Monday, August 31, 2009

Cellulite and dead sea salt

Last week on my goals I said that I was going to try different things on this horrible cellulite I have. I tried the coffee grinds a couple times, but yuk! Coffee grinds all over the shower, is way too messy. So instead I shower with a body scrub and also been taking dead sea salt baths twice a week. Today I inspected the areas, and I think I'm seeing improvement! It looks a little more smoother and overall just looking better whoohoo. So this is a routine I will definitely stick to! I'm excited to see some results, finally!

The steps I take:
1. In the shower use a body scrub to scrub the areas
2. Then fill the bath with warm/hot water and add dead sea salt
3. Soak in tub for 20 mins (no more, because it's very dehydrating)
4. Drink lots of water
5. Cream your body with your favorite creams. I'm using coconut cream but usually use the nivea Q10 body cream.

Only 5 more days till the beach so I'm hoping to be beach ready! Now, if only I could get 10lbs to shed off already :)

Monday Weigh In

Soooo I had 2 cupcakes on the weekend! I had bought cupcakes for my sisters birthday Saturday night, so of course I had to try them. I'm such a sugar freak, I even ordered a smaller dinner fully knowing I wanted room for a cupcake and any other sweets I could get a hold of, but I was good and only had a small piece of birthday cake (2 cupcakes and a piece of cake in one day hmm not too good). I also have a little problemo. I got some sort of allergic reaction last week that swelled up my inner lips, they just feel tingly and puffy. What I noticed was that after I ate the cupcakes , they became more tingly. Do you think my body has finally said "enough with the sugar!" I'm not sure. I will continue to monitor it.

I did my weigh in and to my surprise... No, no surprise, weight is exactly the same!!! That's fine I'll continue with my goals and last week I did pretty good and this week I will do even better! :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

My interview went well!

One more week and I'll get to be on the beach! Clearing my mind from all this job stuff! This Job stuff is really taking over my life! Well I guess it should until I actually get one huh, ahaha.

This morning I had my interview and thank goodness it went well! Before I went in, I reviewed all my notes (memorization is key for me, but really hasn't been working to my liking these days)
I went in and my heart was thumping so hard I could hear it! I was nervous at the beginning but slowly calmed myself down, which was sorta hard when I had the nervous voice in my head saying, "you don't know your stuff, you're going to stutter, he can see right thru you, bad stuff, bad stuff, run, RUN" (LOL) against the calming voice of "you know your stuff, you prepared enough, take it all in as more experience, you are doing well, don't worry, all is going fine" Calm voice won the match today and I was able to speak, smile, laugh and answer all questions without hesitation whew! (TAKE THAT NERVOUS VOICE!)

On FB Last night my aunt wrote on her status;

When life hands you lemons; squirt them in peoples eyes

Somehow this phrase makes me feel strong ahhaa, not that I would ever do that, but it gave me a different way of looking at things, with a sorta "Whatever" attitude.

I remember a phrase in one of the books I love (my soul just opened up) She says, don't let the wind rattle your core... I should really take that advice, since a lot of this stress has been totally rattling my core! I feel as I'm getting older I'm not as brave as I use to be, I remember kicking butt and taking names when I was in my early 20's, no one could stop me then. I was feistier, nothing scared me, I didn't care if people liked me or not, I just went for what I wanted and got it!. So not sure what is up these days! Hmm I need to tap back into that!

BUT! On a super good note! The Weekend is finally here! I have my sisters birthday and a friends wedding as well, Fun, Fun, Fun!! That is all I'm looking forward to right now! (oh and the beach next week, heehee)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pet Hotel

To add to my stress list, Zoe needs to be sent to the Kitty Hotel for a week while we are away, next week. I just dread it! I know they will take care of her and she will be safe. But the thought of her in a cage for hours at a time just breaks my heart! It's hard to ask family and friends to watch her, especially since she is one of those kitties that is waiting for any chance to break away and run her fastest out the door lol.

I'm bringing her to a different pet hotel since the last one did not give me a good vibe and the lady was mad that I did not trim her nails which led to Zoe stabbing her real good in the thumb. haha, ok not funny, I bet it hurt a lot, I guess I too would be mad. However, cats get stressed we know that... and Zoe is my furbaby and Hellooo look at me always stressed. I really hope Zoe doesn't think I left her forever :(

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hump Day Update

Tuesday's afternoon walk plus a walk through the mall in the evening added up to 10514 steps on the pedometer! One of my weekly goals includes 2, 10000 steps so I have 1 more to go. The reason I have only 2, is because steps are done by walking only, the other days I jog, I do not wear the pedometer.

So far my mid week goals are going pretty well. I'm cooking at home, I'm working out, drinking lots of water and green tea. So I'm excited to see some results already!!!

As for my job hunt, it is going just ok. I have an interview with an agency on Friday and a potential interview next week with a company. Looking for a job is one of the most stressful areas in my life, I guess it is because I have a love hate relationship with working. I hate the 9-5 no offense, but I can remember how much I dreaded going into work everyday in my past. Yet the bills need to get paid and shopping needs to be done :) So the getting paid part is the good thing ahah! Ahhh just trying to help myself go into everything with ease this time around. Vaca is in 11 days and boy am I looking forward to laying on the beach with a good book!.

What are your love hate comments of working the 9-5?

