Friday, July 24, 2009

Show Us Your Life:Wedding Dress

Today on Kelly's Korner it's show us your wedding dress! So I posted a few pics!! When I got engaged I went and bought every bridal magazine like many brides to be do :) I saw this dress in the magazine and new it was the one. I went and tried it on and it's the only dress I tried on and loved it!

I remember when I picked up my dress on the Wednesday before the wedding, it was extremely tight on the waist and I was terrified that I was going to gain weight by the Saturday Ha!! Also See how blonde I was! I was bleach blonde for years!!! I went the Thursday before to get my hair done, and my hairdresser "FORGOT" what color I normally do and so my hair was bleached twice! and right in the middle of my head hair snapped off and I had a bunch of tiny hairs sticking up like alfalfa! Good think I got the hump hair due done! That was the last time I bleached my hair. When I returned from our honeymoon. I went dark, cut it short and grew my natural color out, and now I've been dye free for 2 years! :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Today's lunch is light! Spinach Caesar salad with 2 tortillas. Lets see if this will actually keep be going until dinner. Tonight's Dinner will be Beef Stirfry with lots of veggies!

The week is going well with eating at home, yesterday I made yummy chicken ribs (didn't even know these existed until I found them at the grocery store) They were pre-seasoned and all I had to do was pop em in the oven with some potatoes. I'm all about the easy cooking :)

I also did my Gazelle today and I feel great! Really looking forward to dropping some of this extra weight, so far it's not budging! I've had my Gazelle for about 4 years now and I use it on and off, I do remember using it a lot before I got married and I remember it working pretty well. So lets hope I remember correctly ahah!
TGIT, cause tomorrow is Friday! I'm really looking forward to the weekend. We are going to a Brazilian restaurant on Saturday night and I'm looking forward to eating lots of meat! I'll take pics, this restaurant is one of my favorites. They serve all types of grilled meat and fish and they serve your table as much as you want until you say no moreeee! YUM!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Not a good start.

I didn't do so bad on last weeks goals. However, the week was better than the weekend. During the week I made sure to cook at home for all meals and it went well, until the weekend came along. I didn't cook once this weekend, I tried to make the healthier choice but still eating out is never THAT healthy. But I think 5 out 7 days is not too bad so far. AND i only had french fries once! and donuts once! :) I'm proud of that.

Yesterday I had 2 job interviews and I studied a lot for them, even stayed in on the weekend! I was feeling optimistic about them, until I was there. I really don't have a good feeling about them. So I'm a little bummed about that today. So Back to square one...

Since I was feeling bummed out I went out and bought some dead sea salts and took a nice 20min bath last night to clear my mind. Boy does that stuff make you sweat! I had to drink a lot of water afterwards to stay hydrated.

Hoping to have a better week. Even if I had a rough start. :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Almost Friday!...Almost Monday!

How Cute is Zoe sitting at our island thinking she's getting some bbq ribs! I'm so happy having Zoe around, she really does keep me entertained, whether it's yelling at her to get off the counters ha! or watching her sun tan in the sun (shes as white as I am hahah!) or just cuddling with her, she's the best kitty.

She is helping me study for my interviews by being a great listener as I go over questions and answers. Altho I'm still nervous about Monday's interview I decided to take a different approach. As I prepare for the interview I NEED to remember to not let it take over my LIFE! Yesterday I was pretty much freaked out about it (Thank you fellow bloggers for your supportive words too :). Today I'm much better. I guess I'm learning these days I'm a crappy stress handler, yucky!

But at least I'm doing pretty good with my goals so far whohoo!. I'm cutting the dinner carbs and have been eating at home this whole week this far! :) and planning to keep it up all weekend! (I hope)

That was yesterdays dinner, yum! Casar salad with cucumbers (a must for me) with Slow cooked BBQ ribs! Slow cooked on high for 4 hours and soooo yummy. The slow cooker is really the best invention ever. This is one thing I'm looking forward to using even more when I start working full time. Having dinner ready when I walk in the door will be the happiest moments for me ahahahh.

