Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Hot week!

This week was super hot and humid! 

Finding things to do with a toddler without spending too much time outside at once was hard.

We went to a new playland with a friend. The kids loved it! Watching them climb up stairs and climb over things being brave was so cute to watch. 

I made homemade juice Popsicles which kept us cool too! 

We also went to the splashpad for some fun too. It was fun until a little boy about 6 years old came and starting kicking water in Kristian's face until he cried. ;( horrible. It broke my heart! Kris was so upset. I picked up Kris and tried to calm him down, but he was afraid to go back in. Boo! 

Next week will be cooler and not as hot and humid as this week whew! We love summer and want to enjoy the outdoors! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

While the husband was away...

Last week we received sad news that my husbands 94 year old grandfather passed away in Honduras. We had a nice family dinner last weekend to celebrate his life.  At the dinner my husband, 2 of his brothers and his dad decided to go back to Honduras to visit family during this tough time. So they booked a flight for Wednesday and he's been away for 5 days! 

5 days just me and baby k. 

The first day was good, I spent it with my sister shopping and playing. Then Thursday morning I woke up really dizzy. Dizzy and nauseous (not preggo) I couldn't even lift baby k out of the crib. I panicked a little, ok a lot. I never felt that before. I called my sister and mom and they rushed over. After speaking to telehealth they told me to get to the ER. So we did. My sister watched the kids (ha! She had her hands full, my cousin went over to help and my sister was able to put her little to nap and then put baby k to nap haha super mom!) 

After getting checked out, they said all seemed fine. But the nauseous feeling still lasted a couple days! I'll be seeing my family doctor tomorrow.

So glad for my family to help in a second when needed ;)

The rest of the days consisted of more shopping (sorry DH ha!) and lots of playing outdoors with Kristian. 

Yesterday was my brothers BBQ birthday party. It was nice, but with a toddler you can imagine I was pooped at the end of the night! 

Today is a beautiful day. Water fun and ice cream all day! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer fun days

Boy is it hot!! 

Kristian loves the water. Yesterday we played with water in the backyard! Today we will do the same and during the week we will hit the water park just up the street! 

Today we had a fun play date with my friend. The littles are so funny. Kris was a little upset not wanting to share, but he still loves his little buddy and they hugged  . 

We are prepping our house to get our floors done, now happening this week!!it will be a lot if work but I'm so excited to see the final outcome! The next couple weeks will be crazy around here with that and some other projects we have going on! 

Hope you're all having a great Monday! It's water fun and ice cream all day here. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Baby pancakes

This morning my sister and I went to breakfast with the kids. We walked to the restaurant just around the corner. 

Kristian loves pushing his baby cousin in the stroller and we like it too so he walks a little faster and in the direction we want haha.

We had a delicious breakfast and the best pancakes I have ever tasted! Yum!!!!

Kristian didn't eat that much at the restaurant. Before we left for breakfast he had a major meltdown for an avocado. So he ate one before we left haha. 

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Canada day long weekend fun!

I wish the blogger app was a little more advanced, like being able to place pictures where I want them not just below all the text. Oh well!

This weekend was Canada day long weekend!!

It was also the Euro cup finale! Spain won! We were cheering for both teams but really wanted Italy to win! So we were also sad!

We had a fun weekend and the weather was beautiful.

This week it will be really hot and humid!!

We have a busy busy week planned as I have a lot to organize for baby K's baptism celebration this weekend!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Hot humid hump day and vlog!

Whooo! It's hot here!!!

Happy first day of summer reaching record breaking highs!

Kristian and I went out this morning before it gets even warmer.

We went to get a costco card, so now I can finally take part in some of those deals my family and friends talk about haha ;)

Kristian had a little melt down while in there and I had to distract him with my iPhone YouTube Mickey mouse video haha! Glad it worked! Whew!

Last night kris slept sooo well! He woke only once to eat.

I want to night wean this little boy, I have the feel now to know when he really is hungry and when he wants to just cuddle and get himself back to sleep. So since its Back to work in almost 3 months ;( I'm trying to figure out what will work best for us. Although I will need to change it all up as per his schedule of growth haha!

I did 2 Vlogs yesterday and this morning about my start on night weaning.

Check them out ;)

Monday, May 21, 2012

First pool party!

Baby K had a busy long weekend! It's Victoria day long weekend and we had lots of fun events.

Yesterday my aunt and uncle hosted a pool party. The weather was perfect!

The kids loved the water as did the adults! ;)

Kristian had a blast in the water! He was sooo cute! I bought him his first floaty which he enjoyed so much. He shared it with his cousin too, my little niece was so excited.

Later at night we went back to our house to watch the fire works, we can see them from our yard which has been a tradition since we moved here. It was a late night, but always lots of fun!

I ate terrible allll weekend! I'll need to get back on track this week. Oh boy!

Hope you all had a great weekend too!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend of great weather and family

 The weekend was beautiful. The weather was perfect. Yesterday we went for a walk by the lake.  It was soo nice. I know the grass is always greener on the other side, but I really wish we lived there in front of the lake. It's such a great vibe down there.  I just love the energy nature gives us. I felt so good after our walk. I even got a little sun burn on my nose.

Saturday we went to visit my grandparents.  They were making tomato sauce, it's the season. They are soo cute. I took a couple jars for myself ahahh. mm mmm.
Sis and I

My SIL's dad is sick in the hospital. We really hope he get's better soon :( The hospital he's at is not too far from my house so afterwards on Saturday night, my brother stopped over our place.

My niece is just too adorable! She can take 3 steps alone but then sits to crawl, cause she is super quick at crawling ahhah.  She loves Zoe too. She calls her doggie, hahha. Zoe is pretty good with her, so I think Zoe will have no problem adapting to baby K!

She is soo active crawling and touching everything! My brother was taking things away from our living room and putting them up on a higher counter haha. She was finding things on our floor like pens and playing with it. She was even trying to open the cupboards too. Watching a toddler is exhausting, and you can't have your eyes off them!  :)
Baby B and Zoe

We also went to visit husbands family for lunch yesterday. His dad got them all a shirt for his painting company. Look how cute they all are. We need one for Baby K too. 

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Fun Summer Weekend

Friday night we went down to the city to my favorite Thai restaurant. We had a delicious meal, our usual, chicken and shrimp pad thai and red coconut curry shrimp and pineapple. Yum!

Dress from Target last year (not maternity) still fits but needed to wear a shirt underneath for my oversized... you know :)  
After dinner we went to a park to walk around. It was very peaceful and nice, just walking and talking.  My favorite thing to do with the husband.

After walking through the zoo area of the park we noticed that the play in the park was still going on, so we went over and took a seat to watch.

 No pictures allowed during the play, but husband snapped one!
 It was a beautiful evening and mosquito's loved me that night haha!

We got home pretty late and had a busy Saturday so yesterday I was pretty tired but didn't stop me from enjoying my Saturday.

We had lunch on a patio and shopped a bit before heading to a family bbq.
Thai shrimp wrap with coleslaw, spicy and delicious!

Look at this cute track suit I bought for baby K at Winners. Love it!  Husband said it was a must buy, don't need to twist my arm when it comes to shopping for baby hahhah!

At the family bbq my nieces loved being in the pool. Look at baby M, adorable! The best part is when her mom was saying "ready" to dunk her head in the water and her eyes and faced scrunched up getting ready to go under. sooo cute!!!

I can't believe she is turning 1 yo in 9 days!

Today is a very humid day, so we decided to stay in most the day.

Hope you are all having a nice relaxing Sunday :)
Zoe loves sleeping on my belly


Zoe's pillow haha!