Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Did I say that I love my new schedule!

One tip I forgot to mention that really helps keep me on track, is an alarm on my Iphone. I set alarms for everyday for 530pm when I'm on my way from work, and this will remind me what is priority for the evening.

Tonight was my workout night. To make the most of my night I want to work out as soon as I get home. So on these days it's oven baked meals. Tonight I had Spicy oven baked chicken, with oven baked veggies lightly salted (I sorta over cooked them today, but they were still yummy!) and oven baked potatoes.

Workout, Dinner, Lunches were all done by 730pm and the rest of the night was for meee! I like this schedule :)

How could I forget to mention, my new evening snack! 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream (90 cals) and strawberries. Yum!

What are some of your favorite oven baked meals?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Plenty of fruits and veggies in my day

I had no coffee today! not one! and I felt great. A little on the slow side without the caffeine boost but it felt good to save those calories for other items!

I track my calories on my iphone (I fitness app) and the whole work day I ate 541 Calories! I was not hungry AT ALL. I even came home after work made dinner with nooo hunger pains! (and no crankiness ahah!)

I took advice from my friends on WW and fruits and veggies are allowed in endless amounts and a couple diet books I read, list some low GI fruits and veggies to munch on. Like Apples and melons.

This weeks day time menu will be:
Green Tea and half a whole grain bagel with a touch of peanut butter: 100 cals
Cucumber, cilantro, chickpeas, romaine lettuce with a tablespoon of balsamic dressing and tablespoon of low fat cottage cheese: 150 cals
1 tbsp of walnuts: 41 cals
1 cup of melons: 60 cals
fuji apple: 40 cals
4pm sandwich to get me through the drive home and making dinner: 150 cals
I drank 2 Green Tea's today and plenty of water. What I liked about today was that I also had a smaller dinner portion than I usually do. I think it was because I was well fueled the whole day. So I will follow this plan all week!

I will also add in a Nuplus Smoothie some days to get in those extra fruits and veggies! :)

Tonight's dinner was really good (not the greatest pic sorry) I made beef stirfry with asparagus, mushrooms, onions and peppers. I only had 2 spoons full of rice, and I was stuffed!

Weekly goals :)

* Tea and 1 slice of toast for BF.
* Only 1 small coffee a day if needed
* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app" 1300-1500 Cals a day
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 days a week basement work out: Ab Lounge and Gazelle 1 hour work outs
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!) :) Kicking this habit right on!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fun weekend cross border shopping!

My weekend was a fun success! It started with a Grande Latte and a BLT English muffin ;) To get us going!

On Saturday we went for a little road trip to Buffalo (1.5 hour drive) to do some shopping. We went to Walden Galleria and The fashion outlet mall. While there we saw a Target! I keep reading about Target on other blogs so I had to go in!

My first trip to target was so fun. How cute are the summer clothes there! With Great prices too. Wish we had a target in Canada. I bought a cute summer dress and husband bought swimming shorts :)

While in the mall we asked one of the cashiers if Buffalo had a Sonic aahahh (not like I'm watching my weight or anything ha!) She said there isn't one in Buffalo but to go try a restaurant across the street called Smokey Bones. MMM and it was sooo good. Husband and I shared the below. The mini burgers were so good! Yum!!
It was a fun road trip and I came home with plenty of new items ;)

Today my sister hosted a small fundraiser for the Canadian liver foundation. We had a fun day mingling and enjoying her home made cookies :)

My sister, Mom and me :)

Sooo, After a weekend of eating out and not with the best choices, I made a new lunch item for tomorrow. A chickpea Salad, with cilantro and cucumbers. I'm looking forward to that!

Hope you all had a great weekend. Tomorrow I will blog about my diet goals for the week. I'm making sure I get enough fruits and veggies in my diet :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy with my new schedule!

As many of you have read, last week I had a meltdown and with that meltdown came evaluation of my time management.

I've come up with a great schedule that allows me to get everything I need to get done in a week!

So far my week has been great and stress free!

Cooking Mon-Thurs at home a must! Weekends off :)

Working on our side business 2 nights a week.

Working out 3 times a week.

And who can forget, RELAX TIME! Have that in there too!

Diet update: My scale decides to change it's mind on a daily basis, really frustrating. I'm hoping with my new schedule I will start seeing some REAL results!

Hope you are all having a great week!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lazy Monday Staying Indoors.

This is what it looks like here today, dark rainy, chilly! Husband and I woke up feeling under the weather, so we stayed home from work today.

Zoe wasn't feeling up to much either...
We decided to move our vacation up to April instead of June. Reason 1, I am having meltdowns regularly so I think a vacation is needed aha! But the real reason which is probably the cause of these meltdowns is work, the next couple of months husband and I will have busy days at work so we may not be able to take the time off. That is fine, because that means vacation is sooner than we thought!

We picked a place that was not on my list at all.... JAMAICA! I have never been there and to tell you the truth when I read they had Jerk chicken and corn on their beach grill....ummm that sealed the deal for me hahah!

So my goals the next few weeks are much more serious, bikini type serious!

Weekly goals :)

* Tea and 1 slice of toast for BF.
* Fruits/yogurt for mid morning snack
* Only 1 small coffee a day
* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app" 1300 Cals a day
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 days a week basement work out: Ab Lounge and Gazelle 1 hour work outs
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!) :) Kicking this habit right on!
* 5 days a week Calli Cleansing Tea

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Cleaning Weekend

Yesterday was the first day of Spring! (It was a chilly gloomy day) BUT better days are ahead!

