Monday, November 05, 2012

Baby's First Mickey Mouse Birthday Party

 Kristian's second first birthday party!!! First birthday party here

 Mickey Mouse theme. :)

4445I bought the banner and loot bags on :)

 Kristian loved his party with his family and friends. He loved playing and eating pizza and cake! Party food is the best haha!

 I still can't believe his birthday has come and gone! It was yesterday I brought you home!!!!!

We are blessed with amazing family and friends. We love you all so much! Kristian had an amazing first birthday and will have these great memories forever.

 You had the sniffles this weekend and wasn't feeling your best, but you did not let that stop you from having fun!

My cutie! Turning into a big boy! We love you more than anything!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Daycare update and Halloween fun

Kristian has adjusted so well at daycare.

Here are some notes from yesterday.
-ate most his lunch and drank water
-had cookies for snack and ate so many along with 3oz of milk!!
- took 2, 45 min naps
- was so good and only cried when fighting his first nap haha

They had a halloween party at daycare yesterday and I called in the afternoon and his teacher said "Kristian is having a blast!" His friends gave him treats too! Oops I didn't bring any for his friends! I didn't think of that! I will next time.

Last night he was getting stuffy so I kept him home with me today. I couldn't send him to daycare knowing he was unwell. He needs his mama to help him get better!

He seems to be doing better already.

Hope you all had a great Halloween! Here are some of our Halloween pics!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween with scary emotions!

Happy Halloween everyone. Baby K is dressed at Superman! We dressed him when he was 3 days old last year as Superman too! He was sooo cute today all dressed up heading to daycare!

Today is the third day of daycare. Leaving him an extra 2 hours longer than yesterday.

When he went in I stayed outside a bit looking through the window to see him. And then I just cried! I went to the car and had one of those hard cries! ;(

Never did I think this would be soooo hard!!!

He loves daycare, and the teachers and helpers are great! I have comfort in that!

As I was peeking in I could see Kristian paying attention to the teacher as she talked to him and he would give a half smile and babble back. He looked so cute sitting in between his 2 girlfriends haha. My heart just ached. I wanted to stay there the whole day and watch him! ;(

Love my little Superman!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

First Birthday fun

My sweet boy! Your Birthday was yesterday! You ARE NOW ONE!

 That's right. ONE!

I can't believe that just last year I brought you home. Everything was soo new to us. We had this precious little bundle. I could have never imagined how you would be a year later! And here we are!

What is new now that you are one!

You weigh: 17.9 lbs (we just had your one year check up!) (I thought you were 20lbs, I guess not!)

Still in size 4 diapers and in 9-12 month clothes.

We love your personality! You are soo sweet! A pretty calm and gentle little guy, but also show us when you mean business and you don't back down when you want something. You started letting out the scream when you want something. eek! It scared me haha

You are a great eater! but still not the greatest sleeper! haha! You are still nursing about 2-3 times in the evening and night. We officially weaned you for the whole day!

You have the cutest laugh and love to play with us. You are always waving and saying bye when we leave the house or walk in somewhere new haha it's adorable.You are learning something new everyday! And learning to take a few steps on your own!

You started daycare yesterday for 2 hours. They loved you! You played so well with the other kids and you looked soo grown up, I cried!!!!!!!! You are very independent and soo observant. You are always paying close attention to what is around you. You are there today too for 4 hours!

Yesterday we had a little party for you. You are having another party Saturday too! Here are some pics!

Lots of Toys!

You cried when we sang Happy Birthday. HAHA Getting old is tough!

You were not impressed with the smash cake haha

We Love you soo much!

We are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends. Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Cousins, Friends! All Love you soo much!

(Hurricane Sandy hit yesterday, we were all safe. No flooding or power outages. But not the case for many in some parts of Canada and the USA. We send our prayers to all the people stranded or those that lost someone they love. Our prayers are with you)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

First birthday cake!

If I haven't mentioned it 100 times already here's 101 times haha Tomorrow is Kristian's birthday!!!!!!

Today we baked his cakes! A big cake and his very own smash cake!

My sister came over and I helped her with the cakes (she is awesome!!)

Look how good they turned out!!

Tomorrow is a big day! Daycare orientation in the morning, birthday date just me and little guy in the afternoon and his birthday party on the evening!

Friday, October 26, 2012

What I learned this year as a first time mom

My little boy turns one tomorrow!

