Friday, August 21, 2015

Baby M's first doctor visit

After we were released from the hospital Sunday we had to bring baby back to the hospital monday and Tuesday for jaundice tests. 

On Tuesday he was admitted over night for phototherapy :(

I stayed over night with baby and daddy and littlek went home. Kris missed me so much, they called me FaceTime at midnight.

Wednesday we were released and his levels are normal! Yay!! 

Bye bye hospital! 

Today we went to see his doctor for his first check up! 

Big brother was on duty! 

The doctor was so happy to see that he is over his birth weight! Yay! He was surprised for a breastfed baby. Ha! Littlek was the opposite! I had more trouble with breastfeeding as a new mom. This time around has been so easy! Minus some little common issues with breastfeeding, still at a much quicker start than with littlek. 

Happy boys! 

Tomorrow baby M is 1 week old!! 

Meeting baby brother!

Little k was in the waiting room when I gave birth. So as soon as baby was cleaned up and in my arms little k was sent in! 

Meeting baby brother for the first time! 

He was so happy!

Little k was so involved from the minute we found out I was pregnant. Baby Michael talk was daily! He knew on the way to the hospital that we were going to get baby Michael out of mommy's tummy! Haha. 

Proud big brother! 

These 2 melt my heart!! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My second birth story! Part 2

So I left off yesterday's post at the first contraction at 1pm while I was painting my nails!

We knew it was GO time! We all rushed to the car. Little k was saying, It's ok mommy! And letting me know he had a tummy ache once too. Such a cutie! 

I was trying really hard not to scare him. But the pain was unbearable that I had no choice but to let out my pain in screams haha! In between contractions I would let him know that mommy was ok and that we were going to the hospital to get baby Michael. He was telling daddy to drive faster too haha. He KNEW the urgency! Daddy was the best under pressure! 

We called our family and they all were further than us from the hospital so they began to make their way up as well! 

The drive there was about 30mins!!! Omg felt forever! Daddy got us there as fast as he could and safely! Although this time my contractions were already 2-3 mins apart I couldn't speak or move, only scream in pain!

As we drove through the hospital grounds, a family of 5 crossing the street, seemed as though they were taking forever! My husband honked and made hand gestures to let them know to hurry up!! They didn't look to happy, but we drove past and parked right in front of the hospital. 

Daddy had to think fast! He ran out of the car to grab a wheel chair. As he tried to help me out of the car.. Which was extremely hard with the amount of pain these contractions were...

That family we just yelled at, came running to our rescue. Daddy asked them to take me to the labor and delivery ha! Complete strangers! Husband, wife and their 3 kids! Daddy went to park the car and rushed up with little k...

I was in the most pain I have ever felt in my life haha, and with complete strangers bringing me to have my baby haha. 

We got to the labor floor, busted in there screaming haha. They rushed me to a room. They all KNEW it was time!!!! Nurses came running to help, the doctor was paged. 

The women I just met, helped change me into a gown. Daddy then came running in. He left little k with the woman's husband and kids we just met. 

The doctor checked me, I was 6cm this was about 1:40pm. Then they checked again 8cm...! Time to push! My mom and sister were still driving up the highway!

Whoa! I was having this baby! No pain killers ha! it's what I wanted for this birth.. Well that's off my check list. 

So it just so happened that the woman I just met is actually completing her courses to be a doula! What in the world! She asked if I minded that she was there. Nope I didn't, I didn't care who was there, I just wanted this to be over!!! 

She began to coach me, and help me breathe through contrsctions and coached me into how to push. I pushed 3 sets of 3 pushes. I was screaming like I've never screamed before! I felt so weak but so strong at the same time. I could do this! Omg no I can't do this!! That's what I was yelling haha. Daddy was holding my hand tight and my mom came in right when I was pushing. So I had a crew. Haha. 

From my first contractions at 1pm to the time we arrived 1:40pm baby M was born 2:11pm. Whoa! Now that was fast!!! Painful as %#^* but fast! 

My new Doula made sure I opened my eyes to see Michael when he just came out. Proud Daddy cut the umbilical cord.  

They then put Michael skin to skin on me.

 This was the best experience ever! We really didn't have much time to think about anything. It was such a rush! And the help we received a long the way, only that of a movie! 

After I gave birth to Michael, the room filled up with everyone. I felt like a super hero haha! Everyone was cheering me on and with big smiles everyone was welcoming baby Michael! 

After the delivery we began talking to the family we just met. They were at the hospital that day to visit a friend's baby. As I asked some questions, like where do you live etc. We realized that they knew our neighbor! It was our neighbors brothers baby they were going to see that day!

And as kristian was in the waiting room with this family he recongized my neighbors brother and ran up to him to give him a hug! Haha kristian new before we did. 

Talk about small world!!!

Now this one crazy birth story. Everyone involved had a big part. 

My little family was awesome! I'm so proud of us. Together we brought little Michael in this world of so much love!

Proud daddy!! 

We are a family of 4! 

And to make this day even better, we had a private room and all 4 of us spent the night together. Our new addition to our family. He is loved soooo much!!! 

This story will always bring me the biggest smile and the most joy in my life forever. 

Next blog post. Little k meeting his little brother! He is so proud to have a baby brother. Michael is so lucky! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

My Second birth story!!! Part 1

Wow what a different experience this second time around! 

Many mothers told me my second baby would be faster, but whoa!  I didn't expect this!

Let's begin with Thursday! The membrane sweep! 

My Doctor said I was 4cm dilated on Thursday when she did the membrane sweep. 

