Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mother's Day part 2

The kids first baseball game! 

My favorite sport is baseball and my husband's favorite sport is soccer! So we decided that every Mother's Day we will go have a full day event for baseball and Father's Day will be a soccer event. 

The kids loved this experience. A nice walk downtown to the Skydome, I mean Rogers center. (It will always be the Skydome to me) 

Hot dogs and popcorn! Yum! 

Blue Jays lost :( but we had a great time! 

I loved every second with my boys. Watching their little faces taking it all in. 

After the game we went for dinner.

Sports food! Nomnomnom
And dessert with a blue Jays sprinkle donut!! 

It was the perfect day! 

Sunday little k went with my husband to pick me out some flowers. How cute! He was so excited when he walked in and gave them to me. 

We then spent the afternoon at my grandmothers house to celebrate. 

Always a great time with family. 

Love my littles more than anything! I'm so proud to be their mommy! 

We had a great Mother's Day weekend. 

Monday, May 09, 2016

Mother's Day Fun! Part 1

My Mother's Day fun began on Friday.
My sister took the day off and and we spent the day with our kiddies. 

We were out of the house early and went for breakfast.

We had many people looking over and giggling because little K and little E were like grown ups, discussing the food they will order, things they like and dislike. Haha the cutest. 

We then went to Canada's Wonderland!

The kids had a blast!

Baby M was soo good, he loves being out and about.

We then spent the rest of our evening in my moms area. We went to the cemetery with the kids. To visit our loved ones that past.

Then back to my moms for a family dinner. We ordered from our favorite Italian restaurant. Yum! 

Look at these kids. They are so big! They really are like little adults.  Eating and chatting. Haha they crack us up!

More Mother's Day fun coming up! ... 

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

It's a beautiful day!

Those are my 4 year olds words every morning when he wakes up and looks out the window. He always makes sure that I SEE it too. "Mom, mom! did you see! It's a beautiful day!" 

We can learn a lot from these little people. :) 

I'm so proud of my little 4 year old. He melts my heart with his energetic personality, excitement for every little thing, gratefulness, kindness, loving, oh the list goes on. 

Our kids grow soo fast! I never want to forget these precious moments! 

He's an awesome big brother to baby M, but he is a 4 year old so of course he loves to bug his baby brother to get a good laugh. 

He loves watching E.T ha! I think that's hilarious. 

He loves school, and doing so well! With a big interest in the math and sciences. 

He had his first dental work done, a few fillings for this little. 

He did great! So brave! 

Our backyard fence is going up as we speak. We got this bouncy for the kids to enjoy.

Soccer begins at the end of the month and we just bought a baseball glove and bat to practice that! 

We are excited for this beautiful weather! 

And today. It's a beautiful day! Have a great Wednesday friends! 

Monday, May 02, 2016

Weightloss goals

I'm 7lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Sounds good, but I actually have a goal to drop much more than that! 25lbs is my real goal. 

With 2 kids and always on the go, I need easy lifestyle changes. Following a plan that I set and forget! 

Which I have been doing. Changes that the whole family benefits from as well. 

My pressure cooker has been a big help in this process too. Healthy hearty soups and chillis, chicken and rice dishes. Yum!

To help me get an extra workout in,I joined a stroller fit class that begins Thursday! I'm excited for that! I joined when I had little k back in 2012. So im happy  to do it again.

I just hope baby M likes the stroller, he's not the biggest fan of them. 

We have been practicing in the house. Ha! 

 Saturday we are going to the Baseball game! New runners and new backpack were needed for this event ha!

Also excited for upcoming soccer 

Love my little guys!

And look at how busy baby M has been! 

I say he'll be walking by 10 months! Let's see! 
Seriously a cutey pie!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baby boy is in a hurry

Mr.M is in a hurry to catch up to big brother. At 8 months old he has perfected the pincer grip and feeding himself finger foods. He loves to eat! 

He gets up and stands at every chance he gets, holding on to toys, sofa or coffee tables. 

We lowered the crib because he was ready to jump out! 

He is such a cutie!!!! 

We are beginning to sleep train. Well the very start of it. He's never taken a bottle but we have been trying to get him use to one, if he's anything like big brother then he will just go straight to Sippy cup. 

We introduced a lovey- a teddy bear blanket. He doesn't care for it haha but I'm letting him sleep with it for naps and bedtime, so he can get use to it when I decide  to fully train him. We have been co-sleeping since birth but the past few weeks he's been in his crib for some naps and the first stretch of his night time sleep. I'm not a fan, nor did I do CIO with big brother. So I haven't fully decided what method to use. I know many friends that successfully used CIO method. But first, introducing more crib time and lovey are my first steps. Weaning- hasn't even begun yet but I have 3 months until back to work! 

3 months! Sigh. I'm so happy tho that I will be home most the summer :)
I can't wait until school is out and we have a whole month of fun together with both kiddies! Little k really enjoyed me being home this year. I feel so blessed that I have this time with them too! 

Little k came home the other day wanting to plant! So we bought some pots and planed a few things. His school gave the kids a tree to plant for earth day. We aren't sure where to put it yet, so for now it's in a pot.

Little k had one of his best friends birthday sunday. He had so much fun! 
The next morning he was expressing how he felt upset that he wasn't 5 yet. All his jk friends seem to have birthdays early in the year so they are all turning 5! He was the youngest in his jk class when he began, being the only 3 year old for the first 2 months of school. We had a long talk and I think he's come to terms with it haha. 
My boys are eager to grow up!! 
Slow down!!! 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Happy 8 months!

Baby boy you are 8 months old! 

I can hardly believe it :( I truly feel like you were just born! 

You are 20lbs and in size 4 diapers haha you are a big boy!! 

You are crawling like crazy and lift yourself to stand no problem! 

You are just the sweetest baby! You do so well with our busy family! We are always out and about and you just love it! 

You love the bath and you love to eat! 

You feed yourself finger food and eat pretty much everything these days. 

You are still breastfeeding but we are slowly trying to daytime wean you. As its back to work in 3.5 months! Boo! :( 

You enjoy playing with big brother. Big brother is your biggest fan. He's always cheering you on and gets very excited when you learn something new. The bond you guys already have melts my heart! 

This weekend you had a few firsts.

First time going to the movies Ha! You did great! Well,  you were sleeping for most the movie but when you woke up you watched the movie no problem! 

We also went to Niagara Falls this weekend. 

We had lunch at the Rainforest cafe which was fun. You loved seeing the animals and kept screaming at the elephants hah! Which has me thinking that we will do a jungle themed birthday for you! Yes I'm already planning your first  birthday! Sigh. 

Super fun weekend! And a very happy 8 month birthday boy :)