Sunday, January 03, 2010

Snowy, lucky day!

Husband shoveling the snow ;)

It snowed all day long today! But I still got all my errands done and I'm ready for a healthy week!

Today we ate all meals at home too! Before we left to church this morning we had an Omelette for Breakfast with a coffee. For lunch we had a cold cut sandwich and dinner we had Spicy Chicken wings and salad!

Today I went to a new grocery store. (Highland Farms) It's much bigger with more selection as well but I'm still hooked on my original grocery store, because at Metro I can collect air miles points as well which is great. I'm still undecided. (but...Hold this thought....)

I bought a new Flax Organic bread for breakfast and I will try it out tomorrow, I hope it's good, it will be 30 cals less that what I ate before for BF.

Back to work tomorrow :( I had a great time during the holidays and even though it is Sunday, I now can't wait for Friday ahaha!

Going back up to where I said "Hold that thought" an awesome thing happened to me today!!! I loveee playing scratch cards, specifically cash for life ;) and yesterday I played 2 and won $4.00. So today when I went to Highland farms for groceries I cashed in my $4.00 and doubled it to buy 2 more cards.

Well, I came home I put the cards aside and made our chicken wing dinner. Ate... washed the dishes... and was about to blog... When I decided to scratch my cards. Cash for life has about 5 boxes on the card to scratch so...The First card I didn't win anything. On the second card, I scratched and won $50.00! I scream and I'm excited! I continue and win another $10, whoohoo husband and I jump up with excitement. I'm thinking how cool is this! But then I scratch again and I won $500!!!!!!! Soooo super excited! I even teared up! I never won more that $10.00 on a single play. Totally made my day!

Hope you all have a great week!!

Friday, January 01, 2010

2010 New Goals

It's a snowy new year and I'm indoors just relaxing ahh ;). Our New Years Eve Party was lots of fun and as much as I hate that I only have 2 more days until back to work.. I'm ready for 2010!

Husband and I do a goal setting workshop every new year so we will be doing that today.

As the new year begins so does my new weight loss goals.

My goals:

Lose 10lbs in 3 months!

I'm tired of just maintaining my weight and I really look forward to losing weight!

I will be tracking my progress here on my blog.

My weekly goals are similar to the ones I had last year and I will be continuously be tweaking and adjusting them throughout the weeks as well.

* 5 days a week of home cooking ;)
* Portion Control, use a small plate for meals.
* Limit carb intake
* Limit Sweets, use 3 bite rule
* Healthy cooking and healthy choices if eating out.
* Cut coffee as much as possible and replace with Green Tea
* 3 days a week basement work out (Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video)
* 3 days a week 10000 steps on the pedometer
* loofah body scrub to enhance circulation

I'm excited to read your weight loss goals too! Lets lose weight!!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years Eve!

This was last New Years Eve at our old house. We had a Big party and it was soo much fun! I had nooo idea what 2009 would bring...

Here are all the good things 2009 has brought me. ;)

- Despite being laid off, 2009 brought me 10 months of MEE time.
- 10 months of working on our online business and increased sales ;)
- A New found love for Blogging and 74 bloggy Friends!
- A new home in the suburbs!
- 7lbs of weight loss ahahah!
- A new love for hiking and jogging.
- A trip to Connecticut and Punta Cana
- New friends and more time spent with family ;)
- A new job.
- A new view on life and reality, and a Stronger me!
- Another year of Growing Towards A Dream! :)

What did 2009 bring for you!?

I'm ready for 2010 I just know it will be a great year for all of us!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ouch! Jillian Michaels Kicked my butt!

I remember other bloggers writing about this DVD Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, but never made the decision to get it. Last week my good friend over at Confessions of a Diet-aholic started tweeting about her amazing workout with the 30 day shred DVD. So on Monday I went to get it.

Last night I prepared my mat and weights (5lbs, much too heavy, I went out to buy 3lbs today ha!) I am now pretty much turning my whole basement into my workout area ahah.

Well... I started Level 1 yesterday and at the beginning I thought, PIECE OF CAKE! By the end of the dvd I was out of breath and all sweaty and it's only 20mins! It was great!

Today... I can barely walk. My legs and bum are soo sore and my arms and shoulders are sore and stiff.

Great workout! I'm making a new list of 2010 goals and I'm excited!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

10 things I love award

My new friend Kimberly @ Terra Del Sole gave me this award today. :) Yippy! I am to add 10 things I love, and pass this on to 10 bloggers I love, so here goes... in no particular order.

If you read my blog you know what I love the most...

1. ZOE! of course My little furbaby. She loves me back just as much as I love her! She always keeps us entertained with her silliness and is the most affectionate cat I have ever known.

2. Family and friends. I have amazing family and friends. We enjoy each others company and always have a great time when we are together!
(I could post tons of pics, but 1 is fine hahah! (I'm missing many other friends/cousins here too, I love em all)

3. The Ocean:
Ahhh another place I just love more than being home. Who wouldn't want to wake up to the sound of the ocean! Or going for a morning stroll on the white sands beach. (Ha! I have white snowy sidewalks right now burr)

4. Helping others - I love the feeling I get in my tummy when I give to others ;)

5. San Diego - Been to San Diego just once and really really love it there!

6. FOOD - You know this is what my whole blog really is all about haha!

7. Reading - I'm addicted to book stores and Amazon. :)

8. Being home (ahhh home is where my heart is :)

Love Blogging and Love reading all my bloggy friends blogs. I get so excited every time I see your comments and I love sharing my life with you and thankful I get a peek into yours too!

