Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hidden Calories Continued

Although my new pedometer is bulky and not comfy to wear at all, it does track calories burned too. I really like that feature and will use this one while I continue on the look out for a smaller one. ;)

Today I found out something that totally shocked me!... Yesterday I wrote about hidden Calories and how I dropped my BF sandwich from 270 cals to 195 cals. I also noticed that coffee could be a culprit of hidden cals... WELLLLLL I just found out that a large double double coffee is 230 cals! Can you believe that! The last 2 weeks I increased my Cal intake by eating 500 cals for BF!!!! So this week I started drinking a large regular which is 115 cals, now BF is a total of 310 cals instead of that dreadful 500! (I'm thinking I can definitely do with a medium coffee which is 75 cals so bringing it down to 270)

I'm already down 1 lbs and hopefully I will soon be back to where I was in weight and work on losing from there!

Learning lesson: Never underestimate the Cals! They are EVERYWHERE! ahahha!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hidden Calories

Over the weekend I made sure to really focus on hidden Calories.

I bought a different type of English muffins 30 cals less than the ones I was eating. I also made sure to use only half a tbsp of peanut butter for my BF to cut added calories there. I brought down my BF sandwich from 270 cals to 195 Cals :) whoohoo.

Also I am making sure to only use a tiny bit of mustard for my lunch sandwiches and i will also be starting to bring in soups for lunch too.

Over the weekend husband figured out another item that has hidden cals.... My coffee! When I was home I hardly drank coffee out, I usually made my own or usually had tea. The past 2 weeks of working I have been having a double double coffee every morning! That's 2 sugars and 2 creams every day! I couldn't believe I never realized that. So today I got myself a Regular coffee no more double double. I also will only get a coffee when I feel tired, if not I will choose tea instead with no added sugar or cream!

It's a new week and I'm ready to lose weight!!
This weeks goals ;)
2. Limit Coffee and added sugars and creams in them!
3.Healthy home cooking 5 days a week. :)
4. Limit sweets
5. 2 days a week Jogging
6. 2 days 10000 steps on pedometer

Sunday, November 15, 2009

More holiday decorating

More decorating! Today we spent all day finishing up the Christmas decorations.
We put up all the lights outside as well ;) All that is left is getting our indoor Christmas tree!
We have not decided on when to get the tree yet, since we are going for a real one I don't want to get it too early.

Tonight I am pooped! I'm watching Brothers and Sisters ( my favorite show) then I'm off to bed!

Hope you all had a great weekend ;)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Up 3lbs!

I knew it! I was feeling the snugness in my jeans this week ;( I'm so upset! for the longest time of maintaining , I go and gain 3 lbs! How did this happen! My jogging routines are still in tact, my eating is not thaaat different than it was before.

Some changes: I am eating Rye bread sandwiches everyday for lunch (i thought Rye is ok) and I have been eating a peanut butter and jam English muffin for BF. I just added up the Cals in my BF and it comes out to 270 (160 EM, 20 jam, 90 peanut butter) hmm. I know these are added cals to my day, since when I was home I skipped BF many times. This week I need to really look at my daily meals specifically BF and lunch. Boo to weight gain, I hope I drop these quick!

Good news, I bought my new pedometer today, whoohoo! ;)

AND cutting carbs at dinner is a must now! Veggie Omelet with Veggies on the side! YUM! With Jasmine Green Tea.

Tomorrow we are going to put up the Christmas lights. We still have not bought a tree but we are thinking of going with a real tree this year so we will look into that in the endrt of November.

****Prayers... Praying for my best friend and her family, she lost her step-dad this week :(. Also praying for another good friend of mine's family, her sister lost her unborn baby twins and she is going through a really tough time, my heart aches for her so much :(

Hope everyone is having a safe and fun weekend.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cool new work bag ;)

As I mentioned before I'm going through a yucky learning curve at work. Since I usually get overwhelmed and tend to freak out husband is here to help me out. So whatever I do not understand I bring home and he helps me (I feel like I'm back in school!) Well for the past 2 weeks I've been lugging around a brief case to bring my notes back and forth. It was a hand held one, and I would struggle holding that and a coffee and trying to go through revolving doors without touching it with my hands because of GERMS! hahah! So I went out and bought a shoulder bag! It's light and comfy! Not too big, but a perfect size to carry my notes in, and my lunch!

