Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Baby gear, baby talk, oh baby!

 Everyday is amazing, everyday my little boy changes soo much.  In just 2 months he's grown so much, I can just imagine next month and the next and next. We bought him a new pillow for tummy time, but he rather sit back and look all around him and focus of the tv ha!

Baby K seems to be pretty picky, he is not a huge fan of the baby ktan wrap or the baby bjorn one either.  He can only stay in them for a short time before he wants a different position. This morning I was able to organize the house a bit as I carried him around :)

Here is a little video of Kristian talking back to me :) Please don't mind my voice haha and the fact I'm talking about a poopy diaper haha!


Sunday, January 01, 2012

My 2012 goals!

2011 wow, it went by soo quick it seems. January 2011 we took an amazing mini trip to San Francisco then got pregnant in February! I was pregnant most the year! This year has had so many firsts for me. heck, I had a baby!!

I learned so much and grew so much this year. I found strengths in me and an inner patience and even weaknesses I never knew I had. I also saw the truths of people all around me, who really care and who don't. Some more shocking than others. The year really opened my eyes to so many realities, the good and the bad.

2012 will be another one of these years that will have soo many more firsts. My emotions run from happy and excited to scared and anxious. Overall I'm looking forward to this new year and all the change it will bring.
Life is a little different now that i have the most amazing little boy in my life.
It's incredible how much I love him more and more as each day goes by. So I need to think realistic goals because I'm a mama now and 2012 marks his first year of life so all my attention is on him! 
I love my little boy.
Here are some goals I'd like to reach for me and baby this year.
* Lose weight - 25lbs
* Exercise 3x a week
* Reach 1000+ followers on my blog. I love meeting new bloggers!
* Focus more on my recipe blog (quick and easy recipes for a busy mom)
* Start a new collection of shoes (haha my pregnancy made my foot grow a size!)
I'm increasing my shoes by shopping on Shoedazzle everything is 39.95!
I've bought 3 pairs already! And 2 of the pairs were half price! If you want to join check out the site with my referral ;)
* Visit New York (Go to Eatly , I watch too much of The Chew ha! ;)
* Plan a resort trip with baby
* Join baby and me classes ( gym baby and me starting at 4months and stroller
fitness in the spring!)
* Take a CPR class this year
* Open a education savings for baby K
* Find a mom and me balance and be the best new mom I can be in my own unique
way and be confident with who I am now ;)

I'll add more as the year goes by. For now these are my 2012 goals. 
Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Baby is 2 months old!

My little guy is 2 months old! I cant believe how time is flying.

So what has changed over a month...

You now weigh 10 pounds 8oz and all from mama's delicious milk.

You will only nurse on mama and refuse mamas milk in a bottle. :/ picky little guy.

You passed the phase of crying during diaper changes, it's all smiles and talking. You are in size 1-2 diapers.

You Discovered the tv and watch it in a daze for short periods.

You smile and coo so much more these days.

You love to look around and analyze your surroundings.

You get bored fast, about a 5 min attention span.

You have such a strong neck and legs.

You are a long boy with big feet ha! You fit in 3-6 month clothes and still your feet are too big for the foot in the onesie. My tall boy!

You are a sensitive baby that does not like to be over stimulated or over tired. You will vocalize that.

White noise helps with sleep and calming down you love the sound of water it's soo soothing to you. You don't sleep without it.

You are still feeding every 2-3 hours with an occasional 4 hours in there.

You are starting to drool more often.

You discovered how to suck your hands and you have your hands to your mouth often haha

You also got your first cold ;( a bad stuffy nose and cough. You want to be held close, mama holding you makes you breathe easier. So I've been holding you most the night... Mama isn't looking so great, but I'll do anything to make you feel better.

We love you sweet baby boy. Happy 2 months!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Flu season and my baby boy

I have the worst mommy guilt going on over here. Kristian will be 2 months old tomorrow and he already caught a bad cold ;(. I feel soo bad that I couldn't protect him from these germs. They were probably air born from anyone during our Christmas events. We were around lots of family and it is flu season.

