Thursday, September 17, 2015

One month old!

My little guy is already one month old! 

Born at 6lbs 14oz

My big boy is now 10lbs 2oz

Little k at 1 month was 8lbs 

So you are a little bigger than your big brother! 
Big bro on the left, you on the right. 

You eat a lot! You are beginning to stay awake for longer periods. Also twice this week you decided that crying for 2-3 hours straight was a good idea ha! Big brother was way worse in that department. You are really an easy baby so far compared to big bro. As you get older we can't wait to see your little personality. Will you be like big bro! Will you be opposite. Will you be more like mommy and daddy! 

Yesterday we had your one month checkup. You are perfect in every way! 
Your big brother loves you Soo much! 
He's already always looking out for you.

My cute little boy! We love you so much! 

Happy 1 month!! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 2 in kindergarden

We are in week 2! And it's been a smooth transition! 

We have our routine down! It's an adjustment for all of us haha. School has put us all on track!

Little k is not great with being overtired, well who is! So after dinner we put the TV low, and calm everything down. 

Then it's bathtime. With no fight. I said no fight!!! It's a miracle haha. School has him pooped, he goes up willingly yay! 

We read 5 books, say our prayers and he is out! Waking up on his own, on time in the mornings. He has been in better moods too! He's excited to begin his day and he even negotiates in the mornings happily, knowing we can all get what we want. Haha! "I'll use my iPad in the car only ok mom, not in school" or "can I have 1 chip, I'll eat the rest of my breakfast, ok mom"


When I pick him up he is the most vocal child that comes running out. 

Yesterday his teacher met little brother too. Little k was proud to show him off.

When I asked his teacher how he's doing, she had no concerns. She said oh he's Soo good! He's like a little man. 
The only thing they are working on, is deciding on which shoes are for outdoor and indoor haha. He likes his indoor shoes better. 

Transitioning our children to something new is always hard for us parents. We worry and we wish we can be there every second for our kids. When we see them independent and on their own, it makes us so proud and also sad! He's not my baby anymore!! 

We have been through many daycares and I have had those tantrum mornings so I know what it feels like for those parents dealing with that with the new transition to JK. Hang in there parents.  I'm so happy to see that little K enjoys JK. He was soo ready for this.

I love hearing about his day and his lunch requests. 

Todays request was dip and Rice Krispies like his friend anthony.  

Some lunches. 

A friend has these cute sandwich cutters. Which I need to get! 

The days and weeks are just flying by!!! 

Guess who's 1 month old!!! 

His 1 month post to come!

My favorite picture below! My sweet boys in the arms of daddy! Melts my heart! 

Happy hump day! 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Life of my kiddies

This week is the second week of JK! 

Little man had a great week last week 
Which makes me sooo happy! 

Daddy will begin drop offs this week, so an earlier start it will be.

I'll be doing pickups with my sweet baby boy.

We have bedtime sorted and little k is sleeping between 8-9pm. Yay! 

Lunches were perfect last week. Little k loved them all! 

The yumbox is really the best thing for lunch! A little bit of everything to keep little k happy and full! 

I feel like the days are flying by! 

Little k is 3.5 going on 13! 

And baby M is 4 weeks going on 4 months!! Haha 

He's already in 3-6 month clothing!
My big boys! 

Last week baby M had his hearing test.
He passed, and they gave us a free kids book. So nice! 

Now with little k in school I'll have so much more time to snuggle with baby M. 

Hope everyone has a great second week back to school!

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Junior Kindergarden day 2!

 A full day of class today!

Today I wanted to drop off little k for his first full day of class. It was a little hard getting the 2 boys ready and out the door early. Little k took his toast to go and with the rain we hit traffic and ended up being 20mins late! Oops! 

Little k walked in and changed into his  indoor shoes and the ece teacher took him over to circle time. He even forgot to say bye to mommy! :( 

I was worried about him today because last night he was hyper and fought beftime and didn't have that many hours of sleep!

But I didn't need to worry! 

As I stood outside the Kindergarden gate with 30 other parents, the doors opened and the kids came flooding out. Little k, my little boy was the only one to yell loud and clear, Hi mama!!!!! With a big smile. Ohhh my heart!!! He also yelled out, did you buy my cake pop! Haha he made the other moms laugh. Yes, yes I did get that cake pop! He was happy. 

The ECE teacher told me that little k was snacking all day pretty much. Yup, sounds like him. 

The drive home I asked him about his day and he let me know that he went to the bathroom but didn't wash his hands ha, great. He played with the kids and ran too fast and fell and scraped his knee , he didn't cry. Soo cute! 

He pretty much finished his lunch.


Tomorrows lunch.

Can't wait to hear about tomorrows day! 
Daddy is doing drop offs from now on.

While little k was at school all day I spent the day with my baby boy. 

Tonight was a little rough with the new bedtime routine. Especially since all the kids on the street were playing outside. 
Ugh it was hard but little k was asleep at 8:15 and he will be well rested for his third day of school! 

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

The first day of junior kindergarden

Here we are, beginning JK! 4 years ago still more than a month away from your birthday! 

My little boy. You were a baby in my arms just 4 years ago! 

At almost 4 years old you have been to 2 different daycares, a montessori school and now public school. I felt confident about today and your independent little self beginning your first day! You are good with change and adapt pretty fast. You are very vocal about what you like and don't like! So we will hear about it forsure! 

This morning as we had breakfast you expressed that you rather be home! Ha! I took a video of our conversation it was pretty cute! 

We styled your hair, like you asked. 

We packed up your little brother and drove to the school. 

You were ready! Head held high and walked in the school like you knew all about it! 

Not one tear from any of us haha.

You went in with a teacher,
She walked you to your class. 

You didn't even look back! Thx for that! Ha!

When I picked you up you said you had fun! You loved your new class! 

I had a cake pop waiting for you! You loved that!! I'll have Cake pops for you all week! Yay! This is a big deal this JK! 

I am so happy! Hoping day 2 is just as smooth!!

I have your lunch packed and ready. 

In your backpack was a package of forms. I spent the evening signing these forms. Lunch and milk programs too. I even filled out your agenda with the upcoming days off and teacher meetings. 

Mommy is just as excited as you are!!

My first baby off to school! We love you so much! 

Monday, September 07, 2015

Weekend fun before school!

Oh boy tomorrow is the first day of school! And like many parents we are nervous for our little ones! 

Little k is going to JK! Where did these 4 years go! 

I just prepared his clothes for tomorrow morning and his school bag.

Tomorrow he is going in for just 2 hours and Wednesday he begins full day! 

This weekend we had Soo much fun with family and friends! 

My sister had a 30th birthday party at her place. 

While the adults had fun my older niece helped put the littles to sleep haha. 

Yesterday we had a bbq party at our place. And little k met a new friend 

It's been sooooo hot here which is great! 
But better if we were having pool parties this weekend haha.

Baby M is 3 weeks old already! 

My cutie!! 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Summertime fun!

Summer is coming to an end! Jk begins next week! 

We went by the new school yesterday to pick up our schedule. 

I hope it's a smooth transition!

We had a super fun weekend. It was our cousins first birthday! So we went to his pool party! 

Little k loves the pool and spent the whole afternoon in the water!! 

Little brother had fun too! Ha doing what he does best! Chillin! 

And! A cousin got engaged at the end of the party too! 

We are so happy for these 2!

Today we had some friends over for a playdate. Trying to pack in as much as we can before school! 

We have a busy week ahead and it's a perfect sunny warm end of summer! 

I bought this new easy to use wrap! So baby M can be cuddled close while we are out and about!