Friday, December 16, 2011

Busy week! The good and the bad

This week I was fully booked! Ha! I'm almost finished my Christmas shopping so im happy about that! Are you!?

Yesterday I had a rough day! I didn't get much sleep due to a blocked milk duct. Omg painful!!!! I didn't even know what it was! I applied heat and massaged and made baby nurse a lot from that breast. It went away. Thank goodness!

Today a good friend and I with our baby boys went out for lunch! I was worried about where I would breastfeed if I needed to. Baby K was good and slept most the time, the cries started when we were leaving haha! I breastfed him in the car before heading home.

Here are some pics! And cute gifts Isaac got for Kristian ;)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Afternoon play date

This afternoon some friends came over for a playdate... Ha! More like a chatting date. One friend has a sweet little boy, soon our two boys will be able to play together.

We enjoyed some finger foods and desserts.

While they were here a lady came to take the life cast of Baby K's hands and feet! I can't wait for the finished product! Poor baby cried so much getting it done ;(

Baby K was awake all day today and finally went down for a nap at 245

Here are some pics of today

Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Giving...

For the past 3 years my sister and I take part in our church's adopt a family program for Christmas. It helps give families in need a basket of food and gifts for Christmas. This program hits home for us. There was a time when we were young that a program like this brought gifts to us. We were so grateful.

So we spent today shopping to fill the basket! Fruits, veggies, soups, cereals, chocolates and lots more!

This year we have a single mom with 3 kids. We are soo happy to be able to help this family. We filled the basket with lots of goodies. We put all the food at the bottom and placed the gifts and a gift card at the top.

This year is even more special because it's baby K's first year doing it with us.

I think he did a great job! :) Santa's little reindeer.
Love this little boy soo much!
P.S. How do you like my new blog makeover! Thanks

Friday, December 09, 2011

Quick Weight loss update

I haven't been focused on my weight at all the past month... My little boy has my full on attention ;)
However my scale is going down on it's own, yay! So far I've lost 23lbs so that means only 16lbs to lose to get to my pre-preg weight but 27lbs in total to lose to get to my goal.

January I will get focused ;)

Yesterday I had my 6 week doctor appointment. Everything went well! Yay!

This month is looking soo busy! Lots of visits and shopping and Christmas time! I'm going to enjoy the holidays and enjoy my precious little man. I love him soo much! I look at him and can't believe he grew inside me. Amazing feeling. I love being baby K's mom ;)

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Im a Breastfeeding Mama and Baby Rules

Breastfeeding has been going really really well. Baby K eats every 2-3 hours and is always satisfied which is awesome! He is the perfect timer and when he is hungry boy does he let you know. Sunday while we were out we had to stop and I breastfed in the car so we could make it home in peace haha!

Somethings I do love about Breastfeeding: no washing bottles, and no preparing bottles on the way out.
Only downfall is my comfort level with Breastfeeding in public, but I'm getting better at it. ;) patience is key.
My family is really comfortable with it because my SIL breastfed her daughter. So with my family I breastfeed in front of them (covered ;)

I haven't been able too pump at all,
I don't really need to, and worry if I pump between feedings I will either take away from his next feed or produce more than he needs. Am I right or wrong moms? I'm going to speak to my lactation nurse about this as well.

I noticed some foods that give my baby terrible gas. So far the main ones are milk (dairy) and spicy! I also think chocolate and coffee are culprits. I'm totally missing all these!! But worth it, I hate seeing my baby cry with tummy pain ;(

Did you need to cut anything out from your diet while Breastfeeding?

My little guy has some red pimples around his eyes ;( I think it's from being overheated. We've been to a couple occasions where baby K has been held a lot and got very warm and sweaty.

It's funny when you have a newborn there is soo much more that bothers you that didn't before. I'm much more sensitive for one. I also get upset if I feel my baby is uncomfortable. When we are out, I don't like it when people have strong perfume (not just a little im talking showered in perfume) on while holding baby K, i also just read that it's not good for newborns to breathe it in. Oh and people kissing a newborn all over his face with big people germs, hellll no! Makes me crazy! One other pet peeve I have that actually gives me anxiety... When people hold the baby and leave to another room where he is out of my sight. Mama bear totally kicks in and I can't even think straight!

I think I'm pretty good when it comes to family and friends getting their time with baby K, but some rules need to be followed. And I think my rules are valid. I've known other moms with much stricter rules and I totally get it!

