Showing posts with label brothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brothers. Show all posts

Monday, January 30, 2017

5 year and 18month doc visit

I booked 4 appointments today. Yup all in one day. As a working mom, I need to use my days off wisely. I survived! Whew! 

We were up early like any other day. Had breakfast and out the door we went! 

First to the dentist for Mr K. Then Mr K's 5 year checkup and baby M's 18 month checkup and needle... a quick stop at home for lunch then it was back out to baby M's ear doc appt.

They did so well! They were both on their best behavior! Baby M didn't even cry or make a peep when he got his needle! Super strong! 

Mr K is 37.4lbs and baby bro 21.4lbs slim guys the doc says ha! He did mention adding daily vitamin D to their diets. So we will do that! They had perfect checkups. I can't believe baby M is almost 18months old!!!!!! 

Baby M's ear tubes fell out already so he is booked in for another procedure :( but this will help him so much. Less ear infections makes for a happy kiddo. 

What are these kids up to these days...
Baby M feeds himself with a fork which is the cutest. His favorite foods are - Pasta and meatballs. Blueberries and bananas. French fries and chicken nuggets and all kinds of dairy free junk foods. And once in a while he gets his hands on foods he shouldn't eat! This boy is always eating!!

 Mr K is currently in weekly swimming lessons and weekly piano lessons. He loves both! So proud of this little guy!


February is jammed packed with fun. We are excited. Lots of birthdays and fun events!  


Monday, January 16, 2017

Kids Calendar

Last summer while I was shopping for ink at Staples, I came across a school calendar. It's a calendar for the school year. I call it, the mommy calendar. Ha!

It comes with all these event stickers too which makes it fun for the kids to put on. 



With the kids appointments and events and our own appointments and events, we need this calendar. On top of our phone reminders and calendar this one is right in the laundry room, right in front of the door we walk in from. 

Today we had one of those busy appointment days. 

Baby M had his allergy test in the morning. The good news is that the reaction to dairy is less than it was the last time we did this test. So things are looking positive that he may outgrow this allergy. 

Then in the afternoon Mr K had his dental cleaning. 

He just strolled in and out of there like it was an afternoon coffee date haha. 

We had a quiet weekend. Swimming lessons and piano lessons, a stroll through IKEA, and a lot of movie watching with popcorn. And a little Sunday baking :) 


Oh and how can I forget, Friday night sushi! Mr K's fave!


We haven't been to IKEA in years! 
IKEA furnished our first home back in 2005. We lived at IKEA!! It brought back so many memories. The smell of those cinnamon buns took me right back to the feelings and memories of us being young and renovating a hundred year old home. 
So long ago! 

Sunday I felt like I lived in the kitchen. Cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for these hungry boys. I baked carrot cupcakes nomnomnom which I ate wayyyy too many of. And for breakfast we had Baleadas. We have them every weekend. A yummy Honduran breakfast. 
A yummy warm flour tortilla, regret beans, avocado, eggs, cheese mmm we add bacon sometimes too. Soo good! 
I could go for one right now! 

It was nice having this long weekend. 
Now it's back to the school/Work rush tomorrow, and looking forward to the weekend! 

Have a great week friends! 



Monday, November 28, 2016

15 months old

Biting then laughing at you as you scream. 
Throwing things in the garbage. Oops some toys have disappeared for good.
Taking everything out of the kitchen cabinets. Especially bags. Bags are fun

Cookies are my favorite! 

Santa is pretty cool too

Playing with my brother is my favorite too.

You learn so much from your brother and you make your brother laugh soo much! 

 You love hugging and kissing all of us and we do our part in smothering you! 

New words are coming through.
And some made up words too but they have a meaning to you! Ha! You will make sure we understand you. 

Oh, you hate hearing the word NO! :( 

You are full of energy! You are a busy little boy. You have the sweetest laugh and cuddly personality. You love being in the middle of it all!

 You are learning new things everyday! We love you so so much! 

Baby Mikey!!!! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Third week of school!

Third week of school and daycare prep for baby M! 

I can't get enough of these ghost busters shirts! Ha! I bought a few more matching outfits for these kiddos. I'll milk it for as long as I can!
Little K is not a picky eater when it comes to his lunches. So making lunch has been pretty easy.  He does ask for bocconcini daily and he's loving hummus. He likes his apples whole and he's loving those lunch box chocolate granola bars and of course he likes carrots over those pretzels. Yummy! Twice a week he will have the school hot lunch which is pasta and pizza and a carton of milk daily. He's not a huge milk drinker but this year he said he wanted the chocolate milk. So let's see!

Now it's time for baby M to transition to daycare :( 

This kiddo is on the fast track. He already seems older than 1! He watches and learns so fast from big bro! 

We got all his items ready... Diapers, blankets, toys, utensils, clothes and snacks! He was ready for his first day! Only 2.5 hours today. And of course he was just fine. He is surrounded by little girls and he had so much fun. He ate a little lunch and snacks while there too. Of course baby M! You loveeee to eat! 

With his little "today is going to be awesome" shirt. It was awesome!

Ohhh my baby. I'm so in love with this little fireball!!

Next week it's back to work for me and a new schedule for all of us! 

Friday, July 22, 2016

11 months old!

Baby boy is 11 months! 
Already!! I know! 

So baby M, what are you up to! 

You have 8 teeth! 4 top 4 bottom.

You weigh 21lbs and in 12-18 month clothing. 

You are sooo sweet! A calm happy baby but you fight for what you want, ha! 

You are learning from big brother everyday and it's truly the most amazing thing to watch.

You are still nursing a lot! You do not want to give that up at all! 

You eat a variety of foods except dairy because of your allergy. You love love to eat! 

You are trying to walk! You balance and try to take a step. You are practicing daily!

You are my little butterball and you get 1 million kisses from all of us. 

Your big brother loves teaching you new things. 

You guys are best buds.

You come along everywhere with us of course, and you love being out an about.

Although you aren't to crazy about your car seat these days. :/ hope that passes quick! 

We are over the moon for you baby M! We love you Sooo much! 

The big 1 is coming up! Birthday planning is on full force! 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

10 months old, 4.5 years old and 9 years

Getting everyone in on this post. Ha!

Baby boy is 10 months old! 

This little cutie is one busy boy! He will not sit still for a second! He is in everything and exploring with no fear! 

He loves Zoe! And they both tease eachother daily! 

He is 20lbs and in size 4 diapers. I think his weight is slowing down. It's been the same the last couple months. His favorite food right now are Cheerios! 

I haven't written about Mr K in a while so I wanted to get that in here too! 

Mr K is almost done with his first year of school!! I can't believe how fast this year went by! The school really made the last couple of weeks really fun. Last week they had a fun day,which was... So much fun, duh!

He's grown so much over the year and he's such a big boy now. 

I just wanted to blog some things I totally love about him right now. These kids are growing up fast and I don't want to forget a thing! 

His little teeth and his smile. Mr K has the biggest smile that melts my heart! 

His adorable laugh, omg his laugh is so contagious! 

Firm body - ha! I wanted to take note of this because his squishy baby body is gone. This kid has a rock hard bod. 

He Loves being home in his element but loves traveling around with us on our adventures. He likes to list our plans for the day just as I do haha! 
He's Very observant, he notices everything and hismemory is sharp! He remembers everything! He is always surprising us.  So sweet and so polite. He still has a few tantrums here and there but his sweetness overrides that. 
He's ready for a fun summer and then off to SK! 

Today is our 9 year anniversary. We had a little cake to celebrate. But this mama is looking forward to my first date night since baby m was born! Yay!

Have a great weekend friends!