Saturday I will be doing my weigh in. Although I have been eating healthier and snacking healthier, my jeans are feeling a little snug... hmm I'm a little worried!! lets hope I did not gain any weight!!! GRRR ! Today I have a bag of almonds to snack throughout my day :)

Happy Friday!! :)

Remembrance Day

Yesterday was Remembrance day, and a beautiful day it was to honour those who died while serving their countries.

Husband and I both had the day off work. So we took a drive to Niagara falls to enjoy a beautiful afternoon ;)

We saw the most beautiful Rainbow!

We spent the whole afternoon walking around, talking and just enjoying peacefulness!

And of course what is going to Niagara falls without stopping at the Hershey Factory!!

Sorry for posting the deliciousness!! I was good and did not buy any chocolates!

.... I only bought some chocolate covered strawberries ;) ha!

We went to Starbucks before our long drive home and enjoyed a gingerbread Latte with our strawberries. Yum! ;) A much needed relaxation day for the both of us ;)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Beautiful Fall Weather

The weather has been amazing the last couple days. Gorgeous fall weather amazing for this time of year. Today I was feeling yucky at work. I'm going through a big learning curve and just feeling moosh. When we got home from work today we went for our jog, we went a little further than usual. It felt great and I'm feeling better already, ahh. Nothing like a jog in fresh air to clear the mind ;)

FRUIT! When I did my groceries on Sunday I bought lots of fruit, grapefruit, grapes, and strawberries. Trying to eat as nutritional as possible. I'm hoping to stay flu free!

Tomorrow husband and I both have the day off for remembrance day. I am so happy that I have a break in the middle of the week ahhhhh !

Look at Zoe thinking my back is turned and right away jumping on the counter. She noticed my pedometer on the counter and decided to knock it down and use it a s a toy and it broke! Maybe she doesn't want me to use it anymore HA! But that is ok, because I want to buy the one that tracks calories burned too, so now I have an excuse to go buy it! ;0

Off to read all my fav blogs ;)

Monday, November 09, 2009

Wore my pedometer to work.

Lots to say today ;) Since I started working (since last week ha!) I made myself a peanut butter and jam English muffin every morning for breakfast. I know my body and I know I need a sweet in the morning. Doing this saves me from a donut or muffin run mid morning, so far so good and I have been doing sooo well! Love it when I read myself and find a solution!

I was suppose to wear my pedometer last week to work but I kept on forgetting. So today I finally wore my pedometer to work and I only did 5000 steps! and that's with my frequent bathroom runs since I'm drinking water like I'm afraid of a shortage. hmm not a good thing. I need to think of creative ways to add more steps in my day.

This weeks goals are the same as last week.

My goals for the week are the following:
2. Healthy home cooking all week. :)
3. Limit sweets
4. 2 days a week Jogging

Tonight is a relax night with my hot chocolate and cuddling with husband and Zoe ;)

Before I go, I want to pray so much for my friends sister. She miscarried today and lost her twin babies :( I'm soo sad for her loss and send all my thoughts and prayers for her family ;(

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Christmas Decorating

Yesterday when we did our fall cleaning I found some holiday decorations. However when we moved I think I must have thrown away many of our things or maybe they are hidden away somewhere, because we do not have much! I only hand a few items.

Husband and I usually put up our tree in the beginning of November but last year we gave away our tree and we still have not gone out to buy a new one. (I like the fake pre-lit ones) I've been looking at all the flyer's that come in but have not seen any good deals as of yet. We also need to get lights for decorating the outside of the home. Some of our neighbors put up their lights yesterday; I think we will be delayed in that too! Ha!

46 Days till Christmas! ;)

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Fall cleaning! Raking Leaves.

Over the week we noticed that everyone on our street had no leaves on their grass, yet our lawn was full of leaves, when did everyone rake their leaves? Where were we? ahah!...Today was a gorgeous warm fall day so we decided to make today our Fall cleaning day. We raked all the leaves, 5 bags FULL! What a work out that was! I never understand why we need to rake these leaves, but husband told me that the grass would not be able to breathe covered in leaves, and in spring we would be left with a mess after all the snow falls. (ok better to clean em all up haha!) Since we moved in our new house in June we used our garage as a storage room so we decided to tackle that too! We cleaned for 5 hours today whew! It's such a good feeling to have everything cleaned and organized ;)

While we were out cleaning I put a whole chicken in the slow cooker on high for 4 hours. It was perfect! Once we wrapped up and showered we sat down to a nice chicken dinner with a large spinach salad!

Hope you all are having a great Fall weekend!