Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hey Santa!

Yesterday we took little K to see Santa! We drove to a city just north of us to see him.

When he went on Santa's lap he was in shock haha! He didn't cry, but didn't smile either! He looked all around and wasn't to sure about it haha

Here's his first Santa pic.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12.12.12 our day

Last night I had 1 stretch of a 2 hour sleep so together I guess that adds up to the whole 12.12.12 day ha!

We had a horrible night!!!!
We tried the CIO method again and I did not feel good about it today at all!

Even baby K ended sleeping a 4 hour nap at daycare because he was exhausted!

I decided to scrap that method for now. I can't do it. My little one looking at me soo sad and today I was soo tired and our whole family was soo miserable.

So tonight I went with our other approach for now. We'll figure the rest out somehow.

Bath, book, cuddles and sleep.

Much calmer evening here. Just love cuddling my little boy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sleep training ups and downs

I was never one that thought I would do the CIO (cry it out method) I was totally against it the first year. I hear many moms that have done it and it has worked and also many that haven't and their kids sleep just fine.

My little one was never the good sleeper. From birth he would nurse every 2-4 hours and 1-2 during growth spurts. His sleep I would say is getting worse not better these days.

So we decided to finally try the CIO method. It was going sorta fine the first couple days. My husband started it and seems it works a little better with him than with me.

However, I noticed the past couple days a very needy baby. This was something I was afraid of when it came to CIO. Not all kids are the same. For the most part little K is pretty independent and not one to cry when I leave the room... But the past couple days he has been. He is afraid that we are leaving him... Exactly what I was afraid of! Who could blame him!

Last night when I placed him in his crib he would turn around quick to see if I was there. I would pat him, he would fall asleep and as soon as I started walking away he would wake up and freak!!! He was up until 130am doing this last night ;(

I have no problem with co-sleeping I always bring him in bed after the first stretches of sleep in his crib. But baby boy is desperate for comfort that he has been using me for comfort pulling my hair, getting up to snuggle closer wanting to nurse often... he keeps me awake!

;( I'm lost and don't know what to do now. Moms! What do I do! I'll continue a method a fellow twitter mom sent me and I'll see how it goes this week.

I'm exhausted and just want this cute little boy to sleeeeep!!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Sleep training and Christmas shopping

This weekend my husband started sleep training without me. Friday night I went out with the girls for nice evening to catch up. My husband let baby K cry it out to sleep. He went in every 5 minutes to tell him to sleep and within 30 minutes he fell asleep. He screamed and threw his head back slamming it against the crib over and over (eek) but eventually stopped and fell asleep. We did it again yesterday and it took 17 minutes with less crying. Hoping tonight it's less! We are working on it!

I also spent the weekend doing some Christmas shopping. I got his daycare teachers all a gift and a little gift for each of his little friends in his class.

I'm not even close to being finished Christmas shopping. But we love last minute shopping so we won't be done until Christmas eve!!

Did you Christmas shop this weekend!?

Friday, December 07, 2012

Night in the ER with baby boy

Little man has been sick with a fever and cough all week!

Yesterday his temp went back up and his breathing was pretty heavy. His nose was flaring and he was breathing fast as he was struggling to breathe ;(

I called telehealth (lucky to have this here). Talked to a nurse and with telling them all the symptoms they told us to go to the ER. So we headed down to sick kids to get checked out. The nurses and doctors were awesome. They gave him a ventilator mask (not sure what it's called) and they monitored his breathing. They told us he is fighting a virus and the worst of it is day 3-5 which we are at.

Kristian was so good at the hospital watching them take his temp and listen to his chest.

We got home at 4am. All 3 of us were pooped!

Ugh! the hardest thing is seeing your little one sick and not being able to do anything but try and comfort them. There were a lot of parents with sick kids last night, some very serious ;( He is doing better today and I'm praying for all the little kiddies fighting an illness ;( my heart aches for the families.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Zombiemoms taken to the next level

Hi, I'm tired... No wait... Exhausted! I can't tell you how my eyes are still even open right now.

Mr K has been sick with a cold, ear infection now a cough since he started daycare last month.

