Thursday, October 01, 2015

Some new things.

Little K got an early birthday gift! A piano! 

Every night before bed he plays with daddy. 

This week has been a little hectic here. 
Baby M has had some fussy nights. Very Colic :( let's hope this passes soon!

He's 7 weeks this weekend! 

Our days are pretty busy with 2 little ones. Little K loves school and makes lunch requests ha! I love hearing all about his day. Next week his daily food at school gets more interesting. With 2 hot lunches a week (pasta and pizza) chocolate milk given to him daily. And every Friday a frozen yogurt treat given at lunch. How cute! 

Speaking of treats, I made a new recipe I saw on The Chew. So easy and fast! 

Cut pie crust into squares. 
Brush with butter
Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon
Cut up apples to fill them
Sprinkle a little more sugar and cinnamon on top and fold over. Bake 10min at 400.


Fall is here and I love fall! Getting back into sweater dresses, scarves and boots! 

I'm hoping to do a little fall decor for my porch this weekend! 

So happy the weekend is here! TGIF!! 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Apple picking fun!

A new family tradition my husband and I made for ourselves in our first years of marriage was Apple picking every fall

We were all so excited that this year included our new little addition to our family. 

Little k was ready for some apple picking! And eating! Haha 

We picked 2 bags full! Yummy! Honeycrisp was a new one we picked this year. 

Then we headed inside the shop and bought a lot of Apple baked goods! 
This place has the best apple pies! 

I love that my husband and I made new traditions for our little family. 

After Apple picking little k got to play in the playground for a bit. 

Oh and eat honey sticks haha
Little K loves honey! 

Now some apple recipes to try! I saw one on The Chew last week. Can't wait to try it out. It's like little Apple pie bites! Yum! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Big Bro Little bro

As a little brother you get the advantage of learning so much from big brother. Big brother  is learning how to live life with a little sidekick too! 

Big bro bugs you a lot right now and thinks you are hilarious with the ️adorable baby sounds you make. 
He's also very protective and makes sure you are involved in everything we do as a family. He's always asking where you are and that we can't forget you. Ha! 

You are almost 6 weeks old and we are always comparing you to big bro. We do that because we are amazed to see 2 kids WE made, growing in front of us! Little miracles, little people! 
Will you grow to be just like your brother or very different? Either way you will be your own person. 
Both of you individuals with your own likes and dislikes, your own personalities making up our little family. We will always make sure you both respect eachothers differences because as your big bro already says, 'you are a people, and I am a people' haha we are all people! Different but in the end all the same, we are human! 
It's such a blessing being your parents and we will love you both just the same forever! 

And when you are older and can't stand eachother (haha) I'll be sure to show you these adorable pictures! 

Big bro little bro Love! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Just a little this and that

What's going on this week? back to school colds, that's what! Little K came home with a cold and passed it on to babyM and mommy!

The other night was tough! I sent the Mr out at midnight to get some things to help with baby M's cold! 

The hydra sense is helping sooo much!! 

To be safe since M is only 1 month I took them both to the doctor yesterday. 

Oh yes , just me and 2 sick kiddies. 

Little K was great at first, pushing the stroller, pressing the elevator buttons, being a big boy getting weighed and temperature checked.... Then it was baby M's turn. Little K wasn't thrilled at the shift in attention. Sooo Mr 3 year old came out full force, making noise, climbing the walls, Pretending to run out of the office. Whaaa!!! I couldn't wait to get out of there. He was testing my patience that's forsure! Momlife!!! Insert tears here haha 
No doctor pics, you can imagine why, my hands were pretty full! Ha!

This past weekend we went to the amusement park, it will be closing for the season soon, so we need to make the most of our dino walks! 

Or strolls.

Fun walk and great exercise for us. Ha!

Especially after our Sunday lunch! 

Can you believe that this past weekend was my first time making lasagna! My mom makes the best lasagna! And even tho it was my first time, I followed her directions and added a little flare of my own and it was sooo delish! Yum!! 

Since I've been on maternity leave I've been cooking a lot more! But with 2 kids, it isn't easy! 

I'm trying out a lot of new slowcooker recipes as well. 2 kids need so much of my attention it's hard to take extra time in the kitchen! But I don't mind! As long as we have easy delicious meals planned we are all happy!! 

My baby boy will be 6 weeks this week. He's beginning to pay more attention, looking closely at us and beginning to coo! So adorable! 

I think little K can't wait for baby to notice him! 

Oh! And yesterday we went to try out for piano!! Little k is showing a lot of interest. 

He loved it but he's still a bit young to begin the lessons. So enrollment wot be until next summer. In the meantime, we will begin practice at home! 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

One month old!

My little guy is already one month old! 

Born at 6lbs 14oz

My big boy is now 10lbs 2oz

Little k at 1 month was 8lbs 

So you are a little bigger than your big brother! 
Big bro on the left, you on the right. 

You eat a lot! You are beginning to stay awake for longer periods. Also twice this week you decided that crying for 2-3 hours straight was a good idea ha! Big brother was way worse in that department. You are really an easy baby so far compared to big bro. As you get older we can't wait to see your little personality. Will you be like big bro! Will you be opposite. Will you be more like mommy and daddy! 

Yesterday we had your one month checkup. You are perfect in every way! 
Your big brother loves you Soo much! 
He's already always looking out for you.

My cute little boy! We love you so much! 

Happy 1 month!! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 2 in kindergarden

We are in week 2! And it's been a smooth transition! 

We have our routine down! It's an adjustment for all of us haha. School has put us all on track!

Little k is not great with being overtired, well who is! So after dinner we put the TV low, and calm everything down. 

Then it's bathtime. With no fight. I said no fight!!! It's a miracle haha. School has him pooped, he goes up willingly yay! 

We read 5 books, say our prayers and he is out! Waking up on his own, on time in the mornings. He has been in better moods too! He's excited to begin his day and he even negotiates in the mornings happily, knowing we can all get what we want. Haha! "I'll use my iPad in the car only ok mom, not in school" or "can I have 1 chip, I'll eat the rest of my breakfast, ok mom"


When I pick him up he is the most vocal child that comes running out. 

Yesterday his teacher met little brother too. Little k was proud to show him off.

When I asked his teacher how he's doing, she had no concerns. She said oh he's Soo good! He's like a little man. 
The only thing they are working on, is deciding on which shoes are for outdoor and indoor haha. He likes his indoor shoes better. 

Transitioning our children to something new is always hard for us parents. We worry and we wish we can be there every second for our kids. When we see them independent and on their own, it makes us so proud and also sad! He's not my baby anymore!! 

We have been through many daycares and I have had those tantrum mornings so I know what it feels like for those parents dealing with that with the new transition to JK. Hang in there parents.  I'm so happy to see that little K enjoys JK. He was soo ready for this.

I love hearing about his day and his lunch requests. 

Todays request was dip and Rice Krispies like his friend anthony.  

Some lunches. 

A friend has these cute sandwich cutters. Which I need to get! 

The days and weeks are just flying by!!! 

Guess who's 1 month old!!! 

His 1 month post to come!

My favorite picture below! My sweet boys in the arms of daddy! Melts my heart! 

Happy hump day!