Sunday, October 26, 2014

Trump x2 Date Night fun.

This weekends date night included a night with no toddler at the Trump hotel! 

We loved our stay there in the summer for my birthday, so when the husband told me a couple weeks ago that he had booked it for a date night to celebrate all the new and exciting events in our lives, I was soo excited!

What I didn't know is that he booked the deluxe suite! 

Ahhh it was beautiful!

29th floor, view of the financial district, fireplace, sitting area separate from the bedroom. His and hers bathrooms, heated floors, mirror TV. So much more in this lavish room! 

We checked in Friday evening. The staff was soo polite and soo helpful and made us feel amazing! When we got there the concierge asked us if we wanted him to take some pictures of us... Of course! 

We had dinner reservations at a restaurant just a 10 minute walk away. So 
we opened a bottle of wine, taking in the beautiful room as we got ready for dinner.

The view of all the banks DT and all the city lights! 

They had the best tasting white chocolate truffles placed at the bedsides. Mmm! Soo good! 

And of course trump robes and slippers. 

The suite was just sooo nice and elegant! I took soo many pictures because I want some rooms in my new home to be Trump inspired! 

(Calvin Klein dress I bought last month arr Saks fifth ave) 

We headed out to dinner and the night was perfect! A beautiful warm fall night. 

Steak! Nomnomnom. The steak came and it was sizzling! The waiter told me to hold up my napkin so my outfit didn't get splattered! Ha! Late night out with lots if food and wine.

The next morning we had breakfast in the hotel. 

They redecorated from the summer. I actually liked the way it was before more than this design. But still, colorful, artsy and classy.

I didn't want to leave ha! Although I did miss my little guy. He had a fun night with grandma and was soo excited to see us in the morning. 

Date night was so nice and so needed! A little time to decompress and have alone time as a couple. 


Friday, October 24, 2014

Dinosaur haircut

Little K would always refuse to get a haircut. I would just trim the sides as he took a bath, that's all he would let me do. 

His curls are adorable but they were getting out of hand! Haha

Yesterday evening after work we went to Abuelita's Salon to get a haircut! 

At first he refused to sit in the chair. We tried bribery with chocolate too haha. 
Nope, he didn't budge. We had our jackets on and ready to leave... Then Abuelo walked in! Little K was distracted with excitement! Grandma took the scissors back out and started snipping away! We made a game out of it too, to keep him entertained haha. Kris would blow the hair out of my husnands hand.

I love his new haircut!!! How cute is he! He kept saying he looked like a dinosaur with the Mohawk look haha! 

Happy Hump Day!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Lots of changes and events!

So last week was our first week out of our old home :(. The new owners are all moved in and I'm sure they are loving it! 
I mean, they get to wake up to this view I use to love! 

Since our new home isn't ready as of yet, we have a little commute day to day for little k's daycare. So far it's pretty smooth routine and we all adapted with no problem at all! 

I'm actually sitting and relaxing this afternoon after 2 nights of being up till the early am! 

Friday night I had my future SIL's bachelorette at her beautiful cottage up north. 

It was a Grease themed party and her sisters organized this cute event! 

My 2 future SIL's :) 
And the rest of the pink ladies! 

I got home Saturday afternoon and it was  wife and mommy time running around with my boys :) 

Yesterday was also the 12 year anniversary since my dad passed away :( so we organized a family dinner at my moms house. It was perfect and exactly how he would have wanted us all to spend the day. 

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

The next couple weeks will be fun! Prepping little k's birthday! And my BIL's wedding! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Moving day!

We are all moved out from our home! Our home will now be the home for the new owners. A family of 3 just like ours. I know they will love this home as we did! 

One thing I'll miss the most from this home is the view! 

Every season this view is beautiful! 

The move took us a week because we needed to put all our furniture in storage as our new home isn't finished yet! 

I was sooo impressed with little K. Amoungst the chaos of the moving weekend he was soooo good! Helping when he could or keeping himself entertained as we were busy moving things in and out. He was so patient with the constant traveling as we moved from point A to point B C D lol haha. 

As long as he had his toys he was one happy boy. Here's his newest dinosaur that wanted his pic taken. 
Haha! I love how straight little k was holding it to have his picture taken. Total cuteness! 

As each room was emptied, little k would walk through saying WHOA all gone, sofa all gone, shirts all gone, crib gone. Again, sooo impressed that he was really understanding that we were moving. 

Last night we went to pick up a few last things and took a final walkthrough. I was fine through the whole move until I walked around the empty home. Bhaaaa then I bursted into tears. We had so many great memories here with family and friends. Many great parties bringing our families closer together. Our new home will do the same! I'm excited for our future! 

Here are our goodbye pics. 

And the last thing to take from our home, and as little K says, "thank you Jesus" 

New beginnings for this little family... :)

Thanksgiving weekend!

This Thanksgiving was a little different than last year. New additions to the family, lots of good news and a big move for us! (See next post coming soon) 

We spent Thanksgiving with our families. 

My side at my grandparents home. 

With a new little addition to our family. 
Little K loves his new baby cousin.

How sweet is this pic! 

These 2 are hilarious! They were playing all day Sunday. 

We had a birthday cake for grandma too! 

The cousins all together. This must have been the 10th pic, trying to get them all to look at the camera haha! Cuteness! 

Sunday night we had some family over at my moms for a walking dead party. Ha! We had the lights off and watched in the dark with pizza and beer. Everyone had a great time! Do you watch walking dead? 

Yesterday we had thanksgiving at our inlaws house. 
Turkey dinner!!!! 
DH trying to take the credit for cooking the bird. 

It was a delicious meal! 

One of my brother inlaws just got engaged! Yay!!! And another bil is getting married in a couple weeks! Lots of fun coming our way! 

To end the evening another bil entertained us with his electric guitar! (I have 3 BIL's on this side incase you are wondering)  :) 

Hope you all had a great Canadian Thanksgiving!!!! 

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Messy days

Ha, when little k comes through the door he sees the house in chaos and yells out, "OMG soooooo messy" ha! How funny is that! 

We are explaining to him that we are moving and we are saying bye to our house. He sort of understands it and also knows and has confidence that wherever mommy and daddy are, is home. 

He is being such a good little helper. 

The husnand and I are sooo sore from packing and moving boxes and furniture. 

This is what my house looked like on the weekend.


Car full of boxes moving on the weekend.  Little k was loving the adventure. 

I'm looking forward to some organization in the upcoming weeks ;)

Thanksgiving is coming up and we have soo much to be thankful for. 

"Give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." [1.Th 5:18].