Last night was the worst. He cried ALL night. He slept only a couple of hours and not in a row. We were up all night! I stayed home with him today to bring him to the doctor. He has a bad cough and he prescribed a puffer.

Kristian is soo tired too. Last night was too much even for him (mr hates sleep)

He hasn't been eating to well either the past 2 days ;( which makes me worry he will drop some weight.

Ahh the stresses of a mom!!! And work? I don't even want to talk about it. But the last 2 days I was located Downtown in the mall. Love DT and the mall ha! but not the drive when you live in the suburbs ;) and not when daycare calls that baby has a fever and getting to him takes over an hour.

Praying my little guy gets over this bug and gets a break from it all too!!!

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Overwhelmed working mom

My take on being a working mom....

It's HARD!!!!!!!!! HARD HARD HARD I actually feel like I'm being punished for all the bad things I ever done in my life right now haha I am not kidding.

I'm exhausted. How do you even get to enjoy life and your sweet growing baby when as soon as you walk in the door from being at work all day it's go go go!  cooking dinner, eating, bathing the baby, bathing yourself, cleaning up (which I hardly do! My house is a disaster) getting everything ready for the next day.... and trying to fit in life in between even relaxing time, tv time forget that! My little one doesn't have the best sleep patterns. Going into work sleep deprived makes a very grumpy me. Then I look at our own schedules, and it's never the same 2 days in a row, I don't blame him for the sleep patterns he has, I blame us for not having a consistent life or routine. 

I've been trying to let go... let go of having a messy house, who cares right. Let go of the laundry piled up, clean clothes in baskets for weeks... not a big deal. Another thing that is hard to get control of is eating healthy... I'm trying hard to keep it going for baby K, I don't want him eating junk food but life is busy and the Mcdonalds drive through for nuggets is convenient some nights :( And me, I won't even go there! I think I've been eating the worst I ever have! I don't have the time to even think about what I want for lunch the next day when I can barely see straight or have the time. And the stress of my job is on high the past couple weeks, going for interviews not knowing what the outcome will be. DH has a demanding job too so both our stress levels have been high. It's not fun.

I have a new respect for moms... we do it all... Men, haven't got a CLUE!

I wrote a post on the happiness project last week. But I can't even imagine how to change anything in my life right now when I'm struggling to get through my day and my main focus above all is to spend whatever time I have playing and teaching my son a few things, before I blink my eyes and he's 20! Sigh!

I don't usually use my blog to vent all my problems (only when I get totally overwhelmed which has been a lot this year) I try to keep it light and focused on the more positive aspects of our life... but right now... I'm not that positive. I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm feeling exhausted, guilty, frustrated, hopeless. If I could just cry all day I would! Trying to focus on the good things in my life like watching baby K play at daycare. He has so much fun. I know he is happy and healthy and that is the most important thing. It's been 3 weeks and I still do not have a grasp of being a working mom at all, and I miss my baby boy so much every day :(

Does your day to day get overwhelming some times?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Letter to Santa and Walking all over!

Little K is walking a lot! A couple weeks before his birthday he took 2 steps and and every week since it's been more and more. Now he is walking all over the house! Walking more than crawling. He is 13 months and growing and learning soo much!

Today at daycare he wrote a letter to Santa and added his little painting on the letter too. How cute!!!

This weekend will be December and Christmas is getting close!!! I have not started any gift shopping at all! And with all the up coming events, I'll have to find time! Chop chop!

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Santa Parade and Christmas Decor

This weekend was all about getting ready for Christmas!

We started the house decor but we are not finished just yet! We have to decorate the tree still! We bought a Fraser Fir Tree and it smells amazing!

I also ordered our Christmas cards and hopefully I can mail them out next week!

Yesterday night we stayed in decorating and playing Christmas music. We also baked apple pie. It was very festive here haha!
Today we went to the city's Santa Parade! It was sooo cold but we were all bundled up and had a great afternoon.

Now that baby K is a year older Christmas is even more fun. I'm excited to share my traditions with him every year

Hope you all had a great weekend!