Wednesday, April 08, 2015

21 weeks!

How far along: coming up to 21weeks! 

Weight gain: 16lbs so far eek!

Cravings: not much, I've been sick for a week now and I don't have any taste or or sense of smell! Fun for a preggo ha!

Size of baby: length of a carrot! 

Movement: this little one is active!! Much more that little k was at this time.

I can't get enough of the ultrasound pic! 
How can you not be so in love with a precious little life!! 

Best feeling: baby moving all around and little k being Soo interested in his baby brother or sister. I love cuddling with my boys every night getting so much love. We love this little one so much and can't wait to shower him/her with lots of love when he/she arrives in August! 

Love my boys!! And once we find out the gender let's see if I'll still be saying just boys! Haha. 

Happy Wednesday  friends! 

Monday, April 06, 2015

20 weeks Ultrasounds!

Yesterday morning we went for the 3D ultrasound to find out the Gender!!!! 

Little k was ready for business! 

Ohh it was the sweetest seeing our little miracle on the screen. Kicking, sucking their thumb, moving all around super active. 

I wanted to attach the video but I'm having trouble! ;( 

Little K was sooo interested. Asking questions, looking at the baby, telling the baby he loves her/him. 

We told the technician to write down the gender and seal it! I then brought that envelope to my sister!!! 

Hsha my little niece accepted the sealed note, she holds the secret in her little hands! 

We are having a Gender Reveal party with friends and family soon!!!!! Everyone is Soo excited! 

Hmm I kinda see girl!!??? 

Today I went to the doctors ultrasound and they did the same! I'll deliver the envelope tonight! We need too be 100% sure for the party ha!!

My love!!!!!!! Our family is so excited and we can't wait for August!!! 

Little k's 20 week ultrasound link below. 
They look the same hmmmmm boy???

Team pink or team blue!!!!!!!

Can't wait to finally put a name to our little one. 

Happy Monday friends! 

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter long weekend!!!

Soooo much to blog about!!!!! I'll blog gender ultrasound tomorrow!!!

Today it's all about Easter fun! 

Well it started off a little rough with a sick house haha. Everyone but Zoe had a cold. So Friday we had a family fun day indoors! 

So much fun!!! 

Saturday was my nieces birthday party! My sister went all out decorating a despicable me birthday!!

Heheeee sooo adorable!!! 

The kids had a blast together! They love eachother soooo much!!!! 
Easter egg hunt! 

Adults had fun too! Smile!!! All love!! 
The kids were pooped after the party haha so were the mama's!!! 

Today was Easter lunch at my grandparents home. A home that has opened doors! Even our friends come by to say happy Easter to my grandparents. They have always shown true family values, and not by empty words but only by actions. A house full of people, husbands, wives, grandkids, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends. No judgments, no hate. Just pure love, unconditional, forgiveness always and seeing the bigger picture of a united front. Little K being around this positive environment and people with genuine open hearts is one of the best things we are giving our children. 

A perfect Easter Sunday!!! 

And of course the whole family goes all out for Easter for the kids!!!! It's all about the kids happiness!! 

Easter egg hunt and gifts everywhere!! 

Little k loved it!!

Happy kiddies! Happy hyper kiddies that is hsha!! 

Hope you all had a safe and fun weekend!! 

Happy Easter from our growing family to yours! 

More weekend fun on the blog tomorrow!!!  ❤️

Thursday, April 02, 2015

20 weeks and so sick with the flu

Boo! I have a bad cold which has me in slowwwwmo! 

20 weeks! 

Size of a banana! 
Gender ultrasound this weekend!!! Yay!!!
Gender reveal party to follow! My friends and family are super excited!! 

This past weekend it was just baby k and I. Dh went away for his best friends bachelor party. They had an awesome time and they all have awesome tans! Jealous!!!

But little k and I had some visitors. And he was such a good little helper, helping me around the house and taking care of baby too! He's going to be an amazing big brother!!!

Love my little boy!!! 

This weekend we have so much planned!  I have a bad cold :( so I hope I get over it soon!!! It's easter weekend! Lots of celebrations with family! 

Ohh and how can u forget!!! My nieces birthday!!!! 2 years old today!!

Happy Easter!!!! 

Friday, March 27, 2015

First school trip!!!

This week little k went on his first school trip!!! I was nervous!! But he was great!!! His teachers said he was amazing!! He loved going on a big yellow school bus for the very first time! They went to the science center, watched a Madagascar movie and had fun with water. Little k talked about it all night!! He's a little chatter box, talking about his day everyday! 

I'm so proud of my little man! 

This week when I picked him up from school he told me that he's soooo happy. Nothing better than hearing that!!! 

Just love this boy!! 

He is growing up sooo fast!! I can't believe in just 4.5 months he will be a big brother!!! 

Happy weekend everyone!! 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

19 weeks!

How Far Along: 19 weeks

Woah what happened! Belly just popped out there!

Loving the belly rubs from my husband and little k. ♥️ I can't believe that my family of 3 will soon be 4!!!!!! 4!!!!! 

Size of baby:  Cantaloupe!

maternity clothes: Ok so I'm loving the maternity store, jeans, tights, dresses... I have bought a lot for only 19 weeks! I'm embracing my belly and showing it off! We are soo happy and excited and I know how fast this will all go. I want to enjoy every minute of it! 

Movement: Lots of movement. At this week with little K, I didn't feel much movement. This little one is moving around alot!

Cravings:They don't last very long, after I have something I've been craving it's then gone. Still more food aversions than anything.

But Brownies were delish today :) 

Best Moment so far: Is yet to come! Finding out the gender soon! BUT we all won't find out until our Gender Reveal party! The technician will write it out for me and I'll hand it over to my sister.  She will be the only one that will know! And she will reveal it at the party!!! EEEEE. We are all SOOOO VERY Excited!

This mama thinks boy! Haha. Can't wait to find out! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

March break is over!

Back to school! Little k had an amazing time off!! I took some days off and so did grandma! He had a week of fun! 

Wednesday I took him to see reptiles! Ha! He loves seeing the snakes, and turtles and crocodiles! He even asked if the snake will eat a mouse haha

He even touched a snake! 

He also had fun staying with grandma for 2 days! Taking her little dog for walks! 

This weekend was busy! 

Lots of family time! 

Lots of hugs kisses and cuddles! 

Rolling around our new carpet ha! 

And helping put up lighting in the master bathroom 

This little man is growing up way too fast! He says the most sweetest things. We love him sooo much and he's going to such a good big brother! 

This weekend we also had my cousins birthday party and house warming. 

The big kids and little kids have a great time being together and catching up. 

Total sweetness!!!! 

The weekend was filled with more house decorating! We got window coverings! Yay privacy! Kitchen lighting and a new bench for the hallway! 

Weekend is over and it's back to school tomorrow for little man! 

Next blog post to come. 18 weeks!