Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Afternoon walk

6500 steps on the pedometer today on my afternoon walk. Sun was shining and boy was it hot! A reminder for next time is to bring sunglasses!

When I got home I was so thirsty and water was not cutting it. I took out my tray of fruit and I'm almost half way through those grapes!

Hope you are all having an amazing day.

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Body Measurements

The weekend was great and like usual I over ate. We went to a new Mexican restaurant in our area and how could I resit nachos and guacamole dip!

It's a new week and now a new start.

This week I decided to add a new goal to reach. Other than just losing pounds, I will also keep track of inches lost. Some friends suggested I monitor inches as well since maybe the scale may not change much but area's on my body still may shrink... I hope this is true! haahha!

My current body measurements on my areas of concern, in inches:

Upper Arms: 12"
Waist above Belly Button: 31"
Waist below Belly Button: 34 1/2"
Hips: 44"
Upper Thighs: 25 1/2"

My main concerns are Hips and thighs, I need these to shrink already!

I will re-measure Sept 1, 2009 in hopes I'm down at least 2" in all areas!

I also changed my goal weight to reach. Since the scale does not move much anyway! I decided to make myself feel closer to my goal by changing my goal weight to 135 instead of 130. To tell you the truth I would be happy just to reach 139 and be out of those 40's once and for all! UGH!

My Usual weekly goals are below:
(notice I removed the "NO donuts", this is not because I will now eat donuts, but it has been 2 weeks and I have not had any donuts at all! (I've eaten other bad things... however, donuts were not in that equation! :)

My weekly goals to achieve this week:
1. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7 (Got this down :)
2. Limit carb intake at dinners
3. 1/2 hour twice a week on the gazelle
4. 5 mins a day on the trampoline
5. 2 10000 pedometer steps
6. drink plenty of water/tea
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch.
8. sea salt baths twice a week
9. Coffee Grind scrub once a week

Lets get fit!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tornado in Toronto!

Pic from here
Last evening around 6pm we noticed the dark skies in our area of Vaughan just north of Toronto. Husband and I left our home in Vaughan to head downtown Toronto right at the start of the storm, as we drove out of our street we noticed an accident. Lightening hit the light post and the light post fell on a mini van, from what we could see I think everyone got out safe.

But this was the start of the storm, I do not think anyone new what was coming next!

So we headed south and we can see in the rear view mirror the flashes of lightening and loud thunder. Once we were off the hwy the storm caught up with us. Sky was black wind was strong and rain was so hard cars were pulling over and stopping. Then my phone was ringing off the hook, my mom, sister, cousins, friends calling to see if we were home safe and that tornado's were hitting our area in Vaughan. We turned on the news and heard about the horrible disaster this storm left our city with. We waited until the storm calmed and rushed home. Luckily our home was not damaged, but we drove just a couple blocks away and homes were destroyed.

We are all praying so much for all the families that lost their homes and were injured. To see the full story Read it here

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hump Day Update

Do you see that, the pic above... Yes that is the cake, that heavenly Sfoglia cake. MMM strawberries and cream with soft wafer like pastry in between... It's Torture! Why do I do this to myself. I can't get myself to throw it away! I have been good and only had 3 bites of it last night, but really why is it my fridge, for what reason other than to torture myself. Not sure how long the cake would be good for anyway, it has been in the fridge since Saturday, it's life is surely coming to an end soon ahah.

As for my weight loss and eating healthy goals, I have been doing pretty well. (other than the cake issue I'm having) I went and did large groceries and bought lots of fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats. I also bought some avocados this week to add to my salads YUM!
Walking through the aisles I noticed this Soy Gluten free chocolate pudding so I decided to try it. 120 cals and 1g fat and it is delicious! It really helps with my sweet tooth and really good for my evening snacks when I feel the most need for sweets.
Today my body is soo sore! I went for a nice long jog on Monday and then a brisk hour 1/2 walk last night. I feel great. Yesterdays walk was so long and I was so upset that I forgot my pedometer. I'll to that same walk tomorrow night and log my steps, I'm pretty sure the walk was over 10000 steps!

As for my weight, no change yet :( and 18 days to vacation - 7 days in a bikini!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Green Tea ALL day!

Today I decided to drink as much Green Tea as I can! I need to flush all the bad bad sugar I ate this weekend.

The culprit is below! Sfoglia Cake
This cake is heaven! I had 2 pieces this weekend and I have left overs in the fridge! I forgot to send off pieces to the guests we had over and now there's a plate of cake in my fridge! I could just throw it away... but oh what a waste of delicious cake that wood be! I could go give some to my neighbors... hmm but all these kids have nut allergies and I have no idea if this cake is nut free! I cannot eat more of this cake this week, that is a big no no! I have my mini goal to accomplish by Wednesday and trip goal by September. Self discipline will be needed this month that is for sure.

Husband decided to join me in my beach ready goal, so tonight we are starting our jogging sessions, fun!

Also, I just read online that coffee grinds help with cellulite.. have you heard this? I just made a pot of coffee( not to drink ha!) but to save the grinds in a bowl. Tonight I will rub those grinds all over Mrs Thighs and Bum and hopefully be beach ready by Sept!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Good weekend!

pic from here

Friday evening I went to watch Julie and Julia and absolutely loved it! The movie was so fun to watch and very inspiring as well! It shows us that no matter what, we can always achieve our goals as long as we stick by them. If you have not gone to see this movie, I suggest you do! I just may go see it again!

As for my weekly goals I am proud to say that the only thing I ordered at a Coffee shop drive thru this week was a coffee! (and small one!) I am really happy that I was strict on this goal this week and had NO donuts!!! Whoohoo!