Thanks everyone for visiting my blog today :) I found more blogger friends online today and I'm looking forward to reading all your fun interesting blogs!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Afternoon walk

6500 steps on the pedometer today on my afternoon walk. Sun was shining and boy was it hot! A reminder for next time is to bring sunglasses!

When I got home I was so thirsty and water was not cutting it. I took out my tray of fruit and I'm almost half way through those grapes!

Hope you are all having an amazing day.

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Body Measurements

The weekend was great and like usual I over ate. We went to a new Mexican restaurant in our area and how could I resit nachos and guacamole dip!

It's a new week and now a new start.

This week I decided to add a new goal to reach. Other than just losing pounds, I will also keep track of inches lost. Some friends suggested I monitor inches as well since maybe the scale may not change much but area's on my body still may shrink... I hope this is true! haahha!

My current body measurements on my areas of concern, in inches:

Upper Arms: 12"
Waist above Belly Button: 31"
Waist below Belly Button: 34 1/2"
Hips: 44"
Upper Thighs: 25 1/2"

My main concerns are Hips and thighs, I need these to shrink already!

I will re-measure Sept 1, 2009 in hopes I'm down at least 2" in all areas!

I also changed my goal weight to reach. Since the scale does not move much anyway! I decided to make myself feel closer to my goal by changing my goal weight to 135 instead of 130. To tell you the truth I would be happy just to reach 139 and be out of those 40's once and for all! UGH!

My Usual weekly goals are below:
(notice I removed the "NO donuts", this is not because I will now eat donuts, but it has been 2 weeks and I have not had any donuts at all! (I've eaten other bad things... however, donuts were not in that equation! :)

My weekly goals to achieve this week:
1. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7 (Got this down :)
2. Limit carb intake at dinners
3. 1/2 hour twice a week on the gazelle
4. 5 mins a day on the trampoline
5. 2 10000 pedometer steps
6. drink plenty of water/tea
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch.
8. sea salt baths twice a week
9. Coffee Grind scrub once a week

Lets get fit!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tornado in Toronto!

Pic from here
Last evening around 6pm we noticed the dark skies in our area of Vaughan just north of Toronto. Husband and I left our home in Vaughan to head downtown Toronto right at the start of the storm, as we drove out of our street we noticed an accident. Lightening hit the light post and the light post fell on a mini van, from what we could see I think everyone got out safe.

But this was the start of the storm, I do not think anyone new what was coming next!

So we headed south and we can see in the rear view mirror the flashes of lightening and loud thunder. Once we were off the hwy the storm caught up with us. Sky was black wind was strong and rain was so hard cars were pulling over and stopping. Then my phone was ringing off the hook, my mom, sister, cousins, friends calling to see if we were home safe and that tornado's were hitting our area in Vaughan. We turned on the news and heard about the horrible disaster this storm left our city with. We waited until the storm calmed and rushed home. Luckily our home was not damaged, but we drove just a couple blocks away and homes were destroyed.

We are all praying so much for all the families that lost their homes and were injured. To see the full story Read it here

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hump Day Update

Do you see that, the pic above... Yes that is the cake, that heavenly Sfoglia cake. MMM strawberries and cream with soft wafer like pastry in between... It's Torture! Why do I do this to myself. I can't get myself to throw it away! I have been good and only had 3 bites of it last night, but really why is it my fridge, for what reason other than to torture myself. Not sure how long the cake would be good for anyway, it has been in the fridge since Saturday, it's life is surely coming to an end soon ahah.

As for my weight loss and eating healthy goals, I have been doing pretty well. (other than the cake issue I'm having) I went and did large groceries and bought lots of fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats. I also bought some avocados this week to add to my salads YUM!
Walking through the aisles I noticed this Soy Gluten free chocolate pudding so I decided to try it. 120 cals and 1g fat and it is delicious! It really helps with my sweet tooth and really good for my evening snacks when I feel the most need for sweets.
Today my body is soo sore! I went for a nice long jog on Monday and then a brisk hour 1/2 walk last night. I feel great. Yesterdays walk was so long and I was so upset that I forgot my pedometer. I'll to that same walk tomorrow night and log my steps, I'm pretty sure the walk was over 10000 steps!

As for my weight, no change yet :( and 18 days to vacation - 7 days in a bikini!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Green Tea ALL day!

Today I decided to drink as much Green Tea as I can! I need to flush all the bad bad sugar I ate this weekend.

The culprit is below! Sfoglia Cake
This cake is heaven! I had 2 pieces this weekend and I have left overs in the fridge! I forgot to send off pieces to the guests we had over and now there's a plate of cake in my fridge! I could just throw it away... but oh what a waste of delicious cake that wood be! I could go give some to my neighbors... hmm but all these kids have nut allergies and I have no idea if this cake is nut free! I cannot eat more of this cake this week, that is a big no no! I have my mini goal to accomplish by Wednesday and trip goal by September. Self discipline will be needed this month that is for sure.

Husband decided to join me in my beach ready goal, so tonight we are starting our jogging sessions, fun!

Also, I just read online that coffee grinds help with cellulite.. have you heard this? I just made a pot of coffee( not to drink ha!) but to save the grinds in a bowl. Tonight I will rub those grinds all over Mrs Thighs and Bum and hopefully be beach ready by Sept!