) 
Overall I felt that Punta Cana had the best overall package, Beach, weather, great food, and fun excursions. However I also have Jamaica up on that list too. With the same, great beach, weather, food, great people and fun excursions too. 

Ahhhhhh now I neeed a vacation!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Monday, May 02, 2011

13 week update

This week!
How Far Along: 13 weeks 3 days
Size of baby: Lemon
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gain 6lbs
Gender: ? don't know yet.
Sleep: Still tough, I toss and turn a lot!
Cravings: Like I said before I haven't been having too many cravings, more food aversions. But yesterday at breakfast/lunch I loved the scrambled eggs, but today I can't even think about having eggs haha! I also had cravings for Doritos (bad) and Kraft dinner (lol) Ya I haven't had that since I was a kid!!!

Symptoms: headaches after I eat and I also get a pain in my right butt cheek when I walk that comes and goes. Ouch!

Some new items:
Body pillow!!! I bought it last week and it really helps, however I still toss and turn.
Today I had the day off and boy did it feel great! Work has been soo stressful so I really enjoy my time off.

I went to visit my bff that lives close by...
Her little boy is just too cute!!! his little cheeks are just soo kissable! Love him!

I also went to meet my other friend for lemonade and Starbucks :) She too is pregnant. She's 18 weeks and just found out she's having a BOY!!! You can follow her journey here!

Yesterday was a turning a point and yesterday made history, I don't think anyone will forget May 1 2011. We know it's not the end but it's one BIG step forward. It was pretty intense yesterday seeing the 'breaking news" come up at 10:45 while I was watching Brothers and Sisters. Husband and I went on high alert and knew it was something BIG! and it was! Osama Bin Laden was caught and killed!!!. I'm sending my prayers to all the families that lost someone in 9/11 and to all the men and women fighting this war. I pray that we are one step closer to peace...

Sunday, May 01, 2011

A weekend for kids

Yesterday it was this little girls birthday! 3 years old! She says the most adorable things. She told me that her teacher is very smart, and she reminded me that shes not 2, shes 3! So cute.

The girls were all dressed up for the birthday bbq. They are so sweet.

Today was the walk for kids help phone! Together our team raised $555!
It was kind of cold today but once we started walking we warmed up :) We were so happy to be part of raising money for a great cause.
We did a 5km walk on Lakeshore.

It was so fun, however my "new' runners with arch support kinda hurt my feet! But all is ok! and I have tomorrow off to relax!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time to prioritize

I see blooming flowers!!!

Today is a beautiful day here. We spent the day shopping and then cleaning the yard.

Husband and I were discussing the rest of the house reno's that need to be done and prioritizing is very important!

I decided on no curtains for the dining room, I don't want to take away from the big windows and lots of light that comes in. Many of you agreed :)

Next week we are installing outdoor lights around the house. Those lights will be on timer. We hate coming home to a fully dark house, some days I leave a lamp or 2 on so if we get home after dark our house isn't completely dark!
I'll need to buy some colorful flowers for my urns too!

Husband did a great job cleaning up out there :) I wasn't doing much but watching, being preggo has it's perks haha!

Another project husband has for next week is painting the fence! The winter takes it's toll.
So with all the extra expenses and baby on the way, we need to prioritize!

So we made our list and planning over the year with things that are most important/or needed first. :)

Hope you all are having a great day!

We are off to a outdoor bbq birthday party :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Running Shoes!

Look at this smothered chicken burrito eeee! This is a small too! I only had half. It's filled with veggies, rice, beans and chicken. Topped with Sauce , cheese and sour cream! Very filling!

The weather here has been crazy, rain, sun, warm, cold, windy, humid. Just crazy. We had thunderstorms and tornado warnings today too. Thankfully it passed. I know some places in the states are getting hit hard with storms. Praying everyone is ok out there.

After work today I went shopping for running shoes. I bought these New Balance runners with arch support.
Sunday I'm doing a 5km walk with my family for The Kids Help Phone :) We raised $415 as of today and hope to raise $500 by Sunday!

I also want to go back to my previous schedule, just a little revised.

Weekly Goals:

*Drink lots of water everyday.
* 4x/week home cooked meals
* 2x/week - 1 hour walks
* 1x/week - Yoga for pregnancy

Hope you all are having a good week :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

The belly is growing!

Week 7 above

Week 12 and 3 days!

The Belly is growing!

So I decided to do what all my blogger friends do and track my weekly progress. I think I'll do this Every Monday. (I'm sure it looks familiar, I blog hopped to take the headings hope you don't mind!)

This week!

How Far Along: 12 Weeks 3 days

Size of baby:
baby is the size of a peach

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 5 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Some Pants. Some of my other pants still fit but some were already tight to begin with Ha!
So I bought some work pants and Jeans so I can be Comfy! (I love Mat pants by the way)

Gender: Don't know yet!! Can't Wait to find out! Husband has 3 brothers and I have a sister and brother and way more girl cousins. So I'm happy with a healthy Boy or Girl!

Movement: Nothing yet. But I did feel flutters once when laying down.

Sleep: It's tough, I can't get comfy, On my back is the best but I'm trying to sleep on my sides, it's hard. Weird thing... I always use to sleep on my left side, and now hate it!

Cravings: I had weird cravings in week 7, I mean WEIRD. Like re-fried bean sandwich with eggs! LOL BLAHH!
Right now, not much. More food aversions, than cravings.

Symptoms: I had most symptoms week 6-8
- pimples
-Stuffy nose
-Asthma acted up
- Drooling (

Week 11 I had some heartburn when eating anything citrus.

Week 12 - Everything has passed and so far except the thirst and drooling
lol. I feel just a little nausea in the afternoon (I think when hungry) and Tired just Tired!

Best Moment so far: Seeing the tiny little guy...or girl lol and getting ultrasound pics. I can't stop looking at them!
I think he/she looks like me!

What I'm looking forward to? Everything!!! I'm so happy and excited I can't wait to meet our little one!

What I miss: Nothing yet.

Strange changes: I was always one that chose veggies over fruit and now I'm the opposite!

Some new items:

Little booties!! I bought these on I love them!

I also bought some cream and Oil. I love the oil more. So I will definitely order more of that!

Thank you all for your sweet comments! My sister messaged me today saying how amazing my blogger friends are, and it's true! You all are so amazing! I'm so grateful that I met you all and love that we experience each others journey's together!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My 12 week Ultrasound

I know! I couldn't believe it either!!! I'm so grateful and thank God everyday for this miracle.

After last years MC and trying since then, there were a lot of days I felt down and felt that maybe it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.... But to our surprise! It did! I found out on Feb 25, 2011 and I screamed and cried!!! ahahah Husband and I were soo excited but also worried. So I decided not to spread the news until 12 weeks. Here we are today! My husband was in the room with me and took videos and pictures! Love him!
I can't stop looking at all the pictures! I keep looking at this little ones face and nose and the video of his/hers arms and legs moving around waving Hi to me :) I'm sooo excited and so far loving every moment of being pregnant! All weird symptoms and all! I'm sooo grateful!

My sister and my future BIL bought me this gift today. I can't wait to set it up in the nursery. So far I put pic1 of the ultrasound in there, now it awaits the newborn pic!

Here I am at 12 weeks :)

Current symptoms, food aversions. I becoming a little picky with my food and only know if I want/or don't want it until it's in my face. haha!

So no weight loss talk for a while here. But lots of preggo and baby talk!

Thank you all for the sweet comments too, always makes my day! :)