Kristian is soo stuffy and coughing a lot.

Monday night we had a scare because he was gasping for air.

We spoke to tele health and they advised us to go to the ER.

We took him to the ER and he got checked out. They did a X-ray on his little chest ;( to make sure his lungs were ok.

They said it was just a cold and to be aware of any heavy breathing or fever.

I've been putting saline drops in his nose and suctioning out phlegm. We also have been sitting in the bathroom with the hot water running.

Praying he gets better soon. He's too little to be sick with a nasty cold ;(

Monday, December 26, 2011

Baby's First Christmas

 My sweet boy's first Christmas!

We had a wonderful weekend with our families. Christmas eve we spent with my side of the family. Our family is growing so instead of cooking for soo many of us we ordered food. We had two different types of pastas, veggies and seafood. It was delicious! Christmas day we spent with my husbands side and enjoyed a delicious Turkey lunch.

 Kristian received sooo many great gifts! lots of toys and lots of clothes! I just did 2 loads of laundry just for him! He also got 7 pairs of shoes too haha!
 This was our gift to baby Kristian this year. A casting of his little 6 week feet. I love it! We put it up in his room :)
We got this done with http://www.memoriesmade.ca/
My SIL gave me a gift certificate towards a baby massage class. I'm so excited to sign up in the new year!

We had a really good weekend and I'm soo happy that baby Kristian is now a part of our lives, I love him sooo much!

Last night my little boy was coughing. I was feeling pretty stressed out about it. I'm also monoritung him for a virus my little niece was just diagnosed with yesterday. I'm praying so hard that he doesnt catch it. My little niece is soo sick and in so much pain from the Coxsackie virus. Praying my sweet niece feels better soon!

Hope you all had a great Christmas

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Babys first Christmas this weekend

It's my little ones first Christmas! We have lots of gifts under our tree for him. I feel so blessed that he's my son, i love him so much!

Yesterday we went out to finish our Christmas shopping. I laugh now at how flexible I need to be. We went to a couple stores and in between we stopped so I could nurse baby twice and change baby. It actually worked out perfectly because I was able to stay out longer and finish our Christmas shopping ;)

There was some amazing half price sales going on too. I got him some cute outfits from Mexx for half price.
For myself I bought lots of leg warmers,a pair boots (clearance! $20!) and some sweaters at Marshalls.

Today we are staying in baking and wrapping gifts!

Hope you are done your shopping too!

My sweet boy is ready for his first Christmas.

Monday, December 19, 2011

A lazy Monday

Today I went down to the city to spend the day with my sister. We started the morning with breakfast at our favorite breakfast restaurant. Kristian was sleeping at first then woke up and was a little fussy so I held him while I ate, he was happy. However breakfast out isn't the same without lots of coffee haha. I only had half a cup but really I could have easily had 2 or 3!

After breakfast we went back to my moms house to feed and change Kristian... We all were so sleepy haha so we just stayed in watching soaps and discussing my sisters wedding coming up in March!!!

Only 6 more sleeps till Christmas and still have 6 gifts to buy! I still have time ;)

How was your Monday?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Love my baby boy!

I can't explain how much love I have for this baby boy! Snuggles!!!
I'm soo happy to have him in my life.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Busy week! The good and the bad

This week I was fully booked! Ha! I'm almost finished my Christmas shopping so im happy about that! Are you!?

Yesterday I had a rough day! I didn't get much sleep due to a blocked milk duct. Omg painful!!!! I didn't even know what it was! I applied heat and massaged and made baby nurse a lot from that breast. It went away. Thank goodness!

Today a good friend and I with our baby boys went out for lunch! I was worried about where I would breastfeed if I needed to. Baby K was good and slept most the time, the cries started when we were leaving haha! I breastfed him in the car before heading home.

Here are some pics! And cute gifts Isaac got for Kristian ;)