10. Best for last, my husband and my marriage. I love being married, and just Love my husband. I love how well husband and I work as a team. We have our disagreements more often than not but we Love each other lots! We have been together for 12 years and really have grown together and helped each other become who we are today and for the better. We are both growing towards a dream together ;)

10 Blogs I love

I listed some new and old Blogs I love to follow. I follow much more than 10 so I extend this bloggy award to all my bloggy friends too ;)

Below are some blogs I just love and I know you would love them all too!

Home is where my heart is!

I'm off work this week and home with Zoe! Is it strange that I absolutely LOVE being home? I am the most happiest and most in my element when I'm home. This morning I dropped off husband at work, grabbed a coffee and came home. As I was driving I was also thinking how I hate the city... Now, I'm a Toronto girl born and raised and just moved just north of the city to Vaughan. Everyone thought I would hate it, but I love it. And wish I never had to travel down to the city ha! I read many blogs and many blogger friends live in small towns and I usually get the feeling that I wish I lived in a small town too. HMM small town, staying home... What is happening? Is this me being anti social? Or just loving "me" time, quiet time...Well I won't think too far into it. I will just enjoy my week off and I look forward to 2010!

I just noticed a blogger friend gave me an award today! So exciting! Since I am home I will post my award up later this afternoon.

I'm off to run some errands and meet a friend for lunch... ahhh loving this. ;)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Much to much Coffee

We got a new coffee maker for Christmas and since we had many guests over we have been making lots of coffee. For the past 4 days I have been drinking 2-3 cups of coffee.... My bedtime has not been normal ahh! No earlier than 3am/4am has been my bedtime. Not good!

So hopefully as the busyness calms down so does my coffee intake ;)

The other day when shopping I found a new pedometer... a smaller one! Whoohoo. The one I bought before was too bulky and hated wearing it.

This week will be just as busy as last week so I know my schedule will be all over the place.
So again, I will make a mini goal for the week and start fresh in the new year.

1. 10000 steps on pedometer 2-3 days this week
2. Work out 2 days this week
3. Make healthier choices when eating out
4. NO fries or Burgers!
5. Limit Coffee intake to 1 a day.

Excited for 2010!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Events!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope everyone had a fun loving holiday!

Christmas this year was great! Lots of Family, Lots of love and lots of food!
(no weigh in this weekend that is for sure)

I have a large family and it is hard to see everyone during the holidays. We have lots of family on my moms side and lots of family on my dad's side. I also have my in laws as well so that makes 3 sides and only 2 days. Unfortunately I did not get to see my fathers side of the family this year and it makes me sad that since my father passed away 7 years ago we have not spent a Christmas with them at all. Husband and I had a serious talk today and plan to make some changes next year to make sure we get to visit all 3 sides for Christmas. Now that I am getting older and thinking of children in the future I really want to make the occasions all about family like I remember when I was young. This is something we need to straighten out and get right so that we can have new traditions to pass on.

This year we had Christmas Eve at my Aunts house. Our families are growing and my grandparents home is getting tight with all their grandchildren and partners!

These are my lovely grandparents that love to sing Italian songs during dinner.

Christmas Day I was the host ;). We had Christmas lunch with my husbands family at our place and it was a hit! (I will write more in detail during the week)

Zoe was helping me prepare as well ahah!

My mother in law brought the turkey and I made the rest.
-Pork Roast
- potatoes
-garlic zucchini
-Balsamic Salad
and Apple pie!
It was so nice to spend so much time with our families during the holidays and I am so grateful!

I am also grateful for the many sweet gifts we received, which included many Starbucks gift cards. Not sure if it is too good when husband and I received 6 in total. I won't even mention the amount it adds up to Ha! So much for cutting coffee! (more on this, later in the week)

... Movie Alert: Today I went to see Avatar in 3D, and if you did not see it, you must! It was a great movie! I loved it!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ready for Christmas!

Most gifts are wrapped...

All food is bought for Christmas Lunch and a new pot to go along with it...

Old memories ....
and new ones....

I'm ready for Christmas 2009! Spending Christmas eve and day with family creating new memories and new traditions.

Wishing all my blogger friends a Very Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Got ya!

Can you see the pic above it's a little dark but that is Zoe hiding under the bed. Her new thing is to hide quietly under the bed when we are getting ready for bed so she doesn't get seen and doesn't get kicked out. She stays quietly until 2/3 am ish and sneaks into our bed for cuddles. It's cute and I love her, but husband gets allergies and if we move the way she does not agree with she will start biting and wake us up. So now every night we need to pull her out from under the bed and lock her out of our room. ahah her hiding place has been found!

Today is sooo cold here in toronto! -11c and feels like -20c BURRRRR!!!!!! Hats, scarfs and gloves are very much needed!

Cilantro pic. This is what it looks like today after just over a week in the fridge, it's a little wilted and does not smell as fresh. It tasted fine on the weekend. I will try it today. Over all it's lasts longer in the water than just in the bag.

2 more days of work then a week vacation ahhhhhh! Love the holidays!
Hope you are all having a wonderful week!