Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Busy Week Giving and Helping.

What a busy week! I didn't blog much last week because I've been hardly home! Thursday night my sister, mom and I were babysitting my nieces. It was so much fun. We baked while listening to Christmas music and then watched movies!
Baby M is sooooo adorable!!! It was so cute having my mom showing my sister and I how to feed her and how to change her diaper and clothes haha! (putting clothes on a baby is hard!)
The best part was that I actually got her to sleep in my arms. I loved it. I can't wait to start a family of my own! I know God has a plan so I'm not going to worry too much about it, but I really can say I can't wait to be a mom! (Although from what mommies say, my babysitting experience was good because baby went home and I got a full nights sleep :) lol
That night we also took my other niece A with us to deliver our baskets for the family we sponsored to the church. She was so happy to help us and loves hanging out with her aunts. :)

Our church also needed lots of help with delivering these gifts today. So we woke up early, grabbed our coffees and headed to church this morning.
I'm so happy we had my husband and my sister's fiance with us to help with the heavy boxes. They got right into it and were so quick and organized. Our delivery crew rocked!
We were able to do 7 deliveries in 2 hours and the organizer named us her #1 santa's little helpers! ahah!

The families were so grateful and happy to see us. It was such an amazing feeling.

Hope you all are having a great weekend! I'm finishing up my Christmas shopping for the rest of the weekend!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday Night Groceries

Tonight I went grocery shopping and I really wanted to buy the yogurt with granola that I use to have for breakfast, but they don't carry them anymore. They had other brands but the calories seemed high for yogurt! So I bought Kashi cereal, the commercial got me haha! I also bought cottage cheese for my salads and it can also be a sweet treat by adding cinnamon to it :)

My workouts are going well. I never listen to music while I workout, not sure why but I never liked it. So I usually work out in front of the TV or in silence. But since I moved my gazelle to the spare bedroom I've been searching for health related pod casts in my iphone that are about 30-45 mins long and listen to them as I work out. That way I don't focus on the time and just wait until the podcast is over and when it's over I'm done my workout. It's working well for me so far :)

Looking forward to a healthy week!

Hope you all are having a great Monday! :) We are freezing over here! -10!

(Some pics from last weekend My nieces :)

Oh just can't get enough of her softness!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Helping others during the Christmas Holidays

A couple years ago my sister and I decided to start a new tradition and take part in sponsoring families for Christmas. Our church assigns us the family and we put together a Christmas basket full of goodies! This year we received a large family 4 children and 2 adults. Some of our family and friends helped with donations too (thanks guys!) Yesterday we went to buy all the items for the baskets :)

I remember when I was younger my parents went through a tough period. A couple years the salvation army brought us gifts and I remember how excited I was when we received them. I remember receiving so much help from family and friends, everyone helping our family out when we needed it most. I guess this is my main reason of always wanting to help others, when I do so I feel that same happiness inside that I felt when I was a kid, and it feels right. When we were shopping yesterday I had the flood of memories fill my head as I picked items I would have loved to get. It's a feeling I can't really express in words.

Instead of boxes we used laundry baskets. :) Something they can use too!
We have a few more items to buy. Fruits and Veggies, but we will buy them the day we deliver. This is the first year we volunteered for deliveries! I'm excited for that :)
Sister, Me and Mom :)

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

All about meal planning

I've been buying a lot of frozen edamame lately. It's cheap and easy to make. I steam them and have them as a healthy snack.

Once again the key to staying on track is meal planning. My busy schedule leaves me falling off my track a lot! So planing my meals is key.

Thank you all for the BF suggestions. I may go back to the yogurt with granola BF that I use to do. (my doctor had told me "only yogurt for BF that's all you need and a apple for snack, salad for lunch") I'm sure that will get me to my goal faster but I would be one cranky lady. I like my carbs, I need these incorporated ahha! I'm not looking to be very thin, I love my lady curves Ha! Just want to drop 10lbs. Seems easy enough right.... but my MC in June set me back and since then I've been on and off track a lot! I'm more concerned about being healthy. So healthy is my main focus.

I am increasing my veggies(steamed or raw) and fruit intake. Especially now that it's flu season. I've had a headache and earache all day! :(

This weeks Goals:
*Switching back to yogurt with granola for BF
*Only 1 coffee a day (going well!)
*Increase veggies and fruit as snack and with meals
*Drink lots of water everyday! I really need to increase my water intake!
*2 cups of tea in the evenings
* 3 bite rule on sweets or no sweets at all!
*4 /20 min workouts and at least 2 /45 min workouts
* Weigh myself weekly.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Breakfast suggestions?

My schedule feels like it's getting tighter and tighter and I really want to incorporate more workouts in my week! So I decided to bring my gazelle up to one of the spare bedrooms where I have my trampoline. This way I can sneak in workouts in the mornings.

My goal this week is to have at least 4 /20 min workouts and at least 2 45 min workouts. Oh It's on!

Breakfast has become an issue for me. I really love having smoothies but since it started getting colder I just can't do them brrr! I was having oatmeal for a while but now I feel bored with it.

