Friday, June 10, 2011

Sushi and babysitting...

 Yesterday I met a good friend for sushi, she is preggo too (read her blog here :)
We ate soo much! We discussed our aches and pains and how we can barely roll out of bed. haha!
Then we went for a short stroll in Toys R us to get nursery ideas, we both are having boys! It was short because we were soo tired from that big meal.

They didn't have cucumber avocado rolls and I must have looked sad about it, so the waiter gave us 2 handrolls of cucumber avocado on the house. MMM there was like a whole avocado in there. mm mm

My friend surprised me with these cute gifts too! Baby K is getting soo many gifts already!! :)

In the evening I went over to visit my mom and sister. My sister made me dinner and we also had some food from my grandmother. Ever had this before?
 It's called Menestra, and it's pretty much mushy bread and a bunch of beans and veggies. Looks weird but it's delish!!

We also had wings and broccoli, Yum broccoli!

My SIL dropped off my niece so we can babysit for a couple hours. Ok there was 3 of us, my mom, my sister and me.... And we made my mom change and feed her cause we were struggling ahhah. She is so squirmy and want to crawl everywhere.  She's strong too!! A glimpse of my future with baby K ahhaa. 
She does have the most adorable personality though and makes us laugh! She's 9 months and she can give kisses, blow kisses, she rocks her baby dolls, she says "HI" and "What" and sounds like she says "Thank You" but we can't tell ahha. The funniest this, is that she'll drop all toys for a cell phone, she took our iphones and puts 2 thumbs on it like shes typing. Crazy!

Love her!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Big appetite-Yummy meals

My appetite is getting bigger and bigger as each day passes!

Today at lunch I made pasta and ate 2 bowls!
 For dinner I made breaded turkey with a side of salad and left over pasta.

I've also been eating a lot of avocados, just love em!

This evening we had a storm and tornado warnings.  Hail, thunder and lightning. My husband was still on his way home and Zoe and I ran down to the basement just in case! . The storm was soo loud and scary. Good thing it didn't last long and it wasn't as severe as they predicted.

After the storm we went to buy cake ...Yum!!!! This cake was goood!
Hope you're having a good week. :)

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

18 weeks pregnant

This week!
How Far Along: 18 weeks 3 days today.
Size of baby: Mango!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 14 lbs gained. My butt is growing at a faster rate than my belly..hmm.
Gender: Boy! Baby K
Sleep: better than before but still not getting much zzzz's 

Symptoms: More emotional these days, I am sooo sensitive! Headaches are back and backaches.
Cravings: None really, although I've been eating ice cream almost every day! I tried a new smoothie adding Similac... Not good! I'll stick to regular milk in my smoothies.

Best Moment so far: Finding out it's our little boy. Amazing feeling. 

For me: I need some stress relief, so I really want to make sure I'm walking more often and must start doing my pregnancy yoga dvd. I also need to really watch my water intake. I can't believe how hard it is for me to get only a min of 4 water bottles a day.

Hope you all are having a good day.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

It's Blue Blue Blue!

 It's a boy!!! My husband and I are sooo excited! Although I had a feeling it was a boy since the beginning!
I couldn't wait any longer so I went for an Ultrasound yesterday and right away she said it was a BOY and displayed the evidence many times aahha! Our little boy was having fun, kicking his feet, waving his hands and sucking his thumb. It was sooo amazing!
After we got the news and called and texted our family and friends we went to eat at one of our favorite restaurants, Marcellos. MMM yum! I wish I had that now, I'm drooling looking at it ahhah!

We have had names picked out for a year already... Nicole if it was a girl and Kristian for a boy.

I already started to look at nursery designs and can't wait to prepare his room. My husband can't wait to play soccer with his little one and is already thinking of the jersey's to buy him ahahh!

I'm sooo happy and and can't wait to meet baby Kristian in November!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Smoothie Time!

 It's smooothie time! The weather is warm and staying cool with a fruit smoothie is best!

So Yesterday I made a smoothie and this morning I also made one for breakfast. 
I added mixed frozen fruits (strawberries/melon/peaches) along with blueberries and a banana oh and frozen broccoli and milk (nice mixture huh ha!) . 
Healthy smoothie for me and baby! We will have one every morning for breakfast along with our must have bagel or toast.
 Do you make smoothies?

Tonight is a work night for me, but so far Zoe and I read blogs most the evening and sat on the porch for a bit stalking adorable families at the park haha!

I need to get some work done!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 30, 2011

17 weeks!

(17 weeks 1 day pic)
This week!
How Far Along: 17 weeks 3 days!
Size of baby: Sweet Potato!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: haven't weighed myself this week ...(But funny story below)
Sleep: Better! whoohoo. Except for last night (see below)
Symptoms: Rosy cheeks. However I just have it in the morning and by the afternoon my skin is back to it's pale self. ahah!
Cravings: Appetite is back! and I haven't had too many food aversions. I'm loving cold things like ice caps and smoothies! The last couple months I couldn't finish a whole dish, and yesterday I ate my whole dinner yum!

Some new items:

My mom went to Montreal last weekend and she bought this for the baby. How cute... and yes I do love poutine mmmmm! (french fries topped with cheese and smothered in gravy... so not healthy but delicious!)

Last night I had a sleepless night... because many of my symptoms are going away now (I know second trimester things are better) But I guess it made me worry. I had bad dreams and woke up crying and sooo worried I didn't sleep at all! (Hormones? I guess so ha!)