I want my little sweet boy to be safe and comfortable and free of germs. After all he is only a month old! I should have been much stricter from day one....

Monday, December 05, 2011

Decorations are slowly coming together

I've been decorating the house slowly each day. Having a newborn has us very busy these days.

Yesterday we finally went to get our tree. We got a Fraser Fir, 8 foot tree.
It smells amazing! This morning the smell of coffee and the tree together totally made my day!

We put the lights on it, now just need to find time to decorate!

Can't wait to add all the gifts for baby K under the tree ;)

Speaking of giving. My sister and I are going on our 3rd annual adopt a family for Christmas at our church. We have a family of 4 this year and we are excited to put together a basket full of gifts!

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Family Love- Adorable cousins

 I love this picture of the cousins together. Look how adorable they are.

Baby M is so sweet and has the most adorable goofy personality she calls Baby K, 'baby' haha she is too sweet.

My grandparents haven't seen baby k since he was just born, so they were soooooo happy to see him. My grandfather gets upset at anyone that pronounces the baby's name wrong haha.  He said he loves the name Kristian and doesn't want people to say it wrong, or in short... I'm guilty I call him Kris most the time ha!

I'm not the most comfortable with breastfeeding out of my home yet, I have my nursing cover that works great but I also bought a couple nursing tops, and I love them! I bought them from and they are in Canada so they shipped in 1 day!

Friday the carrier I ordered from came in too. 

  it's so cute and love keeping my little guy away from the cold and germs. 

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Baby, Christmas, Shopping and other random stuff

I could easily make more than one blog post with all the babbling I will do today, but since time is not my friend (ha) I decided to make one long babbling post. :)

Baby K is too adorable! Today we did some tummy time activities and I also rattled some toys and had a conversation with him.. His response was in cooing so I know he was agreeing with everything I said Ha!

We also had an afternoon play date at a friends house up the street. She ordered wings and fries and they were delish! We were chatting so much we forgot to take pictures!

 Little K does not like the swing or the bouncer at all! he lasts 5 minutes in it, he rather be held or in his napper in the playpen. We'll keep trying tho.

There are only a couple hours a day that he enjoys being in the wrap, which is good for me cause I get to make myself food for lunch! 

I'm down 21 lbs, 18 lbs left to get to my pre-preg weight, but 34lbs to get to my goal. I'll be focused more after the holidays.  Although right now it is tough to eat, being so busy. I started making wraps filled with lots of good stuff,  to make sure I'm getting lots of good nutrients for breastfeeding.
Chicken, lettuce mix, and avocado, yum!
During pregnancy my foot size whet up from 7.5 to a 9! So far it's pretty much the same, just not swollen haha.  I had these new boots from last year and they don't fit! :(

 So yesterday I did some online shopping. I bought 2 pairs of boots! They should get here tomorrow or monday.... they better fit!! There are soo many things I need for this winter! A winter jacket, sweaters... ugh!

I feel like I hardly have any time for anything these days, my days feel like 1 very long day. Everyday is pretty much exactly the same! Some days are better than others... Baby K sleeps 2-4 hour stretches after nursing, so at night I'm sleeping as soon as he is. :)

We are hoping to put the tree up this weekend. For now I put decorations around the house and put up the stockings... I put 3 up so it wouldn't look to bare.

I'm so excited for Christmas... But I do have a huge list for Christmas shopping! I need to get started!

Have you started your shopping!??

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1 month old blog post!

Kristian is 1 month old!!!

Birth Weight 6lbs 12 oz (19 3/4 long)

2 weeks old weight 7lbs 13 oz

1 month weight 8lbs 11 oz (21 inches long)

At his 2 month checkup he will get his vaccines. The doctor gave me this list.

Some things this mama did not know about having a newborn....

Cleaning his nose. A friend recommended these drops and it works great to clean his nose.

His long long nails, I finally cut and filed them, but mittens are necessary so little one does not get to his eyes ha!

Breast fed babies need Vitamin D drops. Once a day. My doctor gave me 2 bottles to start giving baby K.

Fussy/gassy periods of the day. As my doctor says... do whatever works! The sound of white noise works great, cuddles and rocking works and some days I gave Gripe water if I hear his being gassy with pain. It happened a couple times.

These are the two books I like so far.  What to expect first year my friend recommended and I recommend as well now.

I love this sweet boy sooo much! Happy 1 month baby K! I get a little emotional about it, It still feels like I just had him yesterday. Love him sooo much! Even when he cries for 3 hours straight haha!