Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 2 of on track!

Today I did really well with following my calorie intake and exercising. I went rollerblading tonight and boy was it a humid evening! But by the lake there was a little breeze... a little haha!

BF: I had Cinnamon Oatmeal and 1 coffee
Lunch: Salad with chickpeas, cucumbers and 1 egg.
Snack: 4 Strawberries and a handful of almonds
Snack 2: (HA!) 2 timbits and a Tea. (ok I didn't need those timbits but a girl offered at work and I couldn't resist! It's OK I kept with my calorie intake!
Dinner: Grilled chicken Salad. YUM!
After work out snack: half a sandwich with turkey and spinach.

Total calories today: 1400!

And today my nuplus order came in! Thanks Sunny!
I will add these packets to my smoothies! For a daily dose of nutrition! Read about it here!

And the hat I ordered for my niece came in too! She was sleeping so I didnt want to disturb her so I placed it just on top of her head, how cute!!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor for a full check up. I havent been since the MC so I hope I get good news and hopefully she gives me the OK to try again soon! :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday and on track!

I bought some new items to add to my menu. One Bun multi grain bread which is 100 calories. Great because all I need is half of one to go with my lunch salads. (need my carbs :)

I also bought flavored weight control oatmeal and just tried it, it's yummy! (sorry for the french side of the pic, just noticed that!
I also read that protein is a must when eating salads. So far my salads consist of Romaine lettuce, cucumbers, chickpeas and now adding 1 egg, with balsamic vinegar. Yummy!

I also make sure to eat every 3 hours to keep my metabolism going but to also be sure I'm not starving, not good when starving.... starving will make it easy to eat anything in site! So I don't want to do that to me!

This weeks menu

Smoothies or Oatmeal
1 Coffee

Salads (veggies and protein)
with half of a One Bun.

Snacks: Fruit/carrots/any 100 cal snacks.

Since I have been usually eating out for dinner, I need to be more aware of my choices and choose the healthier choice! Fingers crossed for a good week!

My goal calorie intake this week is 1500/day.
plus 2 workouts this week.

and so far Monday was perfect! :)

We are also planning a trip soon. However, I put in my passport renewal too late! So we are not sure if our trip will be in the USA or we might just travel within Canada. We'll make our decision by Wednesday.

Hope you all had a great week!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stuffed Weekend.

Summer! you're killing me!!! BBQ's and Events and amazing days and evenings that can not be wasted indoors... equals wayy too much eating and drinking and not enough time to burn it off!
Some of our Brazilian friends introduced us to a cut of beef called Picana... it's delicious and tender. Especially when dipped in seasoned cassava flour. I think I ate enough red meat in the past couple weeks to last me a year! These guys (brother inlaws) were all over that! We brought 10lbs of this beef over their house for today's BBQ.
Yesterday we went downtown Toronto. Busker Fest was going on... Many vendors, musicians and performers all showing their stuff all in the support of Epilepsy.
We walked around and enjoyed the performances. We had a beautiful weekend.

And ended our day out with dinner on a patio in the middle of the festival.

THEN! Yesterday evening I received a call from my sister.... with great news! Her BF proposed to her!!! I'm soo happy and excited for the two of them!

We went back out at 10pm and celebrated a late dinner (which was my second dinner! ahah!) last night on a patio on Lakeshore. Again, a gorgeous night, sitting on the patio in front of the lake facing downtown Toronto... Beautiful.
Such a fun weekend, but I'm sooo tired and stuffed! ahhah!

This weeks goals...

Back to Counting Calories
Back to 2-3 nights working out!

and .... No more BBQ please....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Sister's 25th

Happy Birthday to my sister!!! She's 25 today!!! My sister and I are very close (as you may see on my blog) we are best friends. We are each others shopping buddies, workout buddies, chilling buddies... sit in silence buddies... ahaha....we have this sort of sisterly connection. We are just ourselves together, no fronts, no fakeness, no lies ... we can tell each other anything and not have to worry about what or how we said it or anyone using what we said against us. We understand each other and we can tell by our facial expressions exactly what the other one is thinking too ahahah! My sister is genuinely a good person. I wish her all the best in all her years to come!

Tonight we went over for dinner and cake to celebrate her bday
I ate a huge slice of this Sfoglia cake (strawberries and cream in flakiness) MMM It was Delish. But now I feel soooo guilty!!!
My brother and his family came over too. Oh you should see us fight over who gets to hold M. I can't stop starring at her, she is soooo cute!!! Love her so much!

I haven't been on the scale lately, and don't plan on it either. I only worked out once this week. So many events and outings, ugh! No time for working out! I'll try and fit in at least 1 workout this weekend and so far I can see 2 workout days for next week. Summer is just too much fun, but my tummy is paying for it!

I'm sooo happy it's Friday!!! Love the weekends! We have 2 BBQ's events and might do a day trip on Saturday with the husband :)

Happy weekend!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Online shopping tonight

Tonight was one of those nights! Sitting in front of the computer and had the urge to shop a little!