So I took the day off to visit my doctor. My OB wasn't in so I went to my family doctor. For those of you that read my blog you know my doctor is 80 years old and very old school and very direct.

We heard the heart beat.. well she did, I couldn't really tell, but she said it was there and not to worry.

She then told me to swim everyday (hmm ok, like I don't have a job or a life lol) If I had my own pool then I would haha! She also said to watch my weight especially since my weight was high for me pre-preg. She said at my weight now I can starve and the baby will be fine.... UMMMM ok! SO I will faint all over. I'll take a grain of truth and be more aware of what I eat and go for more walks, but in this area I will follow what my OB says and so far my OB is not concerned at all. I've read enough pregnancy books and I also read the research done on fetus's that were deprived of food come out expecting no food will be available, and the truth is, there is food. These babies are then more likely to grow up obese because of this. Of course the same goes for moms that eat a lot of sugar. I don't go crazy following everything I read, because it will make me crazy. But geez, there's a balance lady!

Lucky I have a good sense of humor and not an obsessive person, so these things just roll right off me.

So that was my fun morning haha! I then spent an hour at Toys R Us looking at car seats and baby products. I also napped all afternoon. It was nice.

Hope you all had a good Monday.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sporting my baby bump!

The weather man said that we were going to get bad T-storms this evening.  So when I went over to meet my sister for dinner tonight, we thought we were just going to chill indoors. After we ate and still no rain, we decided to go for our Thursday night walk!

We went to High Park and walked around. The weather was perfect.

So here I am sporting my baby bump :) I'm 17 weeks! My mom said my belly looks big for 17 weeks...I actually thought I should have a bigger belly, but I have nooo idea. What do you think!?

My cute sister :)

 Our walks felt great!

After our walk we went back to my moms house and went through her albums. She has all the albums of when we were babies... Here is me walking at 9 months! ahahah

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

16 week update!

16 weeks 2 days

This week!
How Far Along:
16 weeks 4 days!
Size of baby:
An Onion!
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
Maternity Clothes:
Maternity pants and now I'll need to buy maternity jogging pants, mine do not fit anymore.
3 weeks until I find out and can't wait! I'm sooo excited!
Flutters :)
Not that great, it's hard to get comfortable!
Hmm not really anything specific, I'm still finding it hard to decide what to eat everyday.
Leg cramp! Been feeling a crampy feeling yesterday and today in my leg!
Some new items:
My Bff got me this gift this weekend. It's soo cute! I love it!!!


I haven't been too active lately, other than my walks from my parking spot to my work about 5 mins.  So I try to get out at lunch and go for mini walks and walks to mall. I also take a longer walk to the bathroom going around in a circle instead of straight across.

The weather is beautiful so weekly when my husband has his sports nights I'll be down in the city with my sister walking around some city parks and lakeshore.

I also got reminded by blogger friend Sunny, about smoothies! Smoothies are a great way I can add more nutritious vitamins for my growing baby.

Check out her site, she's always posting delicious recipes too!

Hope you are all having a great week.

**I want to send my prayers to all that are experiencing those terrible storms in the USA. Praying everyone is safe.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Beautiful Long weekend!

 Love Long weekends! It's Victoria Long weekend :) and we spent the whole weekend with family and friends.

We had a BBQ on Saturday. The weather was beautiful! Here are us girls chatting away while the men were BBQing.

We even had a mini dance floor going on in the evening.  The BBQ was from 2pm to 3am, now that's fun! However I was pooped!

Sunday husband and I spent the whole day together.  We took a drive up north and came home to our own little BBQ. In the evening my sister, her fiance and my cousins came over to watch the fireworks with us. 
From the front of my house we can see fireworks from a park near by. So we set up camp in the front to watch!

Today we are off and have lots to catch up with. So I will be one busy gal today.

Tomorrow I will blog about my 16 week update. A blogger friend just reminded me of a healthy item I need to add back to my diet so  I'll talk about that tomorrow!

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 15 update!

This week!
How Far Along: 15 weeks 3 days!
Size of baby: Avocado!!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 9 lbs (doctor's scale said 12lbs, I'll go with my scale ha!)
Maternity Clothes: Love Mat pants.  I went to buy a couple more pairs on Friday and my SIL also gave me 3 pairs.  She actually gave me 6 pairs but she is taller than me so 3 were extra long)
Gender: ??? I thought I was going to have a 16 week ultrasound, but I was wrong. I think it's at 20 weeks. I need to wait bah! (But I had a dream on the weekend that it was a girl!)
Movement: Flutters! Feeling them much more.
Sleep: Not that great this week. Some back pain and I feel so many pulling sensations in belly so I toss and turn a lot! But I had some days off work to catch up with sleep.
Cravings: Hmm everyday is something different. Still have a lot of food aversions that make me crazy when I'm hungry and have no clue what I want. I like having salads with my meals, and really enjoying ice-cream lol
Symptoms: Headaches are still around especially after I eat. Pulling in the belly and lower back pain.
What I miss: Nothing! Even with all these changes going on I'm extremely excited and can't wait for November. I actually want my belly to show more so I can look more pregnant!
Some new items:
 When I went to the Maternity store Thyme on Friday they gave me this cute onesie for free :)
 And this is not baby related, but I bought these fake flowers for the kitchen today. I think they look so pretty.

Last night my husband took this pic of me (I look pretty preggo here haha!) look at Zoe. I think she is already fighting for attention ahah!

Hope you all have a great Monday. :)