Friday, October 23, 2009

Chris Botti in Toronto!

Last night I went to a Jazz concert, Chris Botti here in Toronto. It was amazing! Chris Botti is a trumpeter and composer. The concert was just indescribable. The instruments and the signing just pull you in. Drums, Piano, Trumpet, Violin, Guitars, I mean Wow! Chris Botti's performance and the way he speaks to the crowd is so welcoming and warm. He is so down to earth and absolutely loves what he does! I wished it was longer than it was and hope to go see Chris Botti again soon!

**Friday Weigh in: Today I did a weigh in and I lost 1 pound whoohooo! I know it's not that exciting, but for me, my weight has been steady for so long seeing any change (less of course) is exciting!

It's Friday TGIF! and I'm doing really well with my goals! Cooked at home everyday thing week so far!!! Weekends are tougher but I will be sure to choose healthier choices if I eat out. :)

Hope you all have an amazing weekend!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Coffee break and a cookie ;) Just one.

Just love those S cookies they remind me of when I was younger being at my grandparents house, took me back to being 5! ;)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Blog Makeover!

So Excited to have a new Blog look!

Tell me what you think! :)

Designed by Design Girl

Just love blogging

I love the fact that writing on my blog really helps me achieve my goals ;) Yesterday I had the most perfect eating day! I limited carbs I watched my portions, I went for my jog and a little longer than usual. It felt really good! :)

Yesterday I was still a little upset about the job thing, but whenever I feel down I always turn to my favorite books. I've had these books for about a year and half and I always always go back to them to help calm me and they really help me stay on the positive side. One phrase I love the most and use is "Right where I am God is and God believes in me" . "Until Today" is actually a daily inspiration book so it's by day and each month has a working word. Like this month it's all about "Worth". For some reason it seems like each day I read it, it makes so much sense for the day I'm having.

I'm totally a book worm/collector. I say collector because I will buy any book I thing sounds good or recommended by people then some I don't even end up reading so I have this stack of books that I still have not read. Yesterday on XM radio Oprah Channel they were talking to the author below Sonia Choquette. She talked about this book and how to really release the inner spirit and follow what your spirit tells you. So I went last night to buy it. :) Just started reading it so I have no input on it yet, but so far so good.

How do you keep your self up beat and positive when going through life's ups and downs?

PS. It's a gorgeous fall day in Toronto today! ;)

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Goals for the week

Yesterday I went grocery shopping and bought lots of healthy food. Fruit, Veggies, Meat, fish :) and no sweets! If they are outta sight they are outta mind! Well maybe not outta mind ahah!

I also bought yogurt with granola to try for snacks this week. They look good :)

I also bought some of these organic burritos. I tried these before and I saw another blogger friend write about them a couple weeks ago so I decided to buy them again. They are really good! Filled with veggies and black beans. Yum!

My goals for the week are the following:
This weekend I ate out more than I would have liked to, and I feel really bad about it and do not want to do my weigh in today so I will do it Wednesday.
2. Healthy home cooking all week. :)
3. Limit sweets
4. Limit carbs at dinner
5. Drink plenty of water / Green Tea
6. 3 days a week Jogging
7. 2-3 days 10000 steps on pedometer :)

I think I can handle this!

Now on to not so fun news. The 2 job interview I went to last week that I was so excited for and thought for sure I would get.... Well, I didn't. I really do not know what is going on here. I'm working my butt off looking for a job, trying my best in interviews and I'm not getting any of these jobs... heck I didn't even get that entry job one with the company I worked with before. Like really, somethings gotta give! So lets just say I'm more frustrated than usual. But, I'll keep going and trying and hopefully something comes along.

At least it's a gorgeous Fall Monday with the sun shining and the leaves so colorful, ahhh I like that.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall weekend

It's a beautiful Fall day today here in Toronto. Last week my runs in the trail were even more beautiful because of the changing colors of the leaves. Next week I will take my digital camera with me and take some pics of the beautiful scenery.

