Thursday, June 28, 2012

Spa day and Italy win!

Today was a busy day out!! My cousin and I had a spa day planned and little did we know it was going to be right when the soccer game was on - Italy vs Germany!

I dropped off baby K with my mom (ohhh this was hard for me! Before I left I was listing out everything for my mom.... Be careful if he... Don't let him... If he's hungry... He needs a nap around....etc, etc!! But he was sooo good and didn't cry at all or fuss at all the whole afternoon)

Ok spa! We got a facial! A back massage and a mani, pedi!! It was soo nice!! Can't wait to go back!

While we were getting our nails done we were listening to the game. Haha.

I knew Italy was in the lead but as soon as I walked in the front door if my grandparents house, it was over and Italy won!! Yippy!

Now Sunday is Spain vs Italy! Good thing Kris has both jerseys! Ha!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A RHONJ in our city

Today Teresa Giudice from the Real housewives of New Jersey/ Celebrity Apprentice was in our city at Chapters promoting one of her cookbooks. I haven't watched RHONJ that often this season but I catch it here and there. I also loved watching her on Celebrity Apprentice. I have her first book Skinny Italian which I thought was great.

So since she was going to be close by I decided to go tonight to chapters.

There was over 1000 people! Eek! We didn't stand in line. But got some pictures and were there when she walked out greeting the crowd. ;)

She looked so pretty and spoke Italian to the crowd too ha!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Homemade baby food, parsnips

Yesterday was my making baby food day. Although my freezer is pretty stocked up, I usually make pears and apples weekly since they are a favorite with baby K.

Yesterday I made a new veggie, parsnips. I peeled and chopped them up. Steamed for 15 minutes and then blended adding water to make it to the smoothness I wanted. We will try it out today!

So far peaches were a little to sour and baby was not a fan. Last week I made peas a little more chunky and baby K made hilarious faces every he swallowed haha!

Monday, June 25, 2012

A weekend of fun and firsts.

This weekend was our 5 year wedding anniversary! 5 years!

We spent the afternoon watching the EuroCup as my husband was cheering for Spain! They won! Whoooo!

That morning my husband stayed home with Kris while I went out to get my hair done and ran some errands, just some me time. And came home with these goodies!

Then in the evening we took Baby K to a lobster dinner! Hahaha he couldn't have any, but he was drooling all over it ha! He was really good at the restaurant. He is better when he is in the high chair vs his stroller. These days he hates just sitting in his stroller.

Sunday Italy played and won whooooo!!! Little Kris loves cheering for mommy and daddy's teams haha!

Sunday night my husband was teaching Kristian to crawl. It was so sweet! Kris was giggling so hard that he would fall over.

Check out this adorable video of him. :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dinner with the godparents to be

Last night we went out for dinner to celebrate my sister and her husband for being Kristian's godparents soon.
The baptism is only 2 weeks away!

We went to the restaurant we will have the baptism celebration at.

We had so much fun. Kristian wanted to be held the whole dinner, so we passed him around like a hot potato haha!

We had pizza and fried calamari and a plate of mixed grilled meats with mashed potatoes and veggies. Yum!

We also gave them a gift, espressos and lattes for life ha! ;)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Hot humid hump day and vlog!

Whooo! It's hot here!!!

Happy first day of summer reaching record breaking highs!

Kristian and I went out this morning before it gets even warmer.

We went to get a costco card, so now I can finally take part in some of those deals my family and friends talk about haha ;)

Kristian had a little melt down while in there and I had to distract him with my iPhone YouTube Mickey mouse video haha! Glad it worked! Whew!

Last night kris slept sooo well! He woke only once to eat.

I want to night wean this little boy, I have the feel now to know when he really is hungry and when he wants to just cuddle and get himself back to sleep. So since its Back to work in almost 3 months ;( I'm trying to figure out what will work best for us. Although I will need to change it all up as per his schedule of growth haha!

I did 2 Vlogs yesterday and this morning about my start on night weaning.

Check them out ;)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Baby food. Pears, peaches and peas

Kristian was up early today so we had a early start to our day. We went grocery shopping and then spent the afternoon at home watching soccer and making baby food and pizza for dinner yum!

We were cheering for Spain and Italy and they both won. Yay!

I made peach purée with fresh organic peaches. I cut up the peach, removed the pit and blended. I added about 2oz of water. Add more or less depending on how thin or thick you want the purée.

I also made peas. I used frozen organic peas. I boiled them. I usually steam everything but with peas I like them boiled. Once boiled I blended them up into a purée, again adding about 2oz of water.

Pears are a favorite with baby boy. So I I make them weekly. I peel, cut and remove the seeds of the pear. Steam and purée.

We are stocked up! In the freezer we have pears, peas, peaches, squash, zucchini,apricots, carrots, chicken and squash. Yum!

Today I also bought baby pasta ha! How cute!

First fathers day

We had a fun BBQ weekend. Saturday night at my brothers house for his mother inlaws 65th birthday and Sunday Fathers day we spent it at my inlaws place for a delicious BBQ lunch and a afternoon of watching soccer. Perfect for my boys.

Kristian wore a cute outfit just for dad ;)

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A little this and that

Baby K was a little fussy this morning. I'm blaming teeth but also started to consider something else. A decrease in my breast milk supply. I'm not a 100% on that but have a feeling! So I decided to up his food intake. Our Pedetrician told us by 9 months more food less milk anyway so I'll see how it goes.

Yesterday I made apples and pears purée thicker and chunkier. Baby K loved that! Whoo!

He is learning and growing so much so fast! Giving high fives, clapping hands and opening and closing his hands to say hi or bye. He is always paying close attention to us when we speak to him and even responded in baby babble haha!

He is full of energy and loves attention. He knows all eyes are on him all the time. Haha!

A friend recommended Phil and Teds lobster high chair so I bought it and bring it around with us in the car. We used it at my moms house yesterday. It's perfect!

Today we went over to my aunts house and sat by the pool. Kristian loves the water. We will need to bring him for a swim soon!!

I really want to take him on a trip before I go back to work in the I'm hoping to get his passport soon!

This weekend is full of events. Birthday party and fathers day. We are excited for the weekend!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday Soccer pics

Yesterday was baby K's first sports event out! Watching Soccer at the BMO field in Toronto with our family. Canada vs Honduras! We were cheering for both! Haha!

He was soo good and was taking in all the new sights and sounds. He had so much fun.