Ever since my meltdown last week I have been sticking to my schedule and found much more time for mee! Yesterday we were able to do Spring Cleaning in the house and have a whole afternoon out on the town, AND get some work (side business) in as well! :)
We went for a walk on lake shore. It was so nice.

Before we decided to move to suburbs we were actually considering moving to one of these condos. It is so nice down there. The energy you get from the people, the water, nature. It's unexplainable.

Ever since husband and I were younger we always believed in writing down goals and having a vision board. Even before we saw the movie the secret. We would drive around talking and expressing what we wanted for our future. Many many things we have achieved has been written on our vision board/Goals board in the past. Yesterday was one of those afternoons, driving around and talking about our new future goals. So last night we decided to buy a large cork board and re-write our goals and post matching pictures to express them.

Do you believe in Vision boards/Law of attraction?

And what's a day out without my fav food. SUSHI!!!!!
(however, my tummy was feeling off due to Friday nights outing, so I actually was not able to eat much yesterday, I guess that was a good thing... calorie wise ahah!)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is up with these emotions!

Can you say MELTDOWN! That is pretty much what I had last night. Work has been really stressful then I have a daily busy after work schedule that just caught up to me. (perfect kitty pic above to express this, (my mom's cat ahha)

So after work yesterday when I walked in the door and saw my kitties fur balls every where and the sink full of dishes and the laundry piled up and an inbox full of side business emails and the mail piled up... I started to feel a tad overwhelmed. I expressed this to my husband calmly of course (yelling loud and CLEAR) and he agreed that we will split the house work and that it's not a big deal etc. Fine... But I was not done. As we were working out and I was on the Gazelle, I was continuing releasing all that was upsetting me... I don't even know what I was mad about, I think I mentioned everything and everybody and really don't think I made much sense. THEN I lost it, I had a meltdown and CRIEDDDD like that sobbing cry and I was angry! Where on earth did this anger come from. I was tired and angry and stressed and crying!! So I just went straight to bed. Then again after work today, with no real reason to stress I broke down into tears again! What is up with these emotions!

I think the last 2 days taught my husband to just listen and not make it worse by adding his suggestions. I was not looking for a solution, I'm not sure what I needed... But I feel better now after my 2 overwhelming meltdowns and Mr husband hugging me and taking me to a late dinner to make me feel better.

Being a woman is just so fun! ha!

Monday, March 15, 2010

No more 30Day Shred

This weekend was fun, Saturday we helped my mom paint her house and Sunday husband and I went shopping in the afternoon. While we were out we treated ourselves to a Honeydew Bubble Tea and Chinese pineapple sweet bread. YUM! But not part of my diet plan of course hahha!

I decided not to incorporate the 30 day shred in my work outs any more. The jumping up and down made me feel sick more than once and it hurts the knees! It's a great work out and works well in toning. But I rather do my Gazelle and Ab lounge. :)

Today for lunch I had 12 whole grain crackers with Veggies. I'm really liking this combo and I buy all different types of veggie packages for variety.

This week, is week 2 of the Nuplus shake and Calli Tea cleanse. So far so good , and nuplus shakes are so easy to make, love that!

Weekly goals :)

* 5 Days a week Nuplus Shake for BF - 1 slice of toast for mid-morning snack.
* Only 1 medium coffee a day
* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app)
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 days a week basement work out/ or jogging. Weather is getting nice!
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!) :)
* 5 days a week Calli Cleansing Tea

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Helping Family

Today was a good day. Our family got together to help put a smile on my moms face by redecorating her living room and dining room. Lots of work but the finished product was soo nice!

Pics below!

Prep work

The living room was in this middle room and the room in the front was a bedroom. We decided to take down the french doors to open it up and make the front room a living room and the middle room a dining room. This was NEVER done in this house. We always had a house full of people and needed that extra bedroom. This was my grandfathers house and has been in the family for years!!! I'll say 50 years at least. My mom and sister now live there and all of us coming together to fix it up and change it up like it never has...felt great.

My sister and I doing midnight sanding last night to prep for today.

Today all of us painting away

When my grandfather was alive he loved having a couch in the kitchen. Since I was a kid, there was always, always a couch in this kitchen. BUT times have changed and as much as mom resisted and did not want to part....

Bye bye couch...

The finished product.

I didn't put pics of the dining room, my mom is ordering new furniture so I will wait for that.

I'm exhausted! But still up blogging ahah! Time to go cuddle with the husband with our new books that came in and it's relaxing time!

Happy weekend. :)

March 22.10** Added pics of Dining room :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Feeling Lighter

This week I have been doing really well with drinking my Nuplus shakes in the morning. I drink it for Breakfast then at 10am I have 1 slice of multi grain toast and at 12pm I have my lunch. I am actually finding it easier to eat smaller meals during the day, rather than larger meals.

One day this week I had veggies and multi grain crackers for lunch. I really liked it. So I will do this more times next week :) I buy the frozen veggie packages and they taste great. I'll buy them this weekend and post more about it then.

I have not lost any pounds but my clothes fit better and I feel lighter too. Works for me! :)

This is just a random picture but I bought this laptop thingy (not sure what it's called) But it's great for working on your laptop on your lap. I got it at Ikea for $5 very useful and I recommend it :)

Happy Friday!! I am really looking forward to the weekend. Me, My sister and Brother and our better half's are doing an extreme makeover on my moms dining room and living room. I love redecorating and I just know she is going to love what we do with it. I will take before and after pics! (I just hope my back pain goes away by then, I'm in lots of pain today :( no fun!)