Tuesday, February 10, 2015

13 weeks!

Pregnancy update! 

How far along: 13 weeks but I feel like I've been pregnant forever haha

Size of baby: Lime

Gender: can't wait to find out next month!

Sleep: no problem here! I am soo tired! Haha

Cravings: I have more food aversions than cravings. But in my cravings lists  it's anything salty but also strawberries and apples! 

We are so excited. Little K talks about the baby all the time. He will randomly kiss my belly and say he loves the baby. How sweet. ;)

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Family get- together.

Saturday night my brother hosted a family get together with just few of our family members. If it were our whole family, we'd need a hall! We have a huge family. 

It was so nice to catch up with everyone. We don't get to see eachother often but it was so was to pick up where we left off and talk for hours about past memories while creating new ones. Uncondional love and family togetherness under one roof. 

The bigs and the littles. 

The little enjoyed the endless amount of candy at the candy station and loves burning it off running around and playing together. 

Cousin love. Such a blessing to have so many littles around and so many more to come! 

Pin the something, haha they were so cute. 

My sister inlaw never fails when it comes to fun! Haha she had a list of games ready for the evening lol

Pass the egg game haha! We had some good laughs. 

Hold the pop can with a spaghetti game. lol

Which I failed at. 

They also had a artist come in to draw! 

Ha look at us! Love my family!! 

And look at this baby bump! 

Best foods this weekend for this preggo was sushi! And strawberry and lemon tarts. Delish! 

A wonderful night together with No judgments, just pure fun, smiles and all around respect and love for our family. 

We had a great weekend. Hope you all did too!! 

Pure Love. ♥️

New home and lots of smiles!

This boy is all smiles! Having fun in the car as we run around looking at furniture for our new home! 

It's ready!!! We are sooo excited to move in soon! 

We bought his new big boy bedroom set! 

I'm so excited to furnish and decorate the new home! I have so many ideas and can't wait to implement them all. 

When I was out during the week I went Into a kids store. 

Seeing these tiny baby clothes made me soo emotional! I'll be shopping for the new little one soon! I still canr believe I have a precious little one growing inside me. 

My ultrasound is coming up I'm beyond exited! 

Hope you all are having a great weekend! 

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Some weekend fun

Delayed post with a bunch of pics of course! 

Friday my husband and I went shopping for house items! New dinnerware for the new home! Time is flying and it's crunch time!!! 

We are soo excited to get to our new home, new memories to be made, a new beginning filled with love for our growing family. 

Our little family of 3, will soon be 4. Making us even stronger than we were before. 

After shopping for a couple hours we decided, well actually my cravings decided on dinner. 

I had the 1.5lbs lobster! The Mr had 2lbs! 
Along with the most delicious lobster bisque, garlic bread and escargots!

Ohh I'm drooling right now as I post this ha! 

Saturday was another day shopping. Getting little K's uniform for Montessori school! 

Ohhh I cried seeing him all dressed up, such a big boy now. 

How cute is he!!!

And his new dress shoes! 

He's a size 10! His shoe size always surprises me!! He's growing up and fast! 

The rest of the weekend was filled with friends and family. Birthday parties and Super Bowl! Pizza wings chips ohhh  yum! 

The cousins having way too much fun together.

And us recovering from a fun filled weekend! 

I hope to start weekly pregnancy updates or at least monthly ones!  Need to get my act together! I want to track this pregnancy as I did little k's! 

One things forsure, I'm sooo tired! And was not this tired when I was preggo with little k! 

Good night friends! 

Monday, January 26, 2015

My big news!


Do you know now! 

Ha! Finally the secrets out! Boy was it hard to keep! 

I started to show right away! And started feeling pregnancy symptoms even before I missed my period. 

Like  increased sense of smell. Omg I was in tune with every scent/odor around me! 

I had a couple clues very early on. Like mood swings. Ha. I went from zero to 100 real quick. Tired tired tired! Way more exhausted now than I was with little k. 