Friday I started to feel some light contractions. We went to the hospital in the afternoon to get checked out. Nothing changed, I was still 4cm. They told me to go home at relax! But my doctor did a second membrane sweep.

Little k was with grandma, so we decided to stay over my moms for the night just incase we had to leave to the hospital again. 

We ordered from our favorite italian restsurant in the city and had a big dinner and relaxed! 

I was feeling some very light contractions. Not painful at all, just a little uncomfortable. They were not consistent and I went to bed fine and woke up feeling fine too! 

So we headed home! 

Then the real fun began ha! 


We had lunch at 12pm

I posted this picture to facebook, saying no baby yet! False alarm! 

Little did I know what was coming!!!! 

1pm..... I just painted my nails, sitting at the table and had 1 very strong contraction... My husband flew off his seat and we began rushing to gather our things to go to the hospital! 

Kristian was on it too! Grabbing his bag and his shoes and he knew it was GO time!! Let's go mommy!!!

Ha! But I even ran upstairs to try and straighten my hair.. But to my surprise another contraction, 5 mins later and stronger than the last!!!

We ran to the car and made our way to the hospital!! ....

To be continued.... 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fun celebrations!

Today we celebrated mine and my moms birthdays!

This morning I woke up to whispers between my husband and little k. Then a loud shout ok! And little feet running through the hallway. To then opening my eyes to little k standing in front of me with a tiffany bag! Yay! They bought me a little bean necklace, for the little bean that's on his way! 

The Mr then headed to work and little k and I enjoyed a big breakfast! 

We hit the grocery store for cake and flowers for grandma! Haha that's my birthday for life. 

Little k loves the tiffany bag as much as I do. Haha. But for his cars. 

We also had a starbucks stop. Cake pop for the little, and I had the mango lemonade ice tea... Omg it's soooo good I wish I had one now! I'll be getting one tomorrow that's forsure! 

Tonight we got together with family for a Mexican birthday dinner! 

We are sooo full!!!! I can barely move right now! Ha!

Mmm I had carne Asada with refried beans and rice! So sooooooo good!!!

We had a lovely dinner together. As always!!! 

And the kids had a blast being together. They have so much fun and love for eachother it's so sweet to watch them play together. They enjoy eachother so much!!!! 

Oh and of course we had churros for dessert!!!!! Sooooo Delish!!!

Tomorrow I have my 39 week appt! Let's see what the doc says! Hurry baby M!!! Everyone can't wait to meet u!!!! :) 

Soo thankful and blessed for all the birthday love today. I truly have amazing friends and family! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Waiting for baby

Spending time with my little man before baby has been soo special, calm and relaxing for the both of us.

He is loving being home with me for the month of August before JK begins in September! 

Today was a rainy day so after we ran some errands we stayed in and 

It melts my heart everytime little k asks me if babyM is coming today. He is just the sweetest. Having conversations with him about the baby in mommy's tummy is so special. I think he really understands it. He also told me that once the baby is out of my tummy, my tummy will get small. Haha I hopeso too! Such cutenesssss. He's going to be a great big brother! 

It seems like forever ago that this little man was a newborn! 
Ahh my love. Soon another little boy will be in my arms! 

It's my birthday week! And maybe baby M's too??!!! 

Sunday, August 09, 2015

A little Home decor

We have a long list of to do's for our new home. Some things we can get to right away, and some things need a little more time. 

A couple weeks ago I bought a hutch for the kitchen. 

It filled the space perfectly! But it needed an art piece to go above it. I saw one piece I loved 2 weeks ago but when I sent the Mr to get it, it was gone :(

So Saturday morning I went into the basement and brought up some art that we had in the old home. And doing some switcharoos we decided to put the office art piece in the kitchen!

I also bought some new pieces for the counter... 

And we put up some art we had in the basement, that fit perfect with our theme. 

I also bought a jar and filled it with coffee beans to add beside our coffee maker! 

The kitchen is almost complete! I just need my backsplash! And a vase or 2 for some empty corners. 

On Saturday we went into Homesense for that jar for the beans above. And walked out with much more.

Including an art piece for the living room! 

The living room needs a more art on the other wall but I haven't seen a piece I liked yet! Oh and wall paint colors. That will be next years projects! 

Baby Michael is due any day now, so our home decor will turn into baby items all over ha! 

Have a great week friends! 

Thursday, August 06, 2015

38 weeks!

We are soo close to meeting baby M! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy went by! 

I'm 38 weeks! And feeling pretty good! Minus the normal aches and pains and swelling ha! I'm doing alright!

Today little k and I had a busy day! 

It began with a starbucks date! 

Latte for me and cake pop for the little! 

We had a nice coffee date before heading to the OB!

We heard the baby's heartbeat and doctor is happy with the growth, but still decided to do an ultrasound just to check up since I was a little concerned about movement. 

We then headed home for lunch.

We are practicing with the yumbox as much as we can! School begins in Sept! 

Little man has no problem getting to his lunch! He doesn't need any help at all. Now im just trying different foods and making a list of options! What to put in the yumbox is the fun part haha! 

After lunch we played a bit then headed to the ultrasound appointment! 

Little k fell asleep in the car. Good thing I had the stroller! I put him in the stroller and had the ultrasound done as he slept! Ha! 

The tech said littleM looks about 6lbs, fluid is good, movement good. All looks good! So we patiently wait until he is ready to meet us!!!! 

When little k woke he was asking to see baby m on the tv. Haha little did he know that he slept through the whole thing! 

We then waited for daddy to get home from work to have a family night out. Dinner and icecream!!! These days before baby M!!!

Feeling some Braxton hicks tonight!!! Any day now baby M!!!