Husband had to work this morning and that meant we woke up early... Waking up early was not too bad but that meant rushing out of the house to drive him to work and we stopped for McDonald's BF :) (i know i know). I had a bacon and egg mcmuffin and only ate half my hash brown. I just looked up the calories for that and they are not so bad. Mcmuffin 310 Cals and hash brown 160 Cal. Can't believe the cals in the hash brown. I'm glad I just ate half of it. ... mmm but I also had a couple timbits with my sister this afternoon. Bad start to the weekend boo. I'm planning to cook my next meals and staying in Sunday so no more eating out this weekend!!! I Need to be very aware of my calories in!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A cold Thursday!

Burrr is all I can say! Boy is it cold today. I just turned up the heat to 22C my fingers and toes were starting to freeze! Hopefully I did it right, I hear some strange noises from the furnace eee!

I woke up today extremely tired. We came home late last night from watching soccer games. Thanks to the USA soccer team for tying the game with Costa Rica, Honduras (where husbands family is from will now be in the World Cup!) The first time since 1982!! Actually In 1982 I was just 1 year old and Italy had won the world cup, see pic below with my dad and brother and my grandpa in the back round :)

I just came back from grabbing a coffee, a much needed coffee to keep me awake while I prepare for another interview tomorrow. I think I am very close to getting this job...but I'm trying not to think too far in the future because that gives me the jitters so I can only think about today and up to tomorrows interview. :) (painting my nails too for the interview, trying not to show my nervous nail biting evidence) ahah!

Yesterday I was only able to get 5000 on the pedometer, not good. Today I'm going for a jog when husband gets back from work. I got my mittens and hat ready to be warm ahah! It's not even winter yet!

Hope you are having a good Thursday! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hump Day Update-Pumpkin pie?

The I phone doesn't take the best pictures but if you look closely there's frost on the grass! burrr!

So I did my weigh in today and weight is still maintained, a good sign but like I mentioned before I need to really cut the cals!

And of course knowing that I did not eat this pumpkin pie with a hot coffee this morning...

Ha! Ok I did! Oh it was so yummy too!

Some days I'm really good at watching what I eat, others I just binge! It's funny because now that I have been watching what I eat I can pinpoint exactly why I eat the way I do at certain times. When I'm stressed there is no controlling me, so bad huh. Not sure to how I need to address that, but I am aware of what I'm doing when I'm doing it so hopefully I can take baby steps to overcoming that.

This weeks goals:

Jogging 3 days.
Pedometer 2 days 10000
No carbs at dinner

I really try my best and minus the carbs at dinner and it's been working pretty well so far so I will continue that.... Except for tonight ahahh we are going to my inlaws house to watch a soccer game. They are from Honduras and they are playing a important game tonight. Hope they win!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thanksgiving long weekend

This weekend in Canada it was Thanksgiving and boy was it a busy weekend!!

I was able to buy pumpkins this weekend for only 1.99 each! I was happy because I was seriously considering not decorating at all this year. Now I just need to figure out what my Halloween costume will be... hmmm

We had 2 family lunches and I sorta watched what I ate. To my surprise I did not do so bad. :) One of my plates below, I have my Turkey and rice and veggies, pretty healthy I think :) and noo seconds either!

It's a gorgeous fall day today and all the trees have almost fully changed their colors. So pretty!

Hope you are all having a great week so far, I have to catch up with my blog reading today ;)

Don't forget to check out my lovely cousin and lovely sister blogs !!!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Hump day update - Peanut Butter

Today's weigh in is the same, once again no surprise there. :)
This week I started eating 4 crackers with peanut butter with a morning coffee. The boiled eggs didn't sit too well with me and I figure peanut butter is a good source of protein too. Also curbs my sweet tooth which is great. My exercise regime is going well and I'm doing a lot better in choosing healthier choices. However... I think...well I know... that I just consume much to much calories in my day. I need to cut calories!!! I haven't set any goals for myself since I am still working on my daily food journals to help me really pin-point my over eating. So next week I will have new goals to achieve and kick some calorie butt!

I read on many blogger friends posts about the new instant coffee from Starbucks and some of my friends recommended it. So last night I went and bought a package of 3 for $3.45, not sure what I think of this price in terms of drinking it everyday. If you buy coffee out everyday then this is a cheaper solution, but I usually make my instant Maxwell house coffee which is much cheaper ahah! So for occasion and Starbucks quality I think it is good, and tastes yummy too.

Hump day update on the job front: No leads yet... I will leave it at that for today. :)