Showing posts with label babyk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babyk. Show all posts

Monday, May 06, 2013

Fun weekend but ending not so fun

This weekend was beautiful weather. We had a lot of fun outdoors. We also had a delicious dinner at my sisters home Saturday night to announce that my brother and sil are going to be baby E's godparents! They were soo happy! We had a wine night where each couple brought a bottle of wine for us to try. Oh boy it was a lot of wine. We stayed over late and the kiddos all slept together on the sofa ha!

Yesterday we spent most the day outside. It was really warm. Baby k at the end of the day didn't seem too well. He was very hot and first thing I thought of was heat exhaustion. Then last night his fever spiked to 104. It's still hovering at 100.2. I'm bringing him in to the doctor later on today. So today we will spend it indoors getting better. Hate when my little one is feeling down ;(

Friday, May 03, 2013

Just the beginning of fun in the sun

The weather this week has been awesome! Since baby K hit 18 months he has been changing so much! It's amazing to watch him develop. He cracks me up too, always being silly with us. I play with flash cards to help him identify things. He knows what they all are now and will get the car card and bring it to his toy cars and the best one was when he chased Zoe saying ki-ca (kitty cat) showing her the card of the cat ha! Like this is you Zoe! Ha!

He also has been telling me when he goes to the bathroom! He says peepee but really doing the other, but he actually tells me which is amazing!

We have been having fun outdoors this week. I am really enjoying more than ever where we live. We have a park right across the street where baby k can run around getting all his energy out.

I also got some backyard toys this week too!

I'm excited for this nice weather and summer time! Bring on the sunshine!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Fast like cars or trikes

Ha! It really cracks me up how fast baby K makes a run for it every chance he gets. Yesterday he ran through toys r us, stoping only a second to touch a toy or two. Running is the name of the game. But... we bought him a Trike... I'm not sure if he is going to like it since we can't hold him down these days but it turns into a tricycle for next year so it's ok. I put it together tonight. So when he wakes up tomorrow morning it'll be ready to ride!

Baby K's new favorite toys are cars. He loves rolling them all through the house.

This morning we went to a Early years play group (a free service that is offered in our area) baby K had a great time. It's really close to my sisters house so we dropped by for lunch! Baby E is growing so fast too! She'll be 1 month next week! She's adorable!!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A little toddler life

I can't believe how time is just flying! Baby K will be 18 months old next week. Our big 18 month check up is next week too. I get emotional at times, ok a lot of the time seeing him change so much before my eyes. Emotional and happy at the same time. Everything he did today well everything he does everyday just melts my heart. I don't want to forget any of it! So I'm hoping to blog more and more about the little things and new things he does so I can come back and read it over and over haha yes I'm that crazy mom.

Today we ran out of baby K's favorite fruit. He loves blueberries and today he asked for them "Bru" he calls them. We go through 3-4 packages a week just for him! He kept asking and asking until finally he was satisfied with a apple. He's communicating much more, asking specifically for things he wants more and more. Seeing him change everyday really is incredible.

This morning we went to visit my little niece. I'm teaching Kris to be nice to the babies since lately he has been hitting if a baby touches his stuff. I told him to be nice to baby E and kiss her and he was totally happy and kissed her and called her baby a million times ha! Whew!

We had a fun day today and we even baked a little. Baby K watched me make us cookies. He always wants whatever food he sees, so I had to entertain him with a little sugar and flour so I could bake ha!

Today's fun pics below ;)

Toddler on the run

My almost 18 month old is a little runner. The second his feet touch the ground he's running! We are having a slow start to spring so we aren't playing outside as much as we would like to yet. We need better weather! Today we went to a playland to run around! Kris loves it. He loves running all around the place and getting in and out of the toy cars and toy house. He loves playing with cars. He calls them beep beeps ha!
Soon the weather will be nicer and we will be running in the park everyday!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Family party, baby k danced the day away

Yesterday it was my aunt's 80th birthday party!

She is visiting from Italy and her son threw her a big party.

It was soo nice to see all our family. We don't get to see each-other as often as we'd all wish!

I was little worried about how my little toddler was going to behave. But he was so good. He sat and had lunch then was sooo happy when he got to run around and dance like crazy.

I spoke to cousins and aunts about the toddler life and they all had great advice. Firstly let them be toddlers!!! Ha! I loved hearing all their advice and stories about their kids. It really makes you feel normal about what you are thinking and doing.

How cute are these littles dancing!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring days with my little guy

The weather is finally looking better. Everyday we hit the park to have some fun. I'm seeing a lot of my little guys personality shine while he runs free haha!

He loves going up and down hills, even tiny ones in the pavement, he will go back and forth over them. He jumps over or asks to be picked up over big gaps in the ground (step on a crack and you'll break your mama's back) ha! He knows.

Today he was eager to walk through the mud and puddles, which was great for me when I had to clean his running shoes.

He will not hold my hand ever, if I try he will scream NOOOO ;( big boy doesn't need mama to hold his hand. {insert tears for me}

When baby K wants to learn something He will do it over and over until he gets it. It's amazing to watch him. The other day he was trying to learn to come down the stairs. He was brave too! Taking steps without holding on to anything, we were in front of him of course but he wants to learn so badly to walk down the steps! He will get it soon I'm sure!

Today we went to the zoo and he loved the animals and grunted at them as he walked by. Some park pics below ;)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baby... I mean toddler

I can't tell you how happy I am to see the temperature for the week!

I'm excited to be outdoors! And with a toddler full of energy he is excited too!

Little K is changing sooo much! He is certainly not my baby anymore but a full out toddler. Showing his independence everyday. I'm not going to lie. It's breaking my heart. I'm excited and happy seeing him grow and learn new things every minute! But it also makes my heart ache a little. He's growing soo fast!

It's almost unbelievable that last year at this time he was still nursing all day and just starting solids, babbling away, still in my arms and still waking at night to nurse.

Now he's eating everything and always begging for more, babbling and talking, and running so fast not wanting to be held and sleeping all night. Last year I couldn't even imagine my little boy the way he is today. It's amazing, a really amazing feeling.

Where do the days go! I need to to slow down just a bit!

I love my little guy soooo much!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April snow

Today was a cold wet spring day... And no not wet as in rain, wet as in snow!

It was coming down pretty hard in the morning but it stopped by the afternoon whew!

I was going through my blog and saw a picture of last April when I was going to stroller fitness. That was so fun!! Look how small the babies were!

This week was a lot of emotional ups and downs just like the weather. Praying and staying positive and I know things will turn around!

Monday, April 08, 2013

A little this and that Monday

This weekend we continued our spring cleaning and added a lot more things to the to do and to buy list. Whoa both lists are very long!

The weather is all over the place here. Where's the warmer weather!! Baby K loves being outside running around so we need those nice days ha!

This afternoon I went with my sister and my new little niece to her first doctors appt. ughhh I love her!! She is soo cute!

When I got home I did a short work out. Since I stopped breastfeeding the scale has been moving in the wrong direction. I need to pick up the pace and watch calories! and burn more too!

Working out and watching a toddler run around the basement and not in my sight is not fun so we put the playpen in the basement and that's when baby k can get his iPad playing fix as I work out. Perfect.

I'm going to try and get a workout in everyday!

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Breakfast out with a friend

This morning baby K and I met up with friends for breakfast.

The two little ones were so cute! They were funny giving each-other toddler attitude and watching each-other closely.

They both were so good eating their breakfast but of course had their moments of toddlerness to make sure we paying attention ha!