If you have any slow cooker recipes you want to share, let me know!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hump day update ;)

The other night I made my favorite dish. Stuffed peppers with Caesar salad and avocado chimol yum. I get a little bit of everything in here, and really easy to make.

I did my weigh in yesterday morning and I'm up 4lbs :( Not good at all! I need to really kick up the working out! I guess I have been pretty lazy these days and I'm feeling the depressed moods creeping up. Working out always sends the happy chemicals thru the brain so I need some of those! So Gazelle here I come!

JUST NOW I got a call for my first interview from applying to jobs like crazy. Wish me luck! I need it! I can't think of anything else that shakes my nerves more than job interviews (well lots of other things do too lol, but this more than anything!). Weird because I've been to so many interviews and my track record shows that I have always been ok and survived! But, I still get overwhelmingly nervous and so uncomfortable! I have 5 days to prepare so I hope I will be calmer by then :) Times like this I wish I lived on a secluded island with nothing but beach and martini's haha!

Hope you all are having a great week!

Monday, July 13, 2009

One was the lucky number

So last week I decided to start fresh with my goals. However the number One must have been a lucky number for me though....

The goals;

1. No donuts or french fries!!!!!! Had each of these once last week
2. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7 (#1 the one and only goal I accomplished by cooking at home 5 days last week.)
3. Limit carb intake at dinners (NOPE not even once)
4. 1/2 hour on the gazelle (Did this only once last week)
5. 5 mins a day on the trampoline (Did this only once last week, same day I did the gazelle haha!)
6. drink plenty of water/tea (drank them, but not plenty)
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch, soy lecithin twice a day and 5htp at night.
(Only took one of these 3, the 5htp, but I stopped taking them not too sure if they make me feel happier or more depressed)

OK so last week did not go so well. I figure I shouldnt make new goals until these are accomplished. So this week goals remain the same!

1. No donuts or french fries!!!!!!
2. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7
3. Limit carb intake at dinners
4. 1/2 hour a day on the gazelle
5. 5 mins a day on the trampoline
6. drink plenty of water/tea
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch, soy lecithin twice a day.

Why am I having such hard time fulfilling these goals! I hope I do much better this week.

Today for dinner I am making stuffed peppers, yum! I decided to also make Chimol last night and refrigerate it over night so it is nice and yummy to go along with our ground turkey stuffed peppers.

Chimol is a type of salsa, I love it.

Chop cilantro, green onions, tomatoes, (sweet onions if you want too and hot peppers if you like it spicy!) some dashes of lemon juice and salt. refrigerate for a couple hours or over night. Then when ready to serve, I cut up avocado and add it to the mix. mmmm It is such a fresh addition to any meal, and great for those hot summer bbq's!

Happy Monday everyone! ;)

(time to catch up on all the blogs I follow, I'm behind!)

Monday, July 06, 2009

Fresh start... but not this morning...

MMM Nutella, Nutella sandwiches (with white toast bread) are so yummy and totally associated with my childhood memories. I made the big mistake of buying it last week when we were waiting 3 days with no fridge and stove. I figured bread and nutella are hardy breakfasts.haha!

However, now I'm addicted and pretty much finished half the jar in a week.

Last week must of been the worst of my eating of all time! I can not even express the amount of donuts and french fries I consumed in a week!

BUT, I need to get back on track. Should I just throw away the half eatn jar? Or just stash it way back in the cupboard. Hmm I know if I leave it in the open I will continue eating it everyday!

My husband finished painting the spare bedrooms and I decided to put my gazelle and mini trampoline in one of the rooms for easy access to my workout equip.

New goals for the week start today! (similar to all my goals) but really I have no more excuses now!

1. No donuts or french fries!!!!!!
2. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7
3. Limit carb intake at dinners
4. 1/2 hour on the gazelle
5. 5 mins a day on the trampoline
6. drink plenty of water/tea
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch, soy lecithin twice a day and 5htp at night.

I also heard that bathing in Epsom salts are really good for water retention. Do you know if that is true? I'll look that up now too.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Catching Up

Yikes, I'm so behind on reading all my fav blogs, sorry everyone. I'm going to try and catch up with my reading today.

