Friday, July 15, 2016

My take on 21 Day fix!

My sister and I kept on talking about dropping that extra baby weight. She had friends that tried the 21 day fix and saw amazing results! I was skeptical at first but my sister convinced me to get it! 

So we began our little journey. 

We pinned the heck outta the 21 day fix recipes ha! Pinterest has everything you need for this program.

We did our first 21 days! (Without shakeology) 

First week I found pretty easy... Second week was hard. I had cravings, may have caved a bit ha! I noticed that I ate way too many carbs and not enough protein. This program was the opposite, ha! I had to limit carbs and up the protein. 

Eating clean was easy, just as long as I planned my meals. Weekends were tough because hey, it's summer and there's a lot of bbq's and a whole lotta wine around. 

But the first 3 weeks I stuck to it with only a few tweaks and cheats. 

My meals were very yummy and satisfying.

I had the whole family on it and everyone was on board and loved their meals.

The workouts are pretty good. Easy to follow.

I actually ordered the extreme by accident but the regular program dvd's were shipped quick! 

I felt great! I had more energy. And in total lost 12lbs. 

Finally breaking the plateau I had for months! I lost all the baby weight I gained from baby M. I'm down a total of 45lbs from giving birth to my little guy, in 10 months! I think chasing 2 kiddies helped speed this up. 

My goal is to lose another 10-15lbs to get me to pre-preg little K! Ha! 

What I like best about the 21 day fix is the mindful eating. I'm paying attention to what I eat now. Even when I cheat, I take note. Before this program, I did a lot of mindless eating. Grazing, eating kids left overs or snacking all day. I wasn't drinking enough water either. 

I wanted a lifestyle change. This program is perfect in helping me achieve that.

Working out to dvd's daily, is not my thing. Busy days and 2 kids. That's impossible right now. However getting in a workout 2-3x a week I can totally make time for. 

That's my take on the 21 day fix :) 

I always say that ALL diets/programs work as long as you follow it. That's why I'm taking all that I've learned from 21 day fix and making it work for me and my lifestyle - with treats included. 

Monday, July 04, 2016

Summertime summertime

Ohhh summer weekends! Jammed packed with fun!

Ohh but first, the last day of school! 

JK! How fast did this year go! 

This little guy has changed so much over the year. He was just 3years old when he started school. Now He looks like a little man! He was so proud of himself the last day of school and he's ready for SK but only after 100 days of no school he says. Ha!

So let the summer fun begin! 

Beach days. And so many more to come. 

Who doesn't love the beach! The weather has been great too so hopefully it lasts all summer and we get many beach days in! 

BBQ parties 
And more parties... 

And more to come. 

Cuties and way more cute boy outfits to come. Ha! I know we all love dressing little girls, but I have so much fun dressing my boys. Especially when we have events. How cute are they! 

These cuties are best friends, and had so much fun this weekend together. 

Late nights, family fun. Summertime is here! 

Flowers brought to me by littlek. 😍♥️

Have a great week friends! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Date night!

Saturday night was date night!!

Ohh how I've been missing those! We haven't had s date night since baby M was born. So I was soo looking forward to an evening out! 

I took a couple hours to get ready! I did my hair with the curl pro and makeup and was ready to go! 

Pre-pregnancy dress! Whooo!

We dropped off the kids then headed downtown! 

The restaurant was soo good! This was the second time for us. We went to this restaurant for my birthday 2 years ago! 
I love how they make the Caesar salad in front of you. 

Soo good! 

Wine of course. 

We shared a 25oz steak! Soo good! 
With sides of mushroom, rapini, and duck fat Fries! 

We sat in the piano lounge so we had a very romantic dinner. 

And I love how they give muffins to go! 

We had a great night out. 

And the kids had a blast with grandma! 

Now I'm soo looking forward to our next date night!! 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

10 months old, 4.5 years old and 9 years

Getting everyone in on this post. Ha!

Baby boy is 10 months old! 

This little cutie is one busy boy! He will not sit still for a second! He is in everything and exploring with no fear! 

He loves Zoe! And they both tease eachother daily! 

He is 20lbs and in size 4 diapers. I think his weight is slowing down. It's been the same the last couple months. His favorite food right now are Cheerios! 

I haven't written about Mr K in a while so I wanted to get that in here too! 

Mr K is almost done with his first year of school!! I can't believe how fast this year went by! The school really made the last couple of weeks really fun. Last week they had a fun day,which was... So much fun, duh!

He's grown so much over the year and he's such a big boy now. 

I just wanted to blog some things I totally love about him right now. These kids are growing up fast and I don't want to forget a thing! 

His little teeth and his smile. Mr K has the biggest smile that melts my heart! 

His adorable laugh, omg his laugh is so contagious! 

Firm body - ha! I wanted to take note of this because his squishy baby body is gone. This kid has a rock hard bod. 

He Loves being home in his element but loves traveling around with us on our adventures. He likes to list our plans for the day just as I do haha! 
He's Very observant, he notices everything and hismemory is sharp! He remembers everything! He is always surprising us.  So sweet and so polite. He still has a few tantrums here and there but his sweetness overrides that. 
He's ready for a fun summer and then off to SK! 

Today is our 9 year anniversary. We had a little cake to celebrate. But this mama is looking forward to my first date night since baby m was born! Yay!

Have a great weekend friends! 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Daddy's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! This weekend we celebrated my husband! Both kids Adore their daddy!
So we all joined in the fun weekend of what daddy loves! Which is soccer ha! We watched a lot of soccer, played soccer in the backyard. Went to watch a soccer game and watched daddy play soccer with his team. 

First thing Saturday morning Zoe had a grooming appt ha! So we asked little k what he would like to do. He was talking about sushi for days and also asking us to buy honey.  He loves the natural raw honey. So we did both those things. 

Then we got ready to head downtown for the soccer game ! 

I carried baby M in the Bjorne and let me tell you, my legs are so sore from all the walking we did! 

We played some games. Ha! Daddy got dragged in to play with the kids. 

Moment of silence for Orlando <3

This little had candy, popcorn, peanuts and icecream. Soo good! Ha! 

The kids had a blast! It was such a fun event. 

This morning we were up early and went to watch daddy play soccer! 

It was a hot day today! 

We then headed up north for a nice drive 

Happy daddy's day to my loving husband. We love you Sooo much! 

Oh! How can I forget! I had little k answer these questions. Boy did we have a laugh!