We also had the family over this weekend which meant lots of yummy desserts. There was a big possibility that lots of these yummy desserts were going to be leftover and if they were I knew I would totally gobble them up myself! So to ensure this disaster would not happen I made a plate of goodies for all the guests to take home instead :)

Yummy custard tarts and I only had 1! :)

This week I have a mini goal to achieve and must lose 5lbs by next Wednesday! This is going to be a tough one since it's my bday this week too! I will make sure to use the 3 bite rule (only take 3 bites of a high cal food, like yummy cake)

My weekly goals to achieve this week:
1. No donuts or french fries!!!!!! (I'm totally on this!)
2. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7
3. Limit carb intake at dinners
4. 1/2 hour a day on the gazelle (Need to really focus on this)
5. 5 mins a day on the trampoline
6. drink plenty of water/tea
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch.
8. 2 sea salt baths ( I read it is good for water retention)

Friday, August 07, 2009

show us your life-wedding-receptions

Friday is here! And the fun posts of show us your life continues. I love sharing my life with my new blogger friends and love reading about your life even more!

So today on Kelly's Korner it's show-us-your-life-wedding-receptions.

As I mentioned last Friday, I love white weddings! So that is why I had all my decor in white! I remember when I walked into the hall and saw my cake. I absolutely loved it!! I found a lady that makes cakes from home and I emailed her a pic from the net, and she made it exact!

This was our first dance, boy was it long. We played the full version on Michael Bubble "You and I". Together husband and I weathered so many storms at such young ages so we had a strong connection to the songs meaning.

Our reception was so much fun, everyone had a great time! Young, old, we all partied! I had first thought that there may be some cultural clashes as my family is Italian and Husbands is Hispanic, but to my surprise, everyone got along so fine! Guests that never met each other were even dancing with each other! It was a happy fun day, my happiest day yet:)

Our Honeymoon was 2 weeks in Punta Cana DR. At the Majestic. I 100% recommend this resort to all! Amazing resort, gorgeous! and the food sooo delicious! I think this is where my weight gain began haha! They had fresh Churros every morning! Who could resist!
Have a great weekend everyone. I'm off to read your blogs :)

(Tonight I'm going to watch Julie & Julia movie, very excited to see this movie!)

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Hump day update (but on Thursday :)

This morning I decided to have just a fruit salad (strawberries/banana and a plum) with water. I'm trying to cut down on the coffee. That way I cut down on the sugar and cream I put in them, not to mention the nervousness it gives me as well. I will have tea throughout my day just not with fruit, the hot and cold mixture doesn't sound right to me lol.
I also started eating on a smaller plate and only 1 serving, to control portions. So far it is working well.

As for my weekly goals I can say I'm doing just ok. BUT, I have a mini goal I need to accomplish by next week. I need to lose 5 lbs by the 19th! Husband and I are going with a different company for life insurance and the nurse is coming on the 19th to do blood work and weigh us. I need to make sure I get the preferred rate, last time I wasn't because of my height and weight :(. So I will hit it harder the next week in a half!!! This means very healthy eating to eliminate toxins too.

Hope I'm a good girl on the weekend!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Random Thoughts

Zoe loves books too! Ha! Some people post pics of their adorable babies that I love reading about, but for me, I currently just have an adorable furbaby Zoe :)

Speaking of Babies, husband and I are considering starting our family in about 2-4 years. I'm turning 28 this month and the more I get older the more I feel absolutely terrified with the thought of being a mom. Are these normal feelings? Like the feeling of: what if I'm a bad mom?, how will I know what to do?, or what if my child grows up to be a meany? LOL ,What if I drop it?, forget to feed it?, or forget it somewhere! and what if my body changes so much and I hate it (selfish, i know, but I hear stories!) what if what if what if! I really try not to think about it too much because this is what happens and sends me running the other way!

If having a furbaby is anything like a real baby (ahah!) I can see that I may be a paranoid, helicopter mom, wanting my child to live in a bubble . Since we have our trip in Sept for 1 week I'm looking into Kitty hotels for zoe since I don't really trust family to watch her with the fear she might run away... and shes a cat, imagine a baby! Poor family will never ever be left alone with my children.

These are my random ramblings of today. Am I alone on these crazy thoughts?

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

New Goal Date

Mr. Husband decided that we will take that much needed vacation in September after all. So now this means new weight loss goals especially since vacation equals all day in a bikini for a week! Yikes! Ha! Also means new bikini shopping for me and also means I must get that much needed job ASAP.

So much to do!

Ok since my goals were these last week:

1. No donuts or french fries!!!!!! (please tell me why this part is sooo hard!)
2. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7
3. Limit carb intake at dinners
4. 1/2 hour a day on the gazelle
5. 5 mins a day on the trampoline
6. drink plenty of water/tea
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch.

I'm noticing a trend here ahah! A trend that is not working. Also, since I now live much closer to coffee shops, I find myself or husband coming home with no so healthy treats all the time!

New goals:

1. No donuts or french fries!!!!!! (totally not working! Lets say, we can have these only 1 day in the week, hmm but I had timbits yesterday so no more for the rest of the week! Do you see this Mr. husband ha!)
2. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7 (one area I'm doing well in)
3. Limit carb intake at Lunch and dinners
4. 1/2 hour Gazelle 3 times a week
5. 5 mins a day on the trampoline
6. drink plenty of water/tea
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch.
8. 10000 steps on the pedometer 3 times a week

ok fresh start, I have 1 month!!!

Any tips on how to curb my sweet tooth?