The move went smooth and we already have lots of painting completed and most rooms are set up. I have my office all set up (well all books are still in the boxes BUT they are hidden in the closet for now and maybe forever haha!) I'm sitting in my new office right now. Check out my new view!

I'm so happy we chose a house with the greenery around too, I love love love nature! (and behind those trees in the above pic, is a trail! Whoohoo) (Below is the old view)

Even though this is our second house there is still so much I need to buy to make it complete.

I hope some of you can give me your opinion on this Chandelier below. It is in the hallway near the bedrooms, the old owners left it, but they took the one that was in the dining room. So to save some money on a chandelier I'm thinking of putting this in the dining room and buying a normal type light for the hallway and save like 300 dollars (I think, don't really know how much chandeliers cost, never had to buy one before I assume they are expensive haha)

This week I NEEED NEEED to get back on track with all my goals. I decided to not weigh myself for a long while. I'm too chicken! Our appliances just arrived on Tuesday and they are still not set up yet, so just imagine my food intake since Friday. I think I ate at every fast food place existing.

By Monday I want to have my new workout/eating plan for a fresh start.

Since I'm also looking for the dreaded J O B I need to set my goals on this as well. Today I updated my resume again and started applying to some jobs so that's a start.

Tomorrows Friday already and that will be a week that I've been in the new home! ;)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

suburbia, say hello to the city couple

Finally the day has arrived! Tomorrow we move from our city home downtown Toronto to the Suburbs! Although the city we are moving to calls itself Vaughan, the City above Toronto haaah It's true it says that on signs and on their city website. It really is only about 20-25 mins to get back and from down here so I can't really complain. Down in the city we still have both our parents and brothers and sisters so we will be down here a lot I'm sure.

Some things I won't miss from the busy city.
- Parking tickets! I have 5 in my purse right now!
-Parking permit to park on the street
-Construction EVERYWHERE
-Toronto's Mayor (not on my good list)
- Garbage bin TAX (grr, we need to pay to throw out trash!)
- higher car insurance

Our pockets will be happy when we're gone!

Some things I'm looking forward to in the new city are;

-Closer drive to coffee ...and groceries,... and mall...and salons...and everything within 5min driving!
-NO street construction!
-Quiet calmer streets
-cheaper car insurance!
-No garbage tax!
-the happiest thing for us a GARAGE! whoohoo. No more street parking!

Another thing I'm looking forward to is the jog through all the streets and trails, can't wait to get back on track next week after the move.

I have NOT done my weight in for a while and don't plan to until next week. Next week I am going to get focused and start fresh, new start for the new home, new job and a new me;)


Monday, June 22, 2009

Always a First

MMM Churros. This weekend the neighborhood had a festival at the park in front of our house and since it was our last weekend here we decided to go and have fun! Fun meaning eat all the yummy food they were selling. If you don't know what Churros are, you sure are missing out! It's a spanish donut sort of thing... fried dough pretty much coated in sugar and whatever topping you like. I had plain and Caramel milk ones. Yum! A gazilion calories I am sure.

We also stopped at a favorite ice cream shop up the street where I grew up and had a Limone ice cream in memory of my Dad for fathers day. My dad use to always take us to this place when we were little and it's one of my happiest memories of my dad.

All that being said I can say my weekly goals went out the window this weekend. Since we are moving this week today will pretty much be the last day I cook at home and this week will be far from diet friendly.

Once this week is over I will be sure to start up a strict diet plan, I need NEED to drop at least 15 lbs this summer. Could this be possible!? I don't know. But I will need to work at it a lot harder than I am to get there.

My mini goals for this hectic week:
Choose healthier choices - No Fries - Do donuts! (my weaknesses)
Drink a lot of water
10000 steps 3 times this week.

Simple enough ;)

Hopefully next week I will be ready to re-start my plans.

Oh and as my title says "always a first" I got my first speeding ticket! Going 56km on a 40km street :( I've been driving for 12 years! and this is my first time being pulled over. I was so upset and it pretty much ruined my Sunday evening. Can't get over it! Blah!

Happier things... The move will be fun, my sister and brother in laws are all coming to help :) 4 more days!!! (and 1 more day till our 2 year wedding anniversary! ;) Time flys!