What I bought?!

Nuplus Packs for my morning smoothies! I get these from a fellow blogger friend :)
Check out her online store for healthy items!

I was also browsing on www.etsy.com ... I never shopped there before but I always see fellow bloggers getting unique items from very creative crafty sellers on there. So I decided to check it out!

I bought from http://www.etsy.com/shop/btrflymom , this cute Chocolate Brown Flapper Style Cotton Beanie with Pink Flower for my niece M!

I think she will like it!

And I bought from http://www.handmadecottage.etsy.com this hat for me! JESS SWANKY BIGGY CHUNKY SLOUCHY HAT IN WOOL

I'm excited to get my new purchases! :)

Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cottage weekend

Fun weekend at a cottage! We got a group of friends together to rent a cottage for the weekend. It was relaxing and fun!

The guys came up with this game on who could jump on the floating mattress. The picture were hilarious! Boy did we get our laughs!

After eating a lot of junk food this weekend I'm really looking forward to my smoothie breakfast! Emily over at Miss Scissorhands
won my last giveaway and gave her sister the prize as a gift! Sunny over at ThatExtra20pounds loved it! She has yummy smoothie recipes and got me into having smoothies everyday for Breakfast! Yum!

This week I'm going to work on my goals :) I'm actually glad summer is coming to an end, I really do need some extra time back! I'm working on some personal and business goals and summer is pretty distracting! So whenever I need to get back on track I write out my goals to remind me what I'm working towards.

But for now it's bedtime for me! I'm looking forward to a great week ahead, hope you all have a great Monday!

Leaving you with the cutest picture of my nieces!!! <3

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweet little girl

My little niece is so sweet! She got to go home yesterday and she had soo many visitors!

My grandma, M's great grandma!
She is so cute! Really I would go visit everyday! But I don't want to get in their way ahah! I'll go tomorrow ha!

My workout regime pretty much stopped this week, way too much excitement with the new baby.

I'm counting my calories but knowingly going over. UGH I'm having a hard time! But I will keep on going and try my best everyday.

The good news is that I fit into a pair of pants that I haven't worn since May! (pre MC) But no weight has been lost GRRR. I am not happy with my current weight. I'm at a weight I've never gotten up to before so it bothers me! But I guess not enough to make some extreme changes... I'm not an extreme type of gal.... I have my plan and I'll work slowly on that aha!

Today's Food Journal
BF - strawberry/milk/blueberry smoothie
SNK - medium coffee
Lunch- half a sandwich, 2 spring rolls (they were selling them at work!)
Snack- handful of almonds and tea
Dinner- 1 pork chop, beans and some potato wedges
SNK- 3 choc chip cookies (I KNOW I KNOW!!!!) sigh.....

No exercise today, however I did jump on my trampoline twice for 2 mins while I worked in my home office tonight aahaha!

Monday, August 16, 2010

My baby niece

My baby niece was born today! Congrats to my brother and sister inlaw!
Love you guys! Little M is so cute!!!!!!!!!! 6lbs 12oz!

Welcome to the world M!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend of lots of eating..Oh dear

Look what my sister made for me Saturday night...how could I resist! My sister is such a good little baker!
My birthday weekend was fun but it was filled with a lot of eating! Going wayyy over my daily calories!

Friday night we went out for Thai dinner. We went to this place in our old area. It brought back so many good memories. We use to come here all the time just after we got married. We would talk about our goals and plans so much at this place, so it felt great to be there.
I had my favorite, Coconut red curry shrimp and veggies.. Yum!
Look what I got too! As a gift from my cousins... Word art!!!!! I just love word art! (you all know that!) Can't wait to put it up! I have the perfect place for these in my bedroom!

Friday night we planned to go watch Eat Pray Love but we were so tired after our dinner and decided to come home and relax so tonight we are hoping to head out to the movies and watch it. Can't wait!!!

AND this week I need to REALLY I mean REALLY focus on my weight loss goals! I desperately want to drop 10lbs soon! Pictures don't lie and so far I'm not liking what I see!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Birthday ....

Today was my 29th birthday and my mom's 52nd birthday. When I was younger (haha) I felt that time would go so slow, even at 25, 30 seemed sooo far away... and now the years are just flying by! I am in a happy time in my life tho (minus my pms week aahah) I've accomplished many of my goals in my 20's and I have many new future ones to come too. I'm looking forward to all the great years ahead. Living, Loving laughing and even starting my own little family one day :) I'm excited and looking forward to growing and growing towards my dreams! (had to use it, it was too perfect heehee)

Tonight we went to my moms for dinner and cake. My mom bought me this money tree, whoohoo lets hope it works so maybe I could leave my stressful job! hmm I'd like that!

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday, it's been a long week! Going out with the husband tomorrow night for a bday out on the town, can't wait!

Happy Friday! I'm going to set some new goals that I want to reach for the year! :)