So I bought these 100 cal bagels, they are cute haha! pretty good with a little bit of peanut and jelly!
But I'm looking for some variety... any suggestions for a quick healthy BF?????

Monday, December 06, 2010

Our last bbq of the season

Sunday we had family over for a BBQ. Our families are pretty large on both sides so we always need to do things separately! So this weekend we had my family over for the last BBQ of the season. My next house must have a very large basement to fit our whole families together :) because all these dinner parties are a lot of work!

We had lots of food! I was cooking all morning! I also made Stuffed Peppers in the slow cooker. Slow cookers rock!

My husband was a good sport BBQing in the cold and it started to snow yesterday morning...
This morning we woke up to this!
A winter wonderland!
Love the snow!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Let's talk synchronicities...

Today I went out grocery shopping and made sure to buy a lot of fruits and veggies. I've been low in Vitamin B before and been feeling a little sluggish lately so I must make sure I'm getting those much needed nutrients!

I also bought persimmons. I haven't had these since I was a kid! I was reminded of them lately.... What do you think of these synchronicities.

2 weeks ago while grocery shopping I got the feeling and the taste in my mouth of a persimmon. (weird right!). It reminded me of my grandfather. He use to eat them all the time but I couldn't remember at all what this fruit was called or even what it looked like at the time but I could taste it! So I just forgot about it and left it at that.

Then this week at my mom's house, my sisters fiance was eating this different looking fruit (soo weird that he brought that fruit from home to begin with!)... he asked if I wanted some... I said what is that!? And then he told me it's a persimmon! My memory went straight back to 2 weeks ago and how I was strangely tasting that fruit. So I had some to be sure, and sure enough it was that fruit!

I know our souls live on and I know our loved ones always send us signs.

I didn't even connect this all until yesterday. I was driving to work and I thought of the whole situation and just knewwwww it was my grandfather saying hello! and possibly telling me to eat more fruit Ha! I was getting a little emotional about it and then it got more interesting....

My SIL sent me a email yesterday morning. She said she was talking to a cousin of mine that was always close to my dad. He was telling her about things my dad would say about me. He told her that my dad would tell him that anything I do in life, I would succeed. That I'm eager and luck is on my side. (I started to cry when I read it)

This was so random and so strange that I had just put together the persimmon fruit situation. So I took a longer lunch and went to the cemetery to visit my grandparents and my Dad. I miss them all so much! My grandmother was such a sweet kind hearted lady and she loved my dad so much, he was her little baby. They are all together and I KNOW the 3 of them are our angels. If I ever have a little girl she will be named after my grandma. :)

Pretty cool huh!

Hope you all have a Happy Weekend! I am having my family over tomorrow to celebrate being chosen for little M's Godparents. We are excited. I love my family!

Oh and I added some more Christmas decor. Our Stockings! For me, husband and Zoe. Lets see how long they last. Last year Zoe would play with them until they fell off haha!
Sorry for the longer than usual post Ha! But I had to tell this story!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Only Wednesday?

Burr, it's getting cold here! (eyes are closed in my pic as usual! haha!) But I bought a new hat! I love it. My mom and sister loved it too, so yesterday my sister and I went to get a black one for my mom and my sister bought a purple one.

Yesterday sister and I took the day off work to hang out and shop. We went wedding dress shopping and my sister tried on some beautiful dresses! The sales lady was using me as her assistant, I didn't mind one bit!
Today I decided to add 5mins of the trampoline, I'll be doing this every morning in addition to my 4 workouts. It's quick and gives me some extra energy in the morning before work.

It's the time of the month (tmi i know) but I was one grumpy gal today. I was annoyed and emotional and felt like my world was falling apart. At work I held on to my rock and repeated, GOD is not trying to destroy me (lol) so dramatic but I was serious ha! But! I'm ok and in a much better mood tonight :) Whew!!!

Hurry Weekend!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Adding Extra Workouts This Month.

These pics have nothing to do with my weekly goals but I had to show my little niece. We went to my moms house tonight to visit.
Mom had surgery on her hand. She is doing well just in a little pain, but was happy that we were all over tonight.
Oh I just can't get enough of her cuteness!

So today after stepping on the scale and not seeing ANY change I decided that it's time to pick it up a notch. For the next 4 weeks I'll be doing 4 workouts a week.

This weeks Goals:
*Oatmeal for Breakfasts (It's so cold, I like a warm BF!)
*Only 1 coffee a day (going well!)
*1500 Calories/day
*Veggie filled Salad for lunch
*Drink lots of water everyday! I really need to increase my water intake!
* 3 bite rule on sweets or no sweets at all!
* 4 workouts a week.
* Weigh myself weekly.

I read in a magazine something that I always enforce with myself... Snacking! Having little snacks throughout the day so you don't over indulge at meals. I find this very important for my drive home. I usually have a banana on my way home so while I cook dinner I'm not falling over! Ha!

Time to finally lose these nagging 10lbs!