Today I'm preparing for his party. The year flew by!!! Last year at this time i had nooo idea what being a mom was about! No clue how to care for a baby. Here we are, a whole year later!!

Here are just some things I learned this year.

I learned what patience is. I never really understood that until my sweet baby came along haha!

I learned that no book and no matter what has worked for others just won't work on you my little one. You go against the norm it seems and 12 months later I finally accepted that haha

Things like, fill up his tummy and he will sleep longer... You will not sleep better on a full tummy it's uncomfortable for you! And you will wake up sooner!

Cry it out... Nope. You will never stop crying and get very wound up that it will take much longer to calm you after that. And that was not fun to try.

Bottle? Forget that! after a week of giving you the bottle and breast you made sure to let us know that nursing from mama is what you wanted. You never took a bottle since!

Store bought baby food...?You always wanted home cooked. And I learned to make your food and I love making you all your meals!

I learned that I have separation anxiety haha and never want to leave you which is making going back to work sooooooo hard for me.

I learned that I can actually function on very little sleep haha for now.

I learned that all babies are different and reach their milestones at different times. It can not be forced and it will always be reached just wait, because it's always a surprise and happens over night!

I learned that breastfeeding has been the hardest yet most rewarding thing I have ever done. Hard to start and hard to wean!

I learned that you really do call the shots, no matter what is planned for the day... You come first.

I learned that if something works, stick to it!

I learned to never say never. Because with a child, you never know! Ha!

I learned to let go and just be.

I learned that I will learn as I go.

I learned that it's ok! My way, your way whatever way is ok!

I learned that social media is what kept me sane during those long nights up with baby.

I learned to never get use to any one way. Baby you are always changing and we love that but it also makes life interesting and we constantly need to adjust! Haha but that only means you are growing! ;)

I've learned a different kind of love this year.

I learned to be happy with the simplest things, like when you try new foods or learn new things or when you happily play with your toys, it totally makes my day.

I've learned that being a mom can be exhausting, babies keep us busy! but it's also the most rewarding!

I learned that time goes by soo fast! Because tomorrow you will be one!!!!!


We love you sooo much baby boy!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Extra space for baby

Baby K is just all over the place these days so yesterday we moved the ottoman out of the way for him to have more space and throw around his toys ha! I also got 2 storage ottomans for his toys.

I still love using the playpen especially when I need to cook. He still loves to play in it so I'll keep it around for a little while more.

In 4 days my little boy will be 1 ! 1 !!!!!!

Today was a beautiful day and we had to stop by city hall for a bit this afternoon. It's a beautiful warm fall day which so we took advantage staying out this afternoon before nap time!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Another rainy day

It's another rainy day here. We have had so much rain this fall.

Kristian and I slept in a bit today. It was cozy listening to the rain hit the windows. Since we only have a week left of being able to sleep in, we might as well take advantage some days!

Yesterday was a beautiful fall day, I hope we have a few more of those before our winter hits!

I'll be spending my day snuggling my little boy ;)

Hope you all enjoy your day, no matter what the weather.

Monday, October 22, 2012

1 week today!

1 week today it's baby K's first birthday!!!!!! Where did the time go!!!!

1 week today he also starts his first day of daycare for orientation!

We have a busy week ahead preparing both these things. Not to mention my back to work stuff, emailing work and buying a whole new work wardrobe.

Monday's always start off so busy huh.

Our weekend was great and went by too quick as usual. Saturday night DH took me out on a date. We haven't gone out alone in so long! We always bring little Kris along. So it was nice to go out and enjoy a nice dinner together... Which we mostly talked about Kris anyway! Ha!
DH had a delicious steak and lobster dinner, I had steak with mushroom sauce and it was sooo good! With a little too much wine haha!

When we got home Kristian was sleeping. But my voice woke him up and I was able to snuggle him back to sleep ;)

It was nice to dress up and have fun downtown.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Birthday planning!

My little one turns 1 soon!!!

We are planning not one but two! Parties.

I think I have it all planned out so far. The food, the cake, the loot bags and his outfits!

The theme for party one is just blue and "I am 1" sorta theme and party two with his friends is a Mickey Mouse theme. Mickey Mouse loot bags, cake and balloons.

I can't wait! I'll be making his smash cake too! That will be fun!

I'm excited for his little party but sad too! This year flew by!

He also has daycare orientation on his birthday! Big change coming for us in less than 2 weeks!