Early cravings, I remember one day buying takeout and the man next to me bought a milkshake. I never buy or want milkshakes, but this time, my eyes were locked on it. Haha and I had a war in my head, get it, don't get it, just get it, don't get it! I walked out without it. Then couldn't stop thinking about it. I knew right then, I had to be pregnant! lol I sent the husband back out to get it, a chocolate and vanilla one haha! 

Since then my cravings are mostly for salty tangy foods. My emotions are off the wall. I'll cry if I step on a ant kinda emotions. Poor ant could have had a family. I'm mama bear to the extreme. Taking no BS from anyone or anything negative that comes our way. My family first that's my priority. My little boys happiness and well being drives all my decisions. 

Just this weekend I announced my pregnancy on Facebook. The amount of love we received was soo amazing. We love all our family and friends. Seeing them all genuinely happy for us is the best feeling. We are so blessed. 

Our little family is sooo excited! 
Little k is excited to be a big brother, he won't stop talking about it, and already asked to hold the baby. Ha! 

I'll start my weekly pregnancy update posts starting next week. Tracking belly growth and how I'm feeling! 

This picture was taken first week of January! Eep I'm bigger than that now! 

I'm already in maternity pants and skirts. We got 7 more months to go!  Due date expected Aug 22. :) 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fun at the Museum

Little K loves dinosaurs so this weekend we thought he would love seeing the dinosaur bones at the Museum. He's been once before with daddy so he remembered when we told him where we were going and was excited that mommy was going to see everything too! 

He has a dinosaur book and memorized about 20 different dinosaurs. So it was super cute seeing him name some of them as we went along.

I was worried about being out all day with him now that he's fully potty trained. But it's much easier than I thought. Just means more trips to the bathroom while we are out but not one accident. I'm soo proud of him! 

Learning so much! 

Let's dig! 

We had a fun day downtown. We ended the fun with dinner at a near by restaurant. Yum! 

I have a big post coming soon with some news! Stay tuned! 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Potty time!

Yes this is the most exciting thing happening right now. Potty training! Well little k has been on and off potty training since he was 2! When I thought he was really getting it  he decided to forget about it. So I left if alone until he was closer to 3. He would go sometimes but other times would full out refuse and say "no I don't want to" or "mommy will clean diaper" haha well finally at just a bit after 3 years old this little man is fully potty trained! All on his own! Well help from us giving him little gifts when he did start going on his own. We did that a couple times and that's it. No more diapers! He was ready when he was ready! 

He even wakes a couple times at night when he has to pee! I wasn't expecting that! 

I'm so proud! Little k has always been like that! We can't force him to do things he doesn't want to do! But when he's ready he's ready and he puts his all in it! 

He's now fully ready for school next month! 

Our kids totally surprise us don't they! 

We had a fun weekend out and about. 

First we tried to get a haircut but that didn't work out ha! But a walk in the mall with his little cousin made for a fun Saturday morning. 

Friday night was date night. Dinner and a movie. We decided to go to red lobster, omg we haven't been there in years! 

We then caught a late movie. American Sniper. It was such a good movie. The theatre was silent when it was over not a word as people exited the theatre. Watch it! 

Today the weather was better so we went for a little walk in the park before running some errands. 
Weekend is over, another tired Monday ahead! Haha! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekend fun!

Sushi lunch! So fun watching little man concentrate on using chopsticks to pick up 1 pea at a time haha
His favorite at sushi lunch was; edamame, veggie rice, avocado/cucumber rolls, tempura crab and veggies, and miso soup! Yum! 

We also had a cousins 2nd birthday party which was a blast for the kids. 

Little K loves being with all his cousins. He asks for them all daily! We just don't get to see eachother enough, but when we do, there's lasting memories of fun and warm love. 

Of course little k ran so fast to blow out those candles. Oh boy. 

And at the end of the night, pj's on and story time from